Need help deciding on amp

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Dec 3, 2005
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Hey I'm new here,

I've been trying to figure out how to get a certain type of distortion sound for a while now. The best way I would describe it would be like a modern hard rock crunch/punch sound. I've provided audio samples below to help describe the sound I'm going for...

I know that each of the songs above are recorded with PRS custom 24 guitars. One with a Mesa Mark IV, one with a Mesa Triple Rectifier, and one with an H&K TriAmp. But the thing is that each of these amps push a 100 watts or more and thats way too loud for my home/small venue playing. So I was wondering if there is maybe a 50-watt or lower Mesa amp (perhaps a Nomad or Rect-o-verb?) that could give me a sound in this range.

I think my f50 could do that pretty well. You'll have to test drive one yourself to be sure.
Just a head's up. A 50 watt tube amp is not that much quieter than a 100 watter when you are trying to get your tubes saturated for tone. This has been discussed on this forum.

I have an F-50, as well, and it can get into the ball park of the sound you want, although, you might need a pedal to dial a specific tone that you like.

Go ahead and test a few amps to make sure. You might try looking at a Rectoverb, as well. If you're buying an amp to experiment with tone you might want to buy a used one. This way you can sell it pretty easily without having to take a big hit on price.
Are you wanting to stay combo? If so, try a Rectoverb with a "Hot Plate" or a Tremoverb combo dropped down to 50wts (by pulling tubes) with a Hot Plate or THD yellow jackets.

If you're wanting a head, the Dual or Single Rectifier or a Rectoverb with a Hot Plate or THD yellow Jackets.

You might have noticed, I'm a Recto fan :wink:
my nomad is a pretty good middle ground between mark and recto tone. while of course it won't do an "exact" recto tone or an "exact" mark tone, i can dial in settings either way and if i recorded it even the "average" boogie lover would'nt be able to tell. that being said 50 watts is still loud as hell. my nomad 45 does very well at keeping up with my other guitarist 100w sodano.
Rectoverb (or dual rec) has EXACTLY the sound you want...

tele_jas said:
Are you wanting to stay combo? If so, try a Rectoverb with a "Hot Plate" or a Tremoverb combo dropped down to 50wts (by pulling tubes) with a Hot Plate or THD yellow jackets.

If you're wanting a head, the Dual or Single Rectifier or a Rectoverb with a Hot Plate or THD yellow Jackets.

You might have noticed, I'm a Recto fan :wink:
That IS the recto tone. Probably very pushed on volume, and not hugely pre-amp dist... If it were me though, I'd go for an older 2 channel dual rectifier head. You can always kick it down, but still have a good clean when turned up.. Seriously, there isn't a whole lotta difference in volume, but there is a difference in the clean channel. My son does alot of small shows in NYC and often uses the clubs Marshall cabs. He doesn't need to bring the 4-12, just the head,guitar and effects. You could score a 1-12 recto cab for home, or for shows since you'll probably be mic'd anyway...
ax. :twisted:

Good luck.
Thanks for the replies...

I'll probably look into the Rect-O-Verb. I have one more question though, will I have to crank the volume, or in other words, get the tubes screamin' in order to get the soundin kickin' in that range?
Not at all, I routinely practise in the AM (as in 6:00AM) with the Recto combo and can get that big thick rhythm tone. JUst be careful with the Channel volume, too much flabs the sound..
PanicProne said:
Thanks for the replies...

I'll probably look into the Rect-O-Verb. I have one more question though, will I have to crank the volume, or in other words, get the tubes screamin' in order to get the soundin kickin' in that range?
Actually having another listen I bet the first sample is the Mark IV.

All the mark IV's I played sounded crappy but if this is the mark IV I would love to know what the settings are to get that type of tone.!!!!

I might just be converted. :shock:
The first sample was recorded with a Hughes & Kettner Triamp III. It sounds similiar to the Mark IV I believe. The second one was done with some sort of Rectifier. And the third one was done with a Mark IV.
Ohh one more thing...

Sorry if this topic is getting long, but would anyone recommend a closed or open-back cabinet for this kinda sound? Or maybe a 3/4 closed-back?
Hey PanicProne!

Just wanted to add one thing that I don't think anyone touched on.
I have a Mesa with dual power, 50w/100w. There IS NOT a huge difference in volume between the two. Remember volume is a lot different from wattage. 100 watts is not twice as loud as 50 watts. When I switch from 50w to 100w there is only a slight difference in volume and I do mean slight. So if you think 100w is too much, 50w is not gonna be any better. 100w gives you more clean head room. My amp (LSC) has seperate "master volume" controls for each channel and a main "output" control. With the output I can dial in pretty sweet sounds at very comfortable levels. (I play at home, small house) I also own an 8 ohm Hotplate which is back in its box and sits in the closet. Don't need it with this amp.

Just for an example a 10w amp has 1/2 the volume of 100w, a 5w amp has 1/2 the volume of a 50w amp. Remember we're talking "volume" (db's) not wattage. Less wattage will give you "tube saturation" at lower volume levels.

So, there's my 2 cents worth.

Good luck!
I agree the nomad may get both versions of the mark IV & recto. However, the nomad is very midrange heavy, and doesn't have the low end of either the mark or recto. You may want to get an oversized cab (2 x 12 or 4 x 12) to get those tones.

The F50 is a warmer sounding recto. It has the tone of the recto, but the violin sound of the mark IV. Kinda best of both worlds. It has a contour setting, which scoops the mids out, and you get a nice metal tone.

Agree with the 50 watter & 100 watt issue. There is no difference in volume. The only difference is the 100 watt will give you more headroom on the clean channel (won't break up quite as fast), and give you more low mid & low end punch. In fact, my F50 seems louder than my nomad 100. But the 100 watt gives the nomad much needed low end girth!

I think old guy hit it on the head, i was allways under that impression that the wattage would cut down half the sound, but when i play my JCM900 (its got 50 or 100what selection on the back) i noticed it's slightly quiter but no where naer half, its just easy to saturate the tubes at 50whats.

Be careful on comparing the F-50 to the ROV....We ROV owners don't like it when F series owner "claim" it sounds like the rectoverb :D

j37nm said:
The F50 is a warmer sounding recto. It has the tone of the recto, but the violin sound of the mark IV. Kinda best of both worlds. It has a contour setting, which scoops the mids out, and you get a nice metal tone.

All get to live for another day :D ....Actually the F-series has a great sound in its own right. The cleans are very defined and especially in the case of the F-30, the gain has a nice punch to it. The F-50 seems to be the amp of choice all around for the range of sounds it gets and for portability. I personally like the F-30 because of the gain channel.
My dream is that I'll wake up and the ROV will weigh 35 lbs, be 10 inches narrower and sound exactly the same... 8)

Brewski said:
Be careful on comparing the F-50 to the ROV....We ROV owners don't like it when F series owner "claim" it sounds like the rectoverb

Hey Razmeister!!! It wasn't me!!! :lol: