need advice from MARKVI or DR owners

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I have a Road King and a Mark IV. The Road King collects dust.
Keep in mind that most of these professional bands are using alot of other gear with there amps. An EQ for example will 'tighten' up a recto quite a bit.

Another vote for the Mark IV here though, just a brutal amp - can't really go wrong with it. All personal taste though.

Good luck!
Elpelotero when I checked
this clip I heard what you meant with the overly boomy bottom.I think its on the 3rd time he plays the PM riff...I hear this can also be removed with a EQ slider in the fx loop of the DR.But then Id have to ask to what extent this will eliminate the boomy bass part thats not needed.

"I have a Road King and a Mark IV. The Road King collects dust."
so pls tell me why you prefer the mark IV over the RK, cuz personally I think the Mark IV distortion sounds kind of sterile, lacks nuts and is just timid in comparison to the rectos ( puts flame suit on :!:)

edit :

Also forgot to say that I own a 212 B-52 celestion V30 loaded cab closed back.My guitar has an 85EMG in the bridge + I already have a Maxon OD9 pedal(dont own an EQ yet though).So do you think this chain will tighten up this recto sound I seek??
i have 2 rectos, a Rev G and a Rev D, although the pre -500 is tighter they both need an OD in front if you want that huge tight metal tone. One thing i can assure you, a DR with an od in front will be hard to beat for metal, it will give you that huge DR tone and the od will tighten it up and will also add attack. In my opinion you will never get such a tone from an amp without an OD in front and i have tried quite a few. If you want an exemple, any 2 channels DR with an OD will easily give you a tone like the one you can ear on my bands new songs at and i get exactly the same tone when playing live. PM me if you want my settings and equipment set up
danvortex said:
i have 2 rectos, a Rev G and a Rev D, although the pre -500 is tighter they both need an OD in front if you want that huge tight metal tone. One thing i can assure you, a DR with an od in front will be hard to beat for metal, it will give you that huge DR tone and the od will tighten it up and will also add attack. In my opinion you will never get such a tone from an amp without an OD in front and i have tried quite a few. If you want an exemple, any 2 channels DR with an OD will easily give you a tone like the one you can ear on my bands new songs at and i get exactly the same tone when playing live. PM me if you want my settings and equipment set up

Dude thanks for sharing your experiences with me......the link doesnt work though?Im dying to hear your tone...tnx

lol it works now .... it was the mean

Ok heard it and I think it is the best meanest tone Ive ever heard.This is really what Im looking for....How do you guys get along with 3 guitars? amazing though...Nice playing vocals, drums ,,,riffage ....awesome band!!!

So how do you achieve this wonderful tone friend?
One think I will say for the Mark IV, with an EQ in the loop such as an MXR 10 band you can pretty much dial in a very conmvincing recto tone but retain the Mark IV clarity. But yes, with an OD pedal the recto will be tighter. I say end your worries, find somewhere that sells both and try them both out, I'm everyone here will be willing to give you some nice sample settings to try :)
I am on the Mark IV vote. If you've been playing through a POD and you get a Mark IV, it will blow your mind. I've never plugged into another amp where I've had sooo much gratification... Modelling technology is good yes, but nothing is like that 3D feel and sound of the real thing. I've never played a Rectifier myself but I can't imagine needing more low end then what a Mark IV running through the traditional 4x12 can produce. The amp comes with the option to boost or cut 80HZ.... 80HZ! If cranking that with a heavily saturated lead channel isn't heavy enough, I don't know what to tell ya haha.

Can't say enough awesome things about it. Amazing amp! It's a different story for everyone but if you decide to go with it, it may take you a little bit to get used to especially if you've been playing through digital means. The controls can be daunting but I'm talking more about the feel of it. It does NOT cover up anything. It sticks like glue to your chops. I really think that you can get what you're looking for from this amp if you spend some time with it... you'll have no problem carving your own tone.
i sent you a pm with all the infos you need to achieve that tone. We are 3 guitar players but one is only an old member who can't play anymore because of an health problem.

i've never played a markIV but i'd love to. By the way, i don't really dig the DR for it's low end, i prefer a tighter sound, the OD in front and the bass knob set to 12 o'clock give me a pretty normal response in the low end, what i really like about the overdriven DR is its punch, presence and attack. It also got a mean crunchy distortion but not that much of that low end people seem to look for, i prefer to let some sonic space to our bass player...
For The bands you like try a 50 watt mesa single recto with el34's..sounds like death thought i nice big cab..

i like mk IV's.. there quite heavy when they want to be..
Ok so

lots of you guys are saying Mark IV 's can get real heavy

and I also got proof and settings now that a DR can get tight as a nuns a$$h@le (thank you danvortex and best of luck with your Kickass band!!!)

So now I think I need some proof or sound clip of a Mark IV sounding real heavy and then maybe Ill have a winner?

Anyone care to link me to some real heavy mark IV tone?

That's a Mark IV clip! Prob my favourite clip!
Chris thanks for the linkage ,,, very nice indeed!

Can the Mark IV come out sounding even more compressed than that?

Pls more links to the Mark IV BR00talzzz!!!
Too much Mark IV love around these parts...haha... :lol:

My vote goes to the Recto with a boost in front. The majority of the bands you cited use them or have used them in the past both live and on albums, and it's overall tonality is probably more in line with what you're looking for IMO.
ok from what I understand moest peeps here see the MarkIV as the safe way out because it can allround everything so well and it almost doesnt have flaws? or does it?

is the mark IV as difficult as the DR to dial in??

so can anyone point out some flaws pls(aything you can think off)?
savageshredder said:
ok from what I understand moest peeps here see the MarkIV as the safe way out because it can allround everything so well and it almost doesnt have flaws? or does it?

is the mark IV as difficult as the DR to dial in??

so can anyone point out some flaws pls(aything you can think off)?

Well, I think the Mark IV would be tremendously more difficult to dial in and fine tune than a Dual Recto. With a 2 channel Dual Recto, you simply stick a boost in front, put all the dials somewhere between 11-1 o'clock, do a little tweaking and you're finished. With the Mark IV, you have multiple more switches, knobs, options, etc...and it requires a lot more fine tuning.
You know I think that's what turned me off the recto. Everyone said, yep Knobs between 11 - 1 and then Tube screamer. I love the diversity in the Mark IV that the Recto just doesn't have IMO. As for the Mark IV being harder to dial in then I say anyone who doesn't agree is a tool :p
The Mark IV is a tweakers amp, but if you are willing to spend some good time getting YOUR TONE from it, then you will find what you want and more. That was my experience. Personally, I don't think you will go wrong with either amp from what you have heard here from everyone so far, but I suggest once again you play them both and give them a real good try.

Lamb of God use Mark IVs as well if you want to check for tone, Also Chevelle uses them too. I like Chevelle's tone better though, to much treble in LOG but you be the judge :)
savageshredder - you are definitely in a predicament and by that I mean, you don't have access to try these amps out and you have to buy them sight unseen on the bay. That in and of itself is wrought with peril. With that said, at least you are doing your research.

You have a 2x12 have a maxon OD9...are you prepared for how loud these amps are? I had a DR that would rattle decorative features and lighting fixtures in ceiling of an auditorium I have access to. Hard enough to think Jeez, I better turn this down so I don't dislodge something.

And man did it sound awesome! But you know what I found? It spoiled me for around the house where I do 90% of my playing. Had I been able to use half of the chest thumping saturation the DR has around the house, I'd still have it. I was not happy with the tone and the amp was used less and less.

I just want you to understand that these are expensive professional pieces of equipment designed for playing live music in varying venues sizes. If you don't have a place to turn it loose or if you are not a gigging musician; I don't care if it's a Splawn Quick Rod, Nitro, DR, Mark IV, Marshall JVM, Egnater, Bogner Uberschall, Diezel Vht4, Stilletto, 5150/6550, you might not get enjoy the amp as often as you would like.

Does this mean I'm telling you not to get it? F-No! Buy one! You'll learn a lot by having it. Including what you like and don't like about tube amps.

And for the .02 cents. Go with the Dual. For what your wanting I'd run EL34's and that OD cranked and it will be tight as a nuns you-know-what as you said. I was never a big fan of a 2x12 with a DR. It does have V30's which I prefer with just about any amp far.

Good luck
Mark IV sounds good even at bedroom volumes. Sorry Clutch.

Interesting point about the power etc. But I have to give it to Trem. The Mark IV can be dropped to 30watts in Tweed, Class A and Triode modes XD
More cream ge at lower volumes by pushing the tubes earlier! :p
I know I'm sounding a little biased here but I guess these are some pretty important factors too. Then there is the (Cabinet and Head or Combo Mark IV) So yeh, many options there :)