Need A New amp.. Which Mesa Boogie for me?

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Sealunar said:
So I'm looking for a new amp, and I need an amp that is about $1,500 - $2,000. I'm divided between the Road King (I know its around 3,000), Mark IV, and the Dual Rectifier. I don't know which one is for me. I really enjoy John Petrucci's tone on the newer albums, but do I really need a Road King for that? Thanks.
Get a DC-3 or 5 or 10. They are much simpler to dial in than a MkIV and IMHO they nail the signature Mesa Boogie sound & feel. Plus you will get it for waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay less than $1500-$2000.
The Caddie
Can I give a specific example to you guys to show you exactly what I want.
Can the Mark IV get the exact sound of the little run Petrucci does at about 23:02 in Octavarium. Thats what I am concered as far as lead tone goes. Most clips I see have no bottom end in it.
ACTUALLY somebody said he used a mark iv on scenes from a memory. If he recorded the Spirit Carries On solo with it, I'm definitely set on this amp.
ToneAddictJon said:
You also might think about getting a 1x12 or 2x12 Basson cab instead of a Mesa cab, they sound incredible.


I have a 2x12 Basson with my roadster and they sound incredible together... also adding a g-flex 2x12 soon for a little variety

As for which head.... for an all around Petrucci tone go for the Roadster.... little less features than the RK but you can nail just about any of his tone... better clean than the Mark IV IMO opinion, but the Mark IV shines when it comes to leads.... Mark IV would do the trick too but if you also want the recto tones go with the roadster
Yes, the past few DT albums were Road King amps, which have the Dual Recto guts, but on the new CD, Systematic Chaos, John went back to his Mark IV amps. But he also switched guitars on this record, and his new F1 models are mahogony bodies instead of basswood like his JP6 guitars, so it could just be that he prefered the tone of the new guitars through the Mark IV.

We're behind schedule publishing our June edition, but by Wednesday or Thursday at the latest, we will be publishing some incredible new interviews with John Petrucci and Mike Portnoy about the new CD and a lot of other cool info. You'll see them on the homepage, replacing the Marillion feature story that's currently there.

Ok, since I last said the Dual Recto will get you those tones (which it will), I bought a Mark IV yesterday morning and played it at a show that afternoon. Let's just say the DR is now sitting. The Mark IV does almost everything the Recto does but better, but you won't get that supremely aggressive chunk the Recto gives. You might want to check your local craigslist and see if there are any used ones and go try them out. I put a WTB Mark IV add on my craigslist and found a better than new one for a good price (early B version in perfect condition with a case and a bunch of other goodies and no wait).
Woohoo, another Rec to Mark convert... Someday the rest will understand.
I hope not, because then this beautiful treasure will become like JCM800's and everyone will own one!!! I absolutely loved the look on the metal bands faces when I plugged in my mark IV and 2x12 yesterday, they were in shock at how such a small head and cab sounded bigger than their full stacks!!! HAHAHA
Definately get a Mark IV. Don't even think about the Rectifier series. Petrucci's tone is 90% based on Mark leads. Rectifiers were just something he used to complement it

I still can't understand why he dropped it for the past few albums... endorsement contract maybe? But everyone knows he hasn't used a rectifier even once on Systematic Chaos. And I think his tone is at its best now, especially with the new BFR guitar.

Must be the 10-top and quilted maple :?

You can't get ny good tones out of it, and when you have found a reasonable tone, the settings will change during transport due to the very bad building quality. The tone isn't tight, crunchy and aggressive and lacks mids in every possible way.

Dump it now and get yourself a recto!

PS: I will take your Marks for $50 incl shipping to compensate for your trouble.
Aart said:

You can't get ny good tones out of it, and when you have found a reasonable tone, the settings will change during transport due to the very bad building quality. The tone isn't tight, crunchy and aggressive and lacks mids in every possible way.

Dump it now and get yourself a recto!

PS: I will take your Marks for $50 incl shipping to compensate for your trouble.

You must be kidding? Either that or you've never spent more than five minutes with the Mark IV
Be careful about buying something just cuz this guy or that guy uses one (ie. MkIV).
In many ways the IV is not worth the hype, you need to try this amp out before buying and be sure it is the basic tone you are looking for and can build on. Whether the recto is what you need either, you need to answer this yourself. You can narrow down the options surfing on the forums but you must audition these amps and spend some serious quality time with them or you will possibly make a very costy error.
I'd say Oyster has a good point but the Mark IV rocks!!!!!!!!
Let me ask a question: how does the tone from a MarkIV differ from a recto? Can recto-like tones be dialed into a Mark? I'm very mixed on the sound from my recto, I go back and forth all the time on it. Local Guitar Center never carries a Mark in stock, so testing one isn't an easy endeavor. I may go test a Stiletto, which I know is a different beast altogether, but I'm also curious about the Mark. I assume it's another high gain amp.
Platypus said:
I cannot stress enough to you that you shouldn't buy an amp based on one person's tone.. make sure it fits for you :)

I agree... there are tones that I love from other people.. but I can't see using their equipment...

I could never be happy with a Marshall sound... and some of my favorite players are strictly Marshall...

Tone is in the fingers.. thank god I have a Triple to push that tone out...
Jak0lantern01 said:
Let me ask a question: how does the tone from a MarkIV differ from a recto? Can recto-like tones be dialed into a Mark? I'm very mixed on the sound from my recto, I go back and forth all the time on it. Local Guitar Center never carries a Mark in stock, so testing one isn't an easy endeavor. I may go test a Stiletto, which I know is a different beast altogether, but I'm also curious about the Mark. I assume it's another high gain amp.

You can get recto-like tones out of the Mark IV, but they are both voiced very differently. The recto crushes the Mark IV in high gain, metal rhythm, but the Mark IV has THE lead tone. I own both and when rhythm is the priority the DR gets to shine, and when Lead is the priority the Mark IV takes it's place. If I could have only one it would be the Mark III blue stripe simul with eq that I sold, because it was right in between them (more aggressive than the IV but smoother than the DR), but I get have the best of both worlds 8)
Mesa pisses me off in that they do not seem capable of building an amp with crushing rhyth mand singing lead tones. That is the number one reason I will probably not buy a Mesa. :( .....and end up with something that does a little of both like the H&K Triamp.

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