NCD - How do I repair tolex

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Buster Leggs

Well-known member
Apr 14, 2013
Reaction score
Just got a steal (I think ) on this 2 X 12 cab. It has a vintage 30 up top and an MC 90 on the bottom. My plan was to use an MC 90 up top and an EVM12L on the bottom but I might just swap the two and see how it sounds with an MC90 on top and the vintage 30 on the bottom. I paid $140 for it , that seemed like a really good price for it. It has some scuffs on it and needs a good cleaning. Also it needs to be re glued in a couple of spots . What I need help with is what is the best way to repair tolex. It has 2 bad spots worn through to the wood (photo included) and I would like to repair if someone knows how to repair these spots I would appreciate if you could share that info with me. Also what is the best cleaner to use on tolex. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.



imho the tolex is in realy bad shape, maybe you need to do some retolex operation, can be a little expensive but the result is way much better then put some band aid on it.

if you do that you can check the state of the wood in all the cab and see if there's something hiding under the skin.

my 2 cents

TheHypnotoad said:
imho the tolex is in realy bad shape, maybe you need to do some retolex operation, can be a little expensive but the result is way much better then put some band aid on it.
Thanks for the reply, the photo doesn't really do the tolex justice, it looks worse in photo. Basically it needs a good cleaning and some kind of patching in 2 places in the front. I looked online and the only method to fix worn to the wood areas was a black sharpie. There must be a way to get a better repair than that, some kind of product to fill the area. If someone could help me out with a suggestion on what product I could use to patch those spots and some kind of cleaner to use it would be greatly appreciated. I want to do what I can to avoid the expense of a retolex job. Someone must have run across a simular situation in the past. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.
You can try a leather and vinyl repair kit from I never tried it on tolex but I have a kit I used on a tear on my motorcycle seat.It comes with various color "liquid",more like a thick paste and a flat heat tool and different texture patterned papers to match the texture of the vinyl,or in your case tolex.You just spread the paste on the repair area,choose the textured paper and heat the paste thru the paper for 10 or 15 seconds and its done.should do a decent job on the cab,wont be perfect,but close.
Thanks stokes for the reply. I was thinking somewhat along the same lines I saw a few similar products online but never tried any of them for any type of repair. If that stuff worked for a motorcycle seat that flexes it should work for an area that has no movement at all. I'll post before and after photos once I get in done.
You got a very good deal on that cab! Congrats!

Most any general household cleaner will do.
Heck you could use "Windex on everything" like the father character does in the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding".

As for the repair:
-Get a small piece of new tolex,
-tape it over the area you want to repair,
-cut through the new and old tolex with a utility knife (use a straight edge).
(Cutting through both at the same time will make the new piece the "exact" same shape as the old you are cutting out.
-After cutting remove the new and old tolex.
-Do a dry test fit to see how the new piece of tolex fits.
Should be a good match if you've done a good cut.

-Now Tape around the bare spot on the cab using painters tape leaving the bare spot exposed.
Put the tape right to the edge of the tolex on the cab leaving only the bare spot exposed.
-Get some contact cement and paint it onto the bare spot. Do a 2nd coat after the first sets up
-Do the same 2 coats onto the new piece of tolex.
-Once they are set remove the tape and apply the new piece of tolex onto the cab.
Be careful to line it up just right because once the contact cement touches it's not coming off - meaning you can't "re-position" it. You get only one shot at it!
Do one edge then "roll" the piece of tolex into place.
-Press it down firmly with a roller or piece of wood. You can use your fingers if it's small but that's not always the best result.
-If there is any excess contact cement at the tolex seams or on the tolex you can wipe it off/ clean it with a cloth and lacquer thinner.

You could also use the 3M Super 90 spray adhesive.
But it's tough to work with/ apply a spray adhesive in small areas.
stokes said:
Even better idea from gts,he is the cab master.
I was hoping GTS would chime in. I saw someone use this method online and the results were mediocre but his repair was somewhat hurried and had he been a little more precise I think the patch would have turned out better. So thats the method I'm going with I'll just take my time. I'm hoping I have enough spare tolex when I take the bottom enclosure board off.

I tried glass cleaner, it works good except for the vertical marks on the back at the bottom. So I guess those are rub marks probably not much I can do about that except retolex the back panel unless someone has run across that and has an idea. They're not that noticeable anyway just wanted to make it look as good as I possibly can. Anyway I'll post before and after picks once I'm done. Thanks everybody for the help.
Buster Leggs said:
I'm hoping I have enough spare tolex when I take the bottom enclosure board off.

If you need some small pieces of tolex let me know (send an email PM's don't seem to be working on the Board) I have plenty laying around.
Too small to do a back panel etc but plenty big for the patch jobs you are looking to try.

Buster Leggs said:
....I tried glass cleaner, it works good except for the vertical marks on the back at the bottom. So I guess those are rub marks probably not much I can do about that except retolex the back.....

Yeah probably light scratches or deep rub marks damaging the tolex. Not much you can do about those....

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