NAMM 2008 - Any rumors or exspectations?

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I don't own one at the moment but I've been considering picking one up. Same goes for a better camera.
I'm into this trip for over a grand already. The guitarist part of me says "Screw the bread. Balls to the wall." The husband, father, grandfather part keeps reminding me of "other responsibilities". I may see if I can borrow my sister's camcorder.
My main goal is to see as much and learn as much as I can in three days time. I'm not so much into meeting the players as I am into meeting the designers and builders. I love finding out why things are like they are and where they might be headed.
Anyway. I'm looking forward to it.

I went to the NAMM show in January this year . Its so off the charts . You will definately see lots of rock stars about . I saw Paul Stanley, Neal Schon, Warren Haynes, Rick Springfield, Pete Anderson,Mark Tremonti, Johnny Hiland . Met Randall Smith, Tom Anderson .The thing is so huge it boggles the mind .
visualrocker69 said:
I was talking to Nick_cor about this earlier...

What would be cool would be a sort of limited run IIC+ reissue but with a few updates. Two independent channels...quote]

One thing I noticed is that Mesa usually doesn't look back. Right, Wrong or Indifferent. They did release the Mark 1 ReIssue but I've heard Zilch about it and like the Mark IV (Which it's official. I'm still trying to sit down with!) I haven't seen one in all my travels. I Don't hang out in the Vintage forums so not sure.

Someone in this thread mentioned the RKIII with LS cleans and pre500 gain. I don't see that as realistic as I've never got Mesa to acknowledge any 2 channels being superior in tone.

We'll see though as someone else said, tomorrow is the day.
clutch71 said:
One thing I noticed is that Mesa usually doesn't look back. Right, Wrong or Indifferent. They did release the Mark 1 ReIssue but I've heard Zilch about it and like the Mark IV (Which it's official. I'm still trying to sit down with!) I haven't seen one in all my travels.

So what are you even trying to say? You just disproved your point all by yourself by stating that they reissued the Mark 1... lol :lol:

clutch71 said:
Someone in this thread mentioned the RKIII with LS cleans and pre500 gain. I don't see that as realistic as I've never got Mesa to acknowledge any 2 channels being superior in tone.

Yeahhhh, riiiight. Trust Mesa on that one, 'cause obviously they have all the incentive to tell you the truth.

Come onnn, man. They got amps to sell. How would they benefit from taking interest from their current line and boosting the used market? If they acknowledged their old model's superiority, it would be economic suicide from a business perspective.

If you ask Mesa about the IIC+ hype, they'll say, "Yes, that was historically a very well-received amp. We successfully replicated its tone with the Triaxis using its Lead 2 yellow mode."

The 2nd statement couldn't be further from the truth, but it's their job as good businessmen to make you think that's how it really is.
Sorry about that. I was trying to say that unlike other amp companies who have several reissues, Mesa only has the one, The Mark 1. Which I have not heard, seen, or played. In one year in looking for a Mark IV, I have not been able to sit down and play one and have only seen 1 in person. The Mark IV is the most elusive head i've ever encountered. Every GC I've been in From Cleveland to Amarillo has not had one. New or used.

When folks on this board talk about the Mark V, I kind of chuckle in thinking, who's going to get to play one before they have to order one?

Alcohol and typing sometimes don't mix.
I agree Clutch. I called every Mesa dealer within 150 miles of me, and none had a Mark IV new or used. I'm happy with the Stiletto anyway though.
Okay.... Major Rant comming on!!!!!

Information is a wonderful thing and I think what has happened is we have forgotten what it was like before the internet. Back in the 70's when the Mark I's were being made...and on into the 80's with the MK II's...III.s and even the IV's in the early 90's the only way you even knew these existed was if you happened to live near a music store that sold them. You'd see an ad in Guitar Player Magazine (which was the ONLY guitar magazine then)... I remember going into a store in 1983/84 and they had about 10 different MKII combos (probably all C+'s). Different custom wood cabinets with wicker cane grilles. LOL You guys would wet yourselves if you walked in there now! The amps sold for about $1500+ at the time. The one I wanted was about $2000+ but I had to pay the $200 for a used amp as it was almost unheard of to pay that much for an amp even as a professional where I lived. These were THE boutique amps back then! To put this in perspective my Mom bought her Pontiac Trans Am a few years before this and paid $7000. Okay are you getting it now? It would be like walking into a music store and seeing about 10 to 12 Dumbles lined up for sale! I guess I don't have to tell you that the Music store went out of business.

We are so spoiled now it's unbelievable. Before the internet it was almost impossible to know about available mods for your amp.... Hot Rodded JCM800??? What is that? Unless you lived in a major center that had someone who did these mods you'd never know about them.... plus the mods were all different. As a professional player we had to play what we knew best and what the local music stores stocked. Fenders or Marshalls period. If you were on a lower budget you'd get a Traynor, Music Man, Legend or something like that. Nothing had enough gain unless you put a Tube Screamer on it or cranked it and buried it with blankets. You would never know what your favorite band was using for gear or pedals because they rarely disclosed these things in Guitar Player and there was no other information outlet. You played what the local store sold. That is how Marshall & Boogie started! By modifying fender circuits! The internet has opened the door to information on equipment that has enabled the average Joe to learn by others experience what used to be almost impossible to flat out impossible to ever know. We know who is using what... they tell us what they use and why they like it... we know who can do the best mods and we can even buy the gear over the net now. 15 years ago we were in the dark ages when it came to this knowledge. If I could jump in time warp and go back to a stage and start playing with the band I was with they would die listening to the sound I get now as compared to what I had then. We play with what we had... Check out Van Halen's interview on You Tube.... How he did whatever he could think of to get that sound... His sound was revolutionary and for years no one could duplicate it... Randy Rhoads had serious chops back then but his sound compared to Eddy's was a joke.

The Mk series were a boutique amp that took the Fender sound...gave it massive gain but with bottom end that the Fenders didn't have. The cleans weren't as good as a Fender but the high gain was there and they could compete with the Marshalls and still be stage volume. But the price limited their use in Western Canada.

The MKIIC+ is legendary but there is a hype factor there as well. Just as there is with old Marshalls and Fenders.

Most of those sounds are attainable with the current line of Mesa Boogies.

The MKIV although a very versatile amp has lost a lot of ground since it's inception in my opinion. It has been replaced with better replications of those vintage sounds...

Lonestar is better at Fender cleans
Stiletto & Rectifier are better at crunch
Recto has better chunk
And I'm going to get flack for this but here I go....
dare I say... the Stiletto II's have a better lead channel...

Yes you have to get more amps to attain these advantages but I think there is not a sound that the MKIV is the best at anymore. They are a flat/lifeless amp that make new strings on your guitar sound old. Time to retire the Mark series.

A new Mesa 4 channel amp should have the Lone Star Cleans.... Recto Chunk... the Stiletto crunch & Lead (4 channel amp to die for that would leave the MKIV running in fear.) LOL

Okay... that ought to get some blood boiling and stir up some good conversation :)

Please note that these comments are only the opinion of the writer and in no way reflect anyone else's opinion! LOL
srf399 said:
Okay... that ought to get some blood boiling and stir up some good conversation :)

So that... was your intent? :roll:

srf399 said:
Please note that these comments are only the opinion of the writer and in no way reflect anyone else's opinion! LOL

I think your last sentence should've gone first, man. After the historical rant, you evaluate amps and their relative tones with such a condescending perspective!

The Lonestar is better at Fender cleans? Stiletto & Rectifier are better at crunch? Stiletto II's have a better lead channel???????????

Think about what you're saying, man! I know some of these might be widely accepted viewpoints (particularly the superior Lonstar cleans), but... goddamn are you objectifying something so purely subjective or what?!?!?!

I mean, even with the Lonestar, one could argue that they're purely two different flavours of clean. I know someone who has both amps and finds different applications for both of their clean tones!

What you said about the Stiletto having a better lead channel is unacceptable. The Stiletto, being a Marshall-esque amp, is ENTIRELY a different matter from the Mark IV, which is still essentially Fender-based. Why would you even BOTHER comparing them in terms of which has the better lead tone? Come on, surely you know this is pointless. It's completelly a matter of personal preference.

Conversely (and this is in no way directed towards srf399), I'm sick and tired of you narrow minded Mark IV lovers babbling like pre-teen NSYNC fangirls about how superior to everything your amp's lead tone is (and especially how it blows Marshall leads away). Here's the truth: no it fucking is NOT.

Just because your amp has a different flavour of lead doesn't mean that it's superior to everything else. Furthermore, don't be so delusional to think that your amp has the only smooth and tight lead tone in the world. There are plenty others that have just as much creamy goodness and clarity of tone. :wink:

Here's a great example of a great lead tone which (*gasp*) doesn't come from a Mark IV.

Custom Audio Electeronics OD-100 SE+

Played by Rob Marcello. You might know him as "that guy who replaced Andy Timmons in Danger Danger."
dodger916 said:
Indeed!!! With all due respect, at this point we're more interested in facts than another opinion! Are you at the show??

With all due respect, I suggest that make a NAMM NEWS ONLY thread then. There's a discussion going on here and seeing as how it's a public forum and all, it's a bit rude of you to push us aside like that.

At any rate, this thread "NAMM 2008 - Any rumors or exspectations?" is now obselete. Let's make a NAMM news thread and move on with that topic there, ok?

srf399 said:
....Lot's of words..

The Mark IV crunch compared to the recto crunch is a matter of taste imo, not one being better than the other. Mark's are tighter and don't have the lowmid honk that recto's have. And the high's are crunchy and less saturated than the recto's. I like both, but what you say isn't true. You state it as a fact, while it's a matter of taste.
1x12 5:25 combo!

Fathom 600 bass amp - tube preamp, solid state driver (as opposed to mpulse stuff which is tube pre and driver), 5way switch for semi-parametric mids, about a grand for the head

$150 STR450s.

that's all :p
phyrexia said:
1x12 5:25 combo!

Fathom 600 bass amp - tube preamp, solid state driver (as opposed to mpulse stuff which is tube pre and driver), 5way switch for semi-parametric mids, about a grand for the head

$150 STR450s.

that's all :p

Is that all?
KDS said:
I think what you did is called hijacking a thread. I want to know about NAMM news too.

1) This is NOT a NAMM news thread. How many times do I have to say that?

2) Hijacking is taking a thread to a completely irrelavent place. For example, in the middle of an amp discussion saying, "So who's everyone gonna vote for in November" or "How about them Cowboys" or whatever. What we did was not hijacking because it was a conversation which evolved NATURALLY out of NAMM speculation and its subsequent discussion of Mesa's progressive philosophies, etc.

3) It's morally presumptuous of you to condemn the collective actions of two or more people on a public forum. In other words, **** off.

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