Danimal and KH,
Comparing both units is like how loud and audible John Petrucci demonstrates his Mark V compared to his song Animate Inanimate at 7:44. It's dark and sounds far away.
Believe it or not, the TriAxis plugged into the Stiletto sounded more natural than the basic Tri/2:90 rig. My clean tone (factory preset 5, 15, 25, 35 and so on, with more mids, 4.0 instead of 3.0) was less crystal sounding and more balanced, but still thin, while Lead 2 Yellow sounded bassier and seemed to distort more. My mids on the TriAxis are pretty high (7.0) and that didn't sound good but it's just a matter of lowering to 5 or 6. Switching between silicon diodes and tube retification didn't change much.
I used to play through a Lead 1 Red patch with Dynamic Voice at 6.0, it was insane, but at the same time it was fizzy and thin around certain frequencies. I couldn't get rid of the fizziness even after lowering the DV feature to zero, just like preset 1, 21, 41... The Stiletto on Fluid Drive with gain at noon smokes it. My TriAxis also has the non phat TX4 board, it's almost # 3900. It's not just a matter of gain, but the Stiletto is incredibly immediate. Sometimes it feels like it responds before you actually hit a note.
But don't trust me yet. Read this first:
Edit: unlike the very last reply there, I can't afford to keep it "in z closet", so it has to go.
I'm editing this post for the second time because I've found a perfect way to compare both amps! One is like a high output ceramic pickup. The other is a medium output alnico pickup. :mrgreen:
Listen to this at the exact time:
That's a TriAxis on LD2 Yellow. It feels like someone is pulling you backwards and you're doing an extra effort to stay where you are while you're playing. Can you feel that effort to sound immediate while the notes are being dragged down?
I had to install an Evo 2 in my Ibanez JC for that reason. It has a mahogany body, the Tone Zone in the bridge was just too much. My RG920 (basswood body) is a lot more balanced and now it's my main guitar.