mystidream said:
Thanks for all the info, Jack. You really know a ton about these things. I've got one quick question though. I'm having a bit of a problem with the amp it seems. I went out today to my local GC and picked up all new preamp tubes and re-tubed the head. When I turn the amp on, I usually let it warm up for 1-2 minutes then I flip the standby switch. I'm getting this loud hum that can be heard through the speakers of my 4x12 as well as in the chassis of the amp and the gain on both of the overdrive channels is just not there. The two dirty channels sound like a clean channel with a tiny, tiny bit of dirt thrown in. I called Mesa about it and was told that its probably a bad pre amp tube and I was told to take one that I know was good and go through the preamp tubes one by one to rule out the bad tube. To make a long story short, I did that and none of the tubes are bad. So now I'm not sure what the hum is. Its super frustrating and I'd like to get the amp working like it should be.
Does anyone know what this could possibly be from? I'm not sure why I'm getting all this hum, and I've tried new preamp (and power tubes as well) but I'm at a loss as to what it could be. Thanks guys.
I dunno, man..I'm still gonna have to say it's a tube issue. Just because a tube is brand new doesn't mean it's a good tube. I just ordered 3 12AX7 preamp tubes and received them the other day....1 of them was bad. When I blew a 6L6
power tube on my old Rec, I had the same EXACT issue in which you are describing. I'd give everything a run over again ( and maybe even a few times more) just to know for a FACT that the amp is having other issues, and not tube related.