My wife just said the three worst words to someone with GAS!

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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2005
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Springfield/Mt.Vernon, MO
"I don't care".

Let me edit this, it makes me sound like a kid asking his mom for permission to spend the night at a friends house.... I'll just leave it at the "I don't care" part. :wink:

2nd edit: She meant I could get the new amp if I wanted too.
Well, I don't have to ask my wife....... But if it's a big purchase (like a new expensive amp) I do it out of respect, and to make sure it isn't going to interfere with something silly like a house payment or a car payment. I wouldn't want her going out and spending $700 of our hard earned cash or running up our credit card on new clothes she doesn't really need, but just wants because they're new. Plus, I have to live with her for the next 50 years and I'd like to keep things running as smoothe as I can. :wink:

Heck, she's understanding enough to accept me being out 2 to 3 nights a week playing music (on top of working 45+ hours a week) and not helping out at home as much as I could if I was at home, so the least I could do is give her the respect in being involved in a major purchase. She doesn't have to understand it, and usually doesn't, but it makes life easier to talk it over with her.

There's probably a few married guys here that understand what I'm talking about, or am I just whipped? (especially if you're not made out of money).
I am not married and I know exactly what you mean.You're just doing the nice thing 8)
Oh and I didn't exactly understand what you meant, you mean she said she didn't care if you buy something?If so rock on! :D
Oh and I didn't exactly understand what you meant, you mean she said she didn't care if you buy something?If so rock on!

She doesn't care if I get a new amp!!! So, I'm going to the music store today to see what it takes to order one and how long the wait is on the new RK series II? :D
I make all the money in my house, and I still run it past my wife when I buy a $500 DC amp on Ebay. I like my nookie supply to be happy.

Does that mean that she doesn't care if you get the amp, or doesn't care if you want the amp?

I also have 3 even more worse words to hear when you have serious GAS: "Honey, I'm pregnant!"

Those 3 words will kill a man's buying power in seconds. :eek:
Does that mean that she doesn't care if you get the amp, or doesn't care if you want the amp?

I jokingly, but being serious, asked her if I could get the "new and improved" upgrade to my amp, and I explained to her it would cost about $700-$800 on top of trading in my amp (or selling it). Her response was "I don't care, but that will be your birthday present if you get it". :D

+1 on the nookie supply :wink:
I would take the loss and have voodoo mod your amp instead of getting a new ROK. Provided they can, im almost positive they would make your amps sound much better then the new RK 2 series. But if your into having something original and got money to burn the so be it. Hopefully they wont come out with series 3 until your next bday! :)
Hey tele-jas! Gee, ya had me going for a minute! I thought those three worst words were, "No $%^*#! Way!" :lol:

Well, when she wants that $1000 wardrobe, ya better go easy! HAHAHAHA!

Good Luck!
I just got back from my local Boogie Dealer and they called Boogie while I was there to find out on the availabiltiy of the series II RK's and they told him the scheduled date for final release is June 1st, but may be sooner if thing keep progressing like they have been and said it may be as soon as the middle of May :cry: :( . Looks like I'll be playing the waiting game and saving my $$$ until then.

I may go ahead and see if my store will put on on order for me so I can get it sooner.
tele_jas said:
I wouldn't want her going out and spending $700 of our hard earned cash or running up our credit card on new clothes she doesn't really need, but just wants because they're new.
Umm, and you want this amp - why?
I would be afraid the next time you say "I Love You", she does'nt say" I Don't Care"! :shock:
jbird said:
Umm, and you want this amp - why?
I would be afraid the next time you say "I Love You", she does'nt say" I Don't Care"! :shock:

or worse !
You come home late for work and whats for dinner? .... I DON"T CARE ! =)
Let me re-phrase some of these as to what I meant to say:

I wouldn't want her going out and spending $700 of our hard earned cash or running up our credit card on new clothes she doesn't really need, but just wants because they're new.
Without talking to me first, same with the amp.... I talked it over with her first. :wink:

I would be afraid the next time you say "I Love You", she does'nt say" I Don't Care"!

She meant "I don't care" in a positive way, like saying "Yes, thats fine with me"....... She didn't mean it in a negative way or a non-caring way or not as in "I don't give a ratts ***" way. And I would never take her for granted and I tell her that all the time, I'm lucky to have someone as great as her as my wife.
TJ, being married myself - and wanting to stay that way! - I understand exactly what you did and why. Now, for those who may not have a spouse, if TJ had gone and spent the money and then told his wife, the reaction would have been very different. A marriage is not a place where you do something and then ask forgiveness later.

Why put the realtionship into a defense mode for a guitar amp when you don't have to.

Congrats on gettnig the runway to make the purchase. I do love the clean and the reverb on my LSC and would like to hear how they transport to the RK. At least knowing it is June before rev 1 of RK2, my GAS attack is diffused.
My wife and I each have our own mad money accounts and we can spend that money however we want. But the problem is our "allowances" are pretty small, so it takes me a while to have enough to do much with...esp. for a new guitar or amp. So I often end up taking out a "loan" from the family coffers for new gear...for example the used Les Paul Studio I just got a couple weeks ago. The down side of that is I just spent my budget for the whole year! But I love the guitar, so it's cool!

Anyway, congrats!
SabuJSE said:
Pre-purchase congrats, Tele :D

Well, not yet..... My store wants the complete $2699+ tax before they order it for me :( , that means I have to sell my amp and then come up with the rest by Monday to get in on the April ship date, don't think it's gonna happen. I may try the 12 month no finance charges promo they have going on and see what I have to do to get it. But right now, it's looking like I may have to wait since my Boogie is my main amp. I have the Deluxe and Tonelab SE that can get me by, but it's no Boogie. I may have to do that if I really want the series II bad enough. Or I can wait it out and look for a used one in about a year??
Tele_jas...Brother, I'm with wife has the same attitude about me getting gear..."I don't care"....which means, she does care, but she trusts my judgement. I too, ask mainly out of respect for my wife, but her answer is usually some variation of "you work hard for your money, too". I know I'm one of those lucky guys that has a wife who is cool about me buying gear...she also loves to come out and hear our band....I have resisted the GAS for the far....but, we'll see.....

Well, I don't have to ask my wife....... But if it's a big purchase (like a new expensive amp) I do it out of respect, and to make sure it isn't going to interfere with something silly like a house payment or a car payment.

Absolutely. I just bought an ESP Custom today! I called my wife and said, "Honey, I just want to let you know that I will be buying a guitar today". I "informed" her, not asked. You certainly do it out of respect. She's very good to me. For instance, I said this exact same phrase in December. She said, "Well, could you wait until we get our Christmas bills paid off in January?". I said, "Okay, good point. I'll wait." See, marriage isn't so bad.