My new Mark IV

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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2006
Reaction score
Mobile, AL
This amp has to go, anyone in the market? Playing it makes me realize that I am not near good enough of a guitar player to use this amp. I feel very discouraged. And this sucks because until I got I felt I was a very competent player with 12 years of diligent playing. Man! Maybe its the weather, but this sucks!!
What is it exactly that's not working out for you? maybe we can help?

I just bought mine yesterday and yes it took me about two hours to get myself comfortable using it before i went straight to playing but so far it's excellent! :D
Its a B version. I honestly couldn't say either way what it is. It might be that it is capable of so much more than what I can do, or may be that it is still new. I got it Wednesday afternoon and have since played about 8 hours or so. I have it dialed and tweeked in pretty well on each channel, but I listen to some people's clips on the Boogie Board here, and I get a bit discouraged at my apparent lack of ability to make this amp and guitar sing.
Rabies, you might be right about the Stiletto, seems like I had a pretty easy time playing through it.
I don'k know what else it could be.
Bluesman, don't give up yet, trust me.

The first time I demoed the MarkIV I didn't think it was anything special at ALL, you can prob find my thread about how I was confused.. then I played it again with settings from here and also after reading the owner's manual on how the EQ interacts.. wow, blew me away.

While it's one of those amps that shows your mistakes a lot more than hiding behind a wall of gain, that should be a motivator, NOT a demotivator.

There are lots of factors here.. what sort of guitar are you using? Settings on your amp?

And if you do end up selling it, which I advise you to at least wait two weeks on because you'll regret it otherwise (been there, done that), shoot me a PM, I might be interested in a B head eventually if the A I just got doesn't pan out.
It's more than likely just the weather. What type of tones are you trying to acheive? The MkIV can cover much ground in the variety of tones. But, if you are not careful, all those knobs and switches can make your tone fall into a black hole in which it can't return. I always am more "in the groove" when I think the amps tone is smokin' hot. It's a mental thing for sure. If the MkIV is dialed in for super tight rhythm tracking, it is very un-forgiving of any flubs of the fingerboard, especially using EV speakers. I would suggest trying some of the sample settings in the manual before you give up entirely. I love the Tweed feature, just wish my old MkI had it. My best advice for newbie MkIV owners: Read the users manual front to back before you plug the first cord into that amp :eek:
Yeah, I am a little bummed but, won't be selling it anytime soon. Not ready to give up just yet. Thanks for all the positive feedback.

Platypus, you got first dibs:)

Joey B. I am moving to Mobile in June, where are you at?
Bluesman, it's all part of the hunt for tone :)

I can't tell you how many times I wanted to just throw my dual rectifier across the room when I would get out of the 'groove' of having good tone as another user put it. It's very much a mental thing so I agree with him on that as well. Take a break, re-read the manual, don't be afraid to try settings that don't make 'sense,' etc and in no time you'll be posting about how you'll never sell your MarkIV :D
Stick with it, it'll get better, took me 10 years.........but it'll get better.

And when you go back to "lesser" amps you'll be a demon!!!

It just makes you appreciate how good the pros and some of the guys on here (Antoine anyone??) really are.

Don't sell it, your playing will adapt before you know it.
Bluesman said:
This amp has to go, anyone in the market? Playing it makes me realize that I am not near good enough of a guitar player to use this amp. I feel very discouraged. And this sucks because until I got I felt I was a very competent player with 12 years of diligent playing. Man! Maybe its the weather, but this sucks!!

Sell it to me!!!! the mark IV has to likes owner. Don't be offended.
Bluesman said:
I have it dialed and tweeked in pretty well on each channel, but I listen to some people's clips on the Boogie Board here, and I get a bit discouraged at my apparent lack of ability to make this amp and guitar sing.
Hang in there this is not a plug and play amp it takes time to get a feel. This amp is capable of so much IMHO it can be used for any style of music and still come out on top.
Did you buy it used? You may want to change out the tubes also. If you give it time this amp will not just be a tool to shape your sound and increase your volume, it will become an extension of your playing.
And when you do run across clips you like, you might want to drop an email to that person and see what power configuration they are using. (Maybe you are just not comfortable with the present tube configuration in the amp).
There is allot in the power section alone which makes a huge difference in the tone (and even more with the feel)

In the power section of the Mark IV you can run the following.

Class A or simul-class with (4) 6L6 power tubes
Class A or simul-class with (4) 5881 power tubes

Class A or simul-class with (2) 6L6 power tubes & (2) EL34’s
When running class A with this setup just the EL34’s are engaged.
When running simul-class the mixture of the 6L6’s & EL34’s is sweet this is my current configuration
All the above can be run with pentode or triode
Or the last is to run (4) 6V6’s
This setup can only be run with tweed power and simul-class
All the above are available right out of the box no mod’s needed

Then there are the yellow jackets, which are basically adapters for EL84’s
“Yellow Jackets® Converters are a type of specialized adapters which permit the use of EL84/6BQ5 power tubes in place of 6V6, 6L6, EL34, and 7591 types.”
Thank you for everyone with the positive feedback and constructive criticism. I am definitely keeping this son of a *****, because tonight, I do believe this amps tone has found me, as some of you have put it.
I actually feel quite silly for ever posting this thread.
Can I take it back?
Commenting on your original post, it is definitely the weather!
The cold weather works hell on the fingers :x . I hate practicing cold!
Finally realized you have one of the best amps in the world.

Some may not beleive this, but an amp can make a player. After dealing with Marshall's and boost pedals in my gigging days I always lacked the true essence of an amp with the ability to produce it's own over drive and a larger pallete of tones. Sure I knew about the C+ and the SLO 100, but with an $ 8.25 and hour job they were far away. Once you get an amp that allows to integrate your hands and guitar into an unknown level of fluidity you can transcend yourself. You just have to let it happen. With 24 years under my belt, I really did not get it until I just let all the industry hype and preconceptions go and decided to be myself. From my choice of gear to my approach, I just looked for the tone I wanted in my head and followed it. My alternate picking did not really reveal my flaws until I bought the SLO 100. From there it was steady concentration on cleaning up my act. Most players just do not realize what they already have and utilize it. From relaxing your left hand, right hand and tuning and amp you can start to feel immense joy when you find your way. It's not easy and the journey may never end, but there has to be a time when you have to let go of the search for the ultimate tone and collaborate with what you have as a person and a player. Your boundaries are walls you can choose to break. You posess and poweful tool to help you in the MK IV. Just let it come to you. If it does not, in your mind, then you will spend endless amount of time, effort and money chasing your tail. The MI industry thrives on these people.

Good Luck to you.

A special thanks to Chevy Chase for telling us all to " Be the Ball".
Boogiebabies makes a fine point. Let the amp work its magic for you. The best tone for you is the one that inspires you to play your best. Do not get caught in the trap of trying to sound "just like" someone else. There are so many factors that make that task nearly impossible. When I read something like "I want that Hendrix- Voodoo Chile(Slight Return) sound through my 1x12 combo at bedroom volume level", I know that that person is heading down the road to frustration. Do your best to avoid this and find YOUR best sound. 8)
Bluesman said:
This amp has to go, anyone in the market? Playing it makes me realize that I am not near good enough of a guitar player to use this amp. I feel very discouraged. And this sucks because until I got I felt I was a very competent player with 12 years of diligent playing. Man! Maybe its the weather, but this sucks!!
Hey Bluesman don't give when I got my Mark III I was feeling the same way and now I am in heaven, work on it this thing deserve it and you would be in heaven too :wink:
[/quote]Hey Bluesman don't give when I got my Mark III I was feeling the same way and now I am in heaven, work on it this thing deserve it and you would be in heaven too :wink:[/quote]

Man I hear you!!!! Once I got past the mind F@#% of the buttons and switches, I really began to find the nature of this amp! I can honestly say that I absolutely love it!!! I can go from twangy blues to classic rock to shredding metal in a simple switch of the channels. I can't believe it! I should have got one of these the first time!!
Hey Bluesman don't give when I got my Mark III I was feeling the same way and now I am in heaven, work on it this thing deserve it and you would be in heaven too :wink:[/quote]

Man I hear you!!!! Once I got past the mind F@#% of the buttons and switches, I really began to find the nature of this amp! I can honestly say that I absolutely love it!!! I can go from twangy blues to classic rock to shredding metal in a simple switch of the channels. I can't believe it! I should have got one of these the first time!![/quote]

There we go! I just figured out how to get a good tone with the studio pre, but im still selling it in hopes to fund a new mark IV!! Heh

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