My new EV arrived...

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Well-known member
May 10, 2005
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Birmingham, AL
and it's in the queue of stuff to do in one hour when I get off work. Brand new reissue speaker, 8 ohm, 200 watts. They don't feel as heavy as the old ones but I'll be able to verify that soon, when I get two originals in the mail. Maybe the frame is different? That's what I'm assuming. Should sound great in the III.

Just had to share that little nugget.
Have EVM 12L's been re-issued??????????? Keep us posted as to their efficacy -and let us know if they're any good!!! What do they cost new?
treelifeUK said:
Have EVM 12L's been re-issued??????????? Keep us posted as to their efficacy -and let us know if they're any good!!! What do they cost new?

Yup, they reissued them as the EVM 12L Classic:

It retails for around $300, though, I believe... :shock:
Thanks steveholix - I've managed over the last year to obtain 2 EVM 12L's, one in a Mesa 3/4 cab and another unloaded for which I had a cab made, £60 ($120, approx). Interested to hear about the new ones - if they can match the unforgiving nature of the originals!!!
Hi guys. I put the speaker in my amp tonight.

Now first off, I didn't solder the connections - I used the spring loaded whatchamacallit. This speaker's going in a Thiele when it gets here, and I'll solder it then, but for now I want to be able to yank it out. So maybe I don't have the same bass signal as if I soldered it.

Compared to the black shadow that came out, the EV has a much much tighter low end. In a similar manner, there are a lot of upper frequencies I've never heard the Mark make before. Overall the amp sounds clearer. My Les Paul is in pieces, so I'm stuck with the strat. It's not as full-sounding a guitar as the Paul so I am looking forward to trying that fat slab of mahogany with this new speaker.

The clean sounds made by the 12L are amazing. I am very happy with it in this regard. I'm still trying to find a balance with my EQ to keep the rhythm channels sparkly without making the lead channel harsh. I've got some beam blockers on the way though, and this should help.

I'm pretty happy but it does sound a lot different. The strat can be a lot more piercing than my Gibson, so consider this the first half of the review.

Yes, the EVM-12L is available (again) as the EVM-12L Classic. It's a 200-watt version, unlike the Black Label version (which is a 300w version). It retails at $300, the street price is $229.

What do you mean by unforgiving, treelife?
Also, I'm not sure if I'll be able to deal with two of these bastards. I may put something different in the combo once I get the Thiele. Now I'm not even at home some I'm just thinking back on it. I really...think I'll be quiet now. ;)
I have one in my Mark IV combo cabinet and one in my Thiele and they sound great together. The open back of combo lets it breathe a little bit and makes for a complementary tone to the Thiele. I just took my chassis out and put it back in the head cab though. That was one hell of a heavy little 1x12 combo. I think I would rather make more trips moving things around at this point in life.
For real. I luggged a compact IV with an EV for a while and it was a major pain in the ***. My amp is not quite as heavy as that one, but close. I am still thinking about trying one of those neo vintage 30s that celestion makes, for the combo. a darker speaker might complement this razor 12L.
By "unforgiving", I mean it replicates exactly what you play.. All the mistakes, missed strings, pick noise, bum notes, everything. You (one has to) really have to clean up your (one's) playing. A Celestion is more warm and forgiving, just like heavy distortion settings cover, "a multitude of sins!" Although at bedroom level a soft, warm speaker sounds great - on a STAGE it literally doesn't, "cut it!" You can't hear them in the mix of drums, keys, other guitars, etc.. You CAN hear EVM 12L's - unforgiving!
More than unforgiving I find the EVM to be an honest speaker. A good tube amp will itself show everything you are putting into it performance-wise. An honest speaker will faithfully reproduce what is being put into it tonally. By this, I mean it won't color your sound but it will show the characteristics of your gear. Basically, there is no Celestion or other typical flavor added to it. Some call this sterile. I call it honest.
As eveyone here knows, the EVM12L is a great speaker.

Also, keep in mind that your new EVM12L will most likely be a little "stiff" (extra tight & ice-picky,) until it gets broken-in. It should smooth out some over time.

Hey, that Zzsounds page is cheaper than MAP on these things. Buy them at that price before they lose the dealership ;)

I kind of want to try one of these
in the combo and keep the EV in the Thiele.
I've never had the pleasure of using one of these but I always read glowing reviews of it.

If I have a 2x12 horizontal recto cab and I'm looking to switch from V30's, should I do both or just one? Will I miss anything from the V30? I'm just looking for something different... I have 3 amps w/ vintage 30s :roll:
I would switch them both. I my mark III has an EV and I had a thiele with a V30, and I really didn't like the sound of them both together.
An EV sharing the same air space in a cab with a V30 doesn't please everybody's ears. At least not mine. I had a C90 in the Top on my halfback w/EV in the bottom and put in another EV on top after the first show with it. A lot of folks like the combination but they work best in seperate cabs or at least a cab with a partition insided. My problem was that amp settings that made the EV sound good didn't do so for the celestion and setting the amp for the celestion did not compliment the EV's capabilities.