My First Mesa! DC-5...But need Help/Suggestions Please

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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2008
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So I just bought my first mesa...its a DC-5A Head and im running it into a mesa recitifier 2x12 cabinet. I love the clean channel...I got it to sound just like a BF fender.

However, im having a few issues with the lead channel. The amp came with some GT power tubes and also electro harmonix 12ax7's for preamp tubes. I don't think there is anything wrong with the tubes, but the distortion is awfully buzzy for my taste. I heard a lot about the smooth mesa gain...but it seems as buzzy as the time I plugged a boss MT-2 into my fender.

Could this be the preamp tubes? If I want as smooth distortion as possible what are some good tubes to sub in?

Also, I just bought the eventide timefactor. I am new to this parallel loop stuff...I tried putting it in the front of the amp but it had some noise even when bypassed..

What is the best way to use the eventide with this amp? Should I have killdry on and which bypass mode is best?

Thanks in advance!
First of all, welcome to the board, bathroom's on the right.

Everybody's taste is different, of course, but I really liked the "Mesa kit" Dougstubes has. Tell him you have a DC-5 with six preamp tubes and he will send the correct set. You should just retube any used amp you buy, anyway.

Check out this thread for some other mods, etc...

If you have a "killdry" option you should turn it on.
Hi and Welcome! Parallel loops can be strange beasts with both positive and negative benefits. It's much easier to figure out settings on series loops because the effects processor is directly inline with the signal. On my DC-5 I run the Time Factor with dry/kill on and about 50% wet. My loop mix is also set at about 50%. I'm still learning about the settings but so far that works pretty well. The Time Factor has so many options it's going to take some time to learn all of the settings. On my Lonestar it's easy as it's a series loop.
thanks for the welcoming.

Yeah, right now i basically have the parallel set at 50%, and then make presets with the timefactor based on that.

Have you tried it in front of your amp? It seems to add a bunch of this just my setup?

I still haven't figured out the timefactor at all...though i did manage to get a very cool tape echo sound.
I tried it straight in and it seems fine noise wise but I run all my modulation effects through the loop. Seems to work better for me.
hmm i wonder if its because i put it beside my 69 fuzz....that thing is fussy
it doesnt make any noise in the loop...but even alone it makes a little hiss when in front of the amp...

is there something wrong with it? or just how it reacts to the amp..
Time-based effects (chorus, flange, delay, reverb) belong in the loop. Distortions, overdrives, fuzzes, wahs, and other gain-based effects generally sound better (and quiet-er) in front of the amp.
:D :D :D I keep telling Mesa that they should re-issue the DC-5.

The only down side is that, as more of us find out about them, the more the price goes up! :lol:

I use mine with the Loop turned to 100% and then set the "Mix" level in my G-Major. It seems to really like these settings. Although, at 1st I had problems with the levels on the G-Major. The guys here got me all sorted out though.

I just ordered a full set of Doug's Tubes, we'll see what it does for my amp, but even with crap tubes in it, it is incredible.

Congrats & welcome!
well the clean is certainly the best that ive tried from mesa...though I can't seem to get any good lead sounds out of it.
You're going to want to replace the E-H's. They do have a tendancy to sound like a bee hive.

I have JJ high gains in mine right now, but I just ordered a set from Doug's Tubes. They should be here sometime next week. I will be sure to post my results.
i found some mesa 12ax7's lying gonna try them but I don't know how much they have left.

Anybody know what tubes they actually are?
Most of the Mesa tubes that I have seen have been Sovteks. Not great sounding, but stable and they last a long time.

My LSS had Mesa Chinese tubes in it. I'm not to familiar with Chinese tubes, but the really sounded good in that amp.
Incase I misread your post, your DC-5 goes like this:

V1 - closest to Input Jack - 1st gain stages for both channels. This should be a very good tube, since any noise introduced here will be amplified by the rest of the gain stages. I would leave this one alone for now, changing it will change the Clean channel tone as well.

V2 - 2nd & 3rd Gain stages for Lead channel

V3- Last Gain stage for Lead channel and Effects Loop Return Gain stage.

V4 - 2nd & 3rd Gain stages for Clean channel

V5 - Reverb Gain stages

V6 - Closest to the Power Switch - Phase Inverter

Basically, V1, V2, & V3 will affect your Lead channel. I would try one of them in V2, and then V3, and try V1 last. This may be the tube position that gets you the tone you want, but again, it will change the Clean channel too.
thanks for all your help guys, especially the last post...very informative.

I changed out all the EHX tubes and put in mesa ecc83 and a tung sol in the V1. Clean still sounds great, and the lead channel is a little less buzzy.

Though the lead channel is still very dark...not exactly the voicing I was looking for. How does the mark I or II compare to this?