My Faith in Mesa Boogie is quickly dissolving,.advice please

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Long and McQuade often puts their used amps into rental rotation. When they are in rental rotation, they get abused. I would not lose faith in mesa, I would avoid buying any used amps from L&M unless they are under warranty that can be transferred.
pokerrules47 said:
Long and McQuade often puts their used amps into rental rotation. When they are in rental rotation, they get abused. I would not lose faith in mesa, I would avoid buying any used amps from L&M unless they are under warranty that can be transferred.

Understood, however in the these instances, they have not been rented. I inquired as to their history and they didnt make the rental circuit. Just went out on the floor. I spend my lunch hours down there a lot, and was eyin up the new arrivals.

I always buy the extended warranty with anything Ive ever purchased there. They've been really good to me as well. Thing is, I need that monthly payment plan to keep current. I would love to buy a rig straight out, but I just afford that kind of coin. They're pretty cool about this whole amp thing.
I don't have a specific suggestion, but a couple observations. I live in Petaluma, home of Mesa, and have played their amps exclusively for 27 years. I have owned perhaps a dozen different Mesas of virtually every era and series, both new and used. I have NEVER had n operational problem with any amp. I had a Road King footpedal controller freak out on me during an outdoor gig at 104 degrees but it reset when it cooled down.

You had a the same/similar problem of some kind happen 3 times in succession. Coincidence? The odds of it being a coincidence are pretty low. The odds of all three amps (of different eras, series, etc...) having such similar problems at roughly the same time also is pretty low. It sounds like they are all amp heads. So, the more likely problem is in something common to all three situations. It sounds like you have ruled out the speakers and the cable. What about the solder connection of the speaker input jack to speakers (or the wiring)? What else is common to all three situations? I think if you start dissecting your signal chain, power, circumstances of each exact moment of failure, you might find some potential contributors, as it is more likely that a common element is causing a repeating problem rather than 3 separate items all suffering the same fate coincidentally.

That said, it must be incredibly frustrating. Good luck!
babow2 said:
The odds of all three amps (of different eras, series, etc...) having such similar problems at roughly the same time also is pretty low.......

So, the more likely problem is in something common to all three situations.........

What else is common to all three situations? it is more likely that a common element is causing a repeating problem rather than 3 separate items all suffering the same fate coincidentally.

I could not have put it better myself!

This is just waaaaaayyyy tooooooooo suspicious for me to believe it is a problem with Mesa's gear.

All amps were used?
All amps were from the same store?
All amps failed the same way, same problem?

With all due repsect to the store, it's time to step outside the L&M sandbox and start turning to other sources for explanations. I would go straight to the horses mouth and call tech support at Mesa. This is such a unique and extraordinary case regarding Mesa amps that I would bet folding money they would love to hear about it in much more detail.

I bet you will be totally caught off guard when you finally learn what the real cause of the problem is. Please keep us posted........and I hope the result is one that causes you to stick with Mesa amps.
Roger that! And I really hope you get your Nomad fixed, because after you learn how to set it up (takes a while) that thing is a beast! Good clean sounds too. Reliability is a little minus. Mainly pots and reverb unit (which is undersized to start with). I suspect something with the speaker cab hook up is the culprit. Do you have a good, new speaker cable (not a guitar cable but a real speaker cable). Five months ago I started playing again after a 20 year hiatus, and something had happened to many of my various types of cables in storage. I got more weird sounds than room to describe them! All fixed with new cables, of the appropriate type for their use.
aye gentlemen. All suggestions noted.

The speaker cable from amp to cab is brand new. Planet waves. I bought three of them. One for my Mesa, one for my Peavey bass head and one for extra just in case.
All patch cords from pedal to amp are brand new, as are from guitar to pedal.
The cab was tested today and is fine. All speakers are working.

Also, the third instance, The Single Rectifier, happened outside of my jam space. The new Planet Waves speaker cable was being used in this instance as well.

However, how can a speaker cable be part of a channel fizzin out?

I will indeed drop a line to Mesa tech support. I do believe they were contacted in regard to the Nomad's channel fizzling out.

I will also check back with the techs at L&M to find out what was up with the previous amps as well so Ill have all of that info when I get in contact with Mesa techies. In all instance, Channel 2 went kaput. The Nomad 100 and DC-5 went down in the same spot, the Single Rectifier went down in a live venue.

Im off in an hour to dial in the Dual Rectifier for the gig tomorrow night. Wish me luck! lol

For those new to this thread.
Ive gone through three Mesas in the span of a month.
In all cases, Channel 2 went kaput. A sizzle sound with no Gain and weak clean was the reward.

The first to go was the Nomad 100 in my jam space.
The second, was my previously owned DC-5 (never had a problem with it previous to this) in my jam space.
The third was a Single Rectifier at a live venue.

All amps were used with brand new Planet Waves speaker cables.
In all cases I was running an Epiphone Elitist Les Paul through a tuner pedal, and a flanger. Did some experimentation with a compression/Sustain as well as a parametric EQ.
All cables from pedal to amp are brand new Yorkville straight into the input jack.
The effects loop was never used
All cables from guitar to pedals are brand new Planet Waves.

Out of all of them ,the DC-5 was used most. I traded it in for the Nomad 100 to upgrade.

The cab was brought in today to be tested, and it tested out fine. It's a Mesa 4x12 slant.

and that's about it so far!
Just out of curiousity, is there any commonality in how many minutes/how much time you were playing before they all went out. I don't have a clue why that would be a factor, but I am just trying to think of anything.

When you say channel 2 fizzes out, on the Nomad and DC, those are 3 channels, right? The single rec is only two. On the 3 channel heads, does the lead channel still work right, when ch. 2 fizzes and the clean channel goes weak? On the Rec did the other channel work still?

It seems to me that if you are getting one channel working right then it isn't the main power section/output section and it isn't the speaker. If something were damaging the output section, you wouldn't get any normal sounds from any channel, logically. Or is it that you are playing in the 2nd channel when the amp dies and you hear the problem there, but then nothing works right after that?

What it sounds like is that the output transformer or the rectifier is going kaput, which would affect all sounds from all channels. But, if one channel works and sounds right, then the problem is with the preamp section. Kinda, sorta. I don't profess to be the techno guru, just trying to logic it.

Good luck with the Dual Rec.
Let me get this straight,

You have own the dc-5 for awhile and used and loved it. No problems.

You bought the nomad from that store, it had problems,

then they loaned you back your DC-5 and it had problems?

then they loaned you a Single Recto and it problems?

So your DC-5 was working fine before they got their hands on it right? and after they had it and loaned it back to you, it crapped out.

It's like a scientific experiment. There are constants and variables. The different models of amps are variables, the different places you have played them are variables, you've made sure you are using proper cables, you've checked your speaker cab.

So far the only constants have been that each of those amps were in that store and that they are all mesa. You can make two choices 1. blame mesa or 2. blame the store. You have had your DC-5 for a while and it was working fine until they got it. To me this rules out Mesa as the blame and puts the blame on the store.
Turumbar82 said:
Let me get this straight,

You have own the dc-5 for awhile and used and loved it. No problems.

Correct Sir!

You bought the nomad from that store, it had problems,


then they loaned you back your DC-5 and it had problems?

Correct. However, The DC-5 was not rented out, nor loaned out to anyone in that short period of time. It simply sat on the floor. Now it may have been played,,me not sure. But I did check the history on it in that span of 1 week and 1/2 when I had the Nomad 100

then they loaned you a Single Recto and it problems?

Correct. This happened at a live show away from my jam space.

So your DC-5 was working fine before they got their hands on it right? and after they had it and loaned it back to you, it crapped out.

They didn't 'do anything to it' though.

It's like a scientific experiment. There are constants and variables. The different models of amps are variables, the different places you have played them are variables, you've made sure you are using proper cables, you've checked your speaker cab.

Yes and yes.

So far the only constants have been that each of those amps were in that store and that they are all mesa. You can make two choices 1. blame mesa or 2. blame the store. You have had your DC-5 for a while and it was working fine until they got it. To me this rules out Mesa as the blame and puts the blame on the store.

L&M didn't 'do' anything to the amp though. The store and it's staff have been most helpful during this whole 'ordeal' and have been very accommodating in each and every case.
babow2 said:
Just out of curiousity, is there any commonality in how many minutes/how much time you were playing before they all went out. I don't have a clue why that would be a factor, but I am just trying to think of anything.

The Nomad 100 I had for about a week and 1/2. Jammed with it about 3 times. Id say that's about 6 to 9 hours?
The DC-s , when I got it back, was only a day when it went fazizzle! Not even an hour!
The Single Rectifier lasted the longest at about 2 weeks, and I really loved the simplicity of it over all of them. ( I just cant afford the bloody thing!) This one clocked the most time easily.

When you say channel 2 fizzes out, on the Nomad and DC, those are 3 channels, right?
Yep. It was Channel 2

The single rec is only two. On the 3 channel heads, does the lead channel still work right, when ch. 2 fizzes and the clean channel goes weak?
On the Rec did the other channel work still?
yes, the clean channel worked fine in all cases!

It seems to me that if you are getting one channel working right then it isn't the main power section/output section and it isn't the speaker. If something were damaging the output section, you wouldn't get any normal sounds from any channel, logically. Or is it that you are playing in the 2nd channel when the amp dies and you hear the problem there, but then nothing works right after that?
Correct. Everything is taking place when Channel 2 is engaged. In this band it's all I use. I never got to use the clean channel Only when I come in and practice myself. The Clean Channel still works fine,'s just Channel 2 that dies in each and every case.

What it sounds like is that the output transformer or the rectifier is going kaput, which would affect all sounds from all channels. But, if one channel works and sounds right, then the problem is with the preamp section. Kinda, sorta. I don't profess to be the techno guru, just trying to logic it.
**** knows brutha,..I'm just rollin with it as it comes. I am no techie whatsoever. I have been asking advice all over the map about this however. Figured this was the best place to come,,a few people recommended the Boogie Board for troubleshooting. And well, here I am!

Good luck with the Dual Rec.
Thanks man! I came in last night and dialed in my settings. Once again, great tone that I absolutely love. I have no issue with Mega Boogie tone,,it's exactly what I'm after.
Sheesh! Sh!t happens, fer chrissakes. There's two or three people on this forum received hinky Mark Vs straight off the assembly line. Sh!t happens. The only totally reliable machinery is a piece of rope. But keep it away from the scissors. :lol:
Uh, one other constant in this equation is the operator. (Sorry).
well it could be since these amps were all floor models that some kid could have come in and screwed them up or one of the workers could have been playing with it.

I really doubt they just took the DC-5 and never turned it on to give it a run through to make sure everything worked.

I know you said they have been very nice and helpful but I disagree. A store that keeps loaning you amps that are breaking down is not being helpful even if they are nice about it. It will be interesting to see if this Dual Recto works out for you since it is the most expensive of the three all the amps you have had from the store. If this Dual works fine then it could just be a fluke that you had 3 bad amps.

Have they talked about the idea of selling you the Dual if it works out instead of fixing the nomad for you?
Turumbar82 said:
well it could be since these amps were all floor models that some kid could have come in and screwed them up or one of the workers could have been playing with it.

Yeah really, one never knows mate.

I really doubt they just took the DC-5 and never turned it on to give it a run through to make sure everything worked.

My good buddy Ranjit took my word for it. It was working absolutely fine the day I brought it in. I even took all of the knobs off and cleaned each one with a q-tip, cleaned every nook and cranny on the amp and cab I could, and hell, even armour all'd it to get a shine on the vinyl! I saw him put the sticker on it and put it on the floor.

I know you said they have been very nice and helpful but I disagree. A store that keeps loaning you amps that are breaking down is not being helpful even if they are nice about it. It will be interesting to see if this Dual Recto works out for you since it is the most expensive of the three all the amps you have had from the store. If this Dual works fine then it could just be a fluke that you had 3 bad amps.

I hope so. But please keep in mind, the Nomad will be coming back to me soon. It had to be sent away for it's problems. Should be back any day now. That was my original purchase.

Have they talked about the idea of selling you the Dual if it works out instead of fixing the nomad for you?
Mate, I couldnt afford the Dual even if I tried. It's far too pricey for my liking. Im on the payment plan remember. Out of all of them I liked the Single Rectifiet the best. Just two channels,,easy to operate and use..that's what I want. The Nomad was priced at $950 and that fit into the budget just fine. I really dont need a third channel whatsoever. But to answer your question, no, not once was it ever discussed about selling me the Dual. If I had the coin, I think I'd probably go for the Single anyway.
MrMarkIII said:
Sheesh! Sh!t happens, fer chrissakes. There's two or three people on this forum received hinky Mark Vs straight off the assembly line. Sh!t happens. The only totally reliable machinery is a piece of rope. But keep it away from the scissors. :lol:
Uh, one other constant in this equation is the operator. (Sorry).

Nothing is for certain in this world that's for sure. Especially when it comes to electronics. And yes, on that piece of rope! Unless it's old and ready to snap of course! And yes, the other constant is indeed myself..Ive done my best to list my settings and retrace my steps every step of the way. Ive always treated my amps with care and load them myself when we gig, and set them down carefully, and just love them as I would a child. I've asked a lot of people if I have indeed been ******* anything up on my end, but it would seem I am in the clear. However, If this IS my fault, I sure as hell do not know what I am doing wrogn to begin with, but I am not opposed to learning from my mistakes either. If I am doing something wrong, I want to find out what it is so I can fix it immediately.
Elorps said:
Turumbar82 said:
well it could be since these amps were all floor models that some kid could have come in and screwed them up or one of the workers could have been playing with it.

Yeah really, one never knows mate.

I really doubt they just took the DC-5 and never turned it on to give it a run through to make sure everything worked.

My good buddy Ranjit took my word for it. It was working absolutely fine the day I brought it in. I even took all of the knobs off and cleaned each one with a q-tip, cleaned every nook and cranny on the amp and cab I could, and hell, even armour all'd it to get a shine on the vinyl! I saw him put the sticker on it and put it on the floor.

I know you said they have been very nice and helpful but I disagree. A store that keeps loaning you amps that are breaking down is not being helpful even if they are nice about it. It will be interesting to see if this Dual Recto works out for you since it is the most expensive of the three all the amps you have had from the store. If this Dual works fine then it could just be a fluke that you had 3 bad amps.

I hope so. But please keep in mind, the Nomad will be coming back to me soon. It had to be sent away for it's problems. Should be back any day now. That was my original purchase.

Have they talked about the idea of selling you the Dual if it works out instead of fixing the nomad for you?
Mate, I couldnt afford the Dual even if I tried. It's far too pricey for my liking. Im on the payment plan remember. Out of all of them I liked the Single Rectifiet the best. Just two channels,,easy to operate and use..that's what I want. The Nomad was priced at $950 and that fit into the budget just fine. I really dont need a third channel whatsoever. But to answer your question, no, not once was it ever discussed about selling me the Dual. If I had the coin, I think I'd probably go for the Single anyway.

cool. I would be suspicious if they talked about selling you the dual instead.

Hopefully you'll get your nomad back soon and it will be fixed and not give you any problems. mate.
Turumbar82 said:
Elorps said:
Turumbar82 said:
well it could be since these amps were all floor models that some kid could have come in and screwed them up or one of the workers could have been playing with it.

Yeah really, one never knows mate.

I really doubt they just took the DC-5 and never turned it on to give it a run through to make sure everything worked.

My good buddy Ranjit took my word for it. It was working absolutely fine the day I brought it in. I even took all of the knobs off and cleaned each one with a q-tip, cleaned every nook and cranny on the amp and cab I could, and hell, even armour all'd it to get a shine on the vinyl! I saw him put the sticker on it and put it on the floor.

I know you said they have been very nice and helpful but I disagree. A store that keeps loaning you amps that are breaking down is not being helpful even if they are nice about it. It will be interesting to see if this Dual Recto works out for you since it is the most expensive of the three all the amps you have had from the store. If this Dual works fine then it could just be a fluke that you had 3 bad amps.

I hope so. But please keep in mind, the Nomad will be coming back to me soon. It had to be sent away for it's problems. Should be back any day now. That was my original purchase.

Have they talked about the idea of selling you the Dual if it works out instead of fixing the nomad for you?
Mate, I couldnt afford the Dual even if I tried. It's far too pricey for my liking. Im on the payment plan remember. Out of all of them I liked the Single Rectifiet the best. Just two channels,,easy to operate and use..that's what I want. The Nomad was priced at $950 and that fit into the budget just fine. I really dont need a third channel whatsoever. But to answer your question, no, not once was it ever discussed about selling me the Dual. If I had the coin, I think I'd probably go for the Single anyway.

cool. I would be suspicious if they talked about selling you the dual instead.

Hopefully you'll get your nomad back soon and it will be fixed and not give you any problems. mate.

Most definitely! They aren't on commission there thankfully. If they were, I wouldn't be hanging out there as much as I do. They've helped me with making music SO much over the years, it would really disappoint me to learn they had ulterior motive.
The Nomad is on it's way back however,..and when I head down today, Im going to try and get a complete list of all of the tech fices on the amps and see if I can trace it back to anything here at the jam space or anything I may be doing wrong.
Elorps said:
MrMarkIII said:
Sheesh! Sh!t happens, fer chrissakes. There's two or three people on this forum received hinky Mark Vs straight off the assembly line. Sh!t happens. The only totally reliable machinery is a piece of rope. But keep it away from the scissors. :lol:
Uh, one other constant in this equation is the operator. (Sorry).

Nothing is for certain in this world that's for sure. Especially when it comes to electronics. And yes, on that piece of rope! Unless it's old and ready to snap of course! And yes, the other constant is indeed myself..Ive done my best to list my settings and retrace my steps every step of the way. Ive always treated my amps with care and load them myself when we gig, and set them down carefully, and just love them as I would a child. I've asked a lot of people if I have indeed been f%&# anything up on my end, but it would seem I am in the clear. However, If this IS my fault, I sure as hell do not know what I am doing wrogn to begin with, but I am not opposed to learning from my mistakes either. If I am doing something wrong, I want to find out what it is so I can fix it immediately.
Naw, I'll bet it's just your turn in the barrel. It could be worse - you could have been a drummer! :lol:
MrMarkIII said:
Elorps said:
MrMarkIII said:
Sheesh! Sh!t happens, fer chrissakes. There's two or three people on this forum received hinky Mark Vs straight off the assembly line. Sh!t happens. The only totally reliable machinery is a piece of rope. But keep it away from the scissors. :lol:
Uh, one other constant in this equation is the operator. (Sorry).

Nothing is for certain in this world that's for sure. Especially when it comes to electronics. And yes, on that piece of rope! Unless it's old and ready to snap of course! And yes, the other constant is indeed myself..Ive done my best to list my settings and retrace my steps every step of the way. Ive always treated my amps with care and load them myself when we gig, and set them down carefully, and just love them as I would a child. I've asked a lot of people if I have indeed been f%&# anything up on my end, but it would seem I am in the clear. However, If this IS my fault, I sure as hell do not know what I am doing wrogn to begin with, but I am not opposed to learning from my mistakes either. If I am doing something wrong, I want to find out what it is so I can fix it immediately.
Naw, I'll bet it's just your turn in the barrel. It could be worse - you could have been a drummer! :lol:

Funny thing,,In our other band, we do the 'switch up' where everyone places everything sooner or later. Gotta love Power Trios man,... Ive had the same drum kit now for over 6 years,..besides the kick pedal,,it's been faithful as they come.
Took in Cables, had em all checked just in case. (of COURSE I'm paranoid!)

The Single Rectifier had bad screen resistors that had to be replaced.

The DC-5 had an old worn out Potentiometer on the Treble (still not sure how that caused channel 2 to suddenly no techie either though)

The Nomad 100 is still in the shop and is being looked at very soon.

So all of the cables I am using are fine, and the cab is fine (thank **** for that at least)
That has to be the worst case of luck I have seen in a while.

That is alos very odd about what the tech said about not liking boogies.

I have two tech's I take my stuff to for servicing depending on who's backlog is shorter.

The first one, unprompted by me, made the comment that boogies where the best made amps he see's, and he said that he gets a lot of the boutique stuff as well, and they are not as well built.

My other tech said that up till and including the JCM 800, it was Mesa and Marshall. But he has felt that Marshall has not had the same quality since the JCM 800 ("They stopped being Marshall" I believe were his exact words). He did however mention that he was starting to see boogies get some of the cheaper parts in, but that he still felt they were the best built.