New member
Happy yo finally join the forum, although I have often been reading the content.
I have not owned a Mesa amp yet, but I really like their high gain options. My only real amp setup so far was an ADA MP2 with a Quadraverb, through a Peavey Special 112. After that, I switched back to modelers, loving the convenience of the Line 6 Helix family of products. I always find myself choosing the Mark IV model, and every time I listen to different amps in videos I end up preferring some sort of Mark (IIC+, IV, V, JP2C,...).
All this, plus the fact that I miss having an actual amp, got me looking at either a Mark or a Dual Caliber, and most likely trying out a few mods. Which got me back to the boogieforums
I have not owned a Mesa amp yet, but I really like their high gain options. My only real amp setup so far was an ADA MP2 with a Quadraverb, through a Peavey Special 112. After that, I switched back to modelers, loving the convenience of the Line 6 Helix family of products. I always find myself choosing the Mark IV model, and every time I listen to different amps in videos I end up preferring some sort of Mark (IIC+, IV, V, JP2C,...).
All this, plus the fact that I miss having an actual amp, got me looking at either a Mark or a Dual Caliber, and most likely trying out a few mods. Which got me back to the boogieforums