Mutli FX units for the Mark V and channel switching

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Well-known member
Jul 2, 2006
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Hey guys, sorry if been discussed a lot. But was wondering what FX units you feel is best out there and if there is one I can also use to switch channels. I know the G System does but that is overkill for me. Just need some nice delays, chorus, flange tuner etc. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
I have a GSP1101 hooked up in four-cable with mine, eventually I'm going to pick up an Amp Gizmo to simplify things, but it's not high on the priority list right now.
theroan said:
This is what I'm running

It's super easy to use and sounds great.
**** that is a pretty sweet set up. I think for now I am just gonna stick with just using a chorus pedal in my loop and a tuner. If you read my little and few posts being a noob gripe is not being to switch modes. :(
From want I've read on the G-Major it looks like it has 2 amp controls which would allow to select any of the three MkV channels....

The Boss Gt-10 can control one.
LPJunky said:
From want I've read on the G-Major it looks like it has 2 amp controls which would allow to select any of the three MkV channels....

The Boss Gt-10 can control one.

Yeah I was thinking of getting a GT-10 as I had one a looong time ago for one of my amps. but It just recal it being a night mare getting it just right and all the amp modelers off and the whole 4 cable method and noticing some tone suckage. Do you find some tone suckage with yours? Also I forgot, how well are the chorus and delays on that bad boy. Chorus is amjor concern of mine as I use it a lot. Thanks.
sean106alcon said:
LPJunky said:
From want I've read on the G-Major it looks like it has 2 amp controls which would allow to select any of the three MkV channels....

The Boss Gt-10 can control one.

Yeah I was thinking of getting a GT-10 as I had one a looong time ago for one of my amps. but It just recal it being a night mare getting it just right and all the amp modelers off and the whole 4 cable method and noticing some tone suckage. Do you find some tone suckage with yours? Also I forgot, how well are the chorus and delays on that bad boy. Chorus is amjor concern of mine as I use it a lot. Thanks.

Well I think its better than the GT-8 and its easy to configure once your familiar with it. I love the flexibility and I purchased it solely on that and the fact that I could control my amp (2 channel [clean + dirty lead]). Since then I bought a 3 channel amp !! The chorus is OK although not that lush. Delays are OK, reverbs are Ok but could be better I guess. I still haven't found a usabale wah that I can enjoy. I guess that why everybody seem to have a dedicated pedal for that. I was GASing for some TCElectronics stuff but ideally i would like a floor G-Major 2. had great expectation from NOVA System but realized it has no amp sontrol, no 4 cable setup, no wahs,...

I noticed a small change in tone but nothing I can't work work with. It's quiet also. I never use the amp models.
I still consider it a best value purchase for what it does.
LPJunky said:
sean106alcon said:
LPJunky said:
From want I've read on the G-Major it looks like it has 2 amp controls which would allow to select any of the three MkV channels....

The Boss Gt-10 can control one.

Yeah I was thinking of getting a GT-10 as I had one a looong time ago for one of my amps. but It just recal it being a night mare getting it just right and all the amp modelers off and the whole 4 cable method and noticing some tone suckage. Do you find some tone suckage with yours? Also I forgot, how well are the chorus and delays on that bad boy. Chorus is amjor concern of mine as I use it a lot. Thanks.

Well I think its better than the GT-8 and its easy to configure once your familiar with it. I love the flexibility and I purchased it solely on that and the fact that I could control my amp (2 channel [clean + dirty lead]). Since then I bought a 3 channel amp !! The chorus is OK although not that lush. Delays are OK, reverbs are Ok but could be better I guess. I still haven't found a usabale wah that I can enjoy. I guess that why everybody seem to have a dedicated pedal for that. I was GASing for some TCElectronics stuff but ideally i would like a floor G-Major 2. had great expectation from NOVA System but realized it has no amp sontrol, no 4 cable setup, no wahs,...

I noticed a small change in tone but nothing I can't work work with. It's quiet also. I never use the amp models.
I still consider it a best value purchase for what it does.

Yeah I was just jamming on it and man I got the sickest clean tone with tweaking and setting to sliders for tweed setting. Yes I am a tallica fanboy and man it sounds like a JC-120 with just a boss super chorus in the loop. (One of the reason I am hesitant on the GT's is I need that real deep lush chorus effect.

I use a RMC wah on the floor and not sure where to put my delay LOL in the loop or on the floor. I always forget...does delay come before OD or must be in the loop? :lol: I dont use any OD pedals.

But now my issue is I cannot get the Mark I mode to sound good at all! Whether it is for metal or for some blues tones. Sounds so muffled. Gonna scan the settings sticky and see what they have put out there. Edge and crunch sound fine but no matter how high say I raise the gain or treble and lower the bass (sliders on) it sounds horrible. Gotta tweak it. I hope it is not the amp, and just need to set it right.
I did the Gmajor2-amp gizmo-rocktron midimate.Taken a couple days to learn it but I really like it.
foot-switching modes within the same channel is not possible. Nor would you really want to given how drastically different each mode needs to be eq'd.

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