Most outragous Mesa ever built,owned or saw

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Well-known member
Nov 25, 2006
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Hello everybody was just wondering what everybody thought was the most outragous boogie ever built or you have owned or even one that you saw and heard??
lets hear it from the boogie board.
If its an amp you have seen then post pics if possible!!

OK, I guess mine then! :)
Your Amp is by no means outrageous Jbird, I think that it fits in the "Exotic"

Man I love that color scheme what ever it's called..........

:D :D
Ya, I know, neither outragious, nor exotic! Hey, it gets thrown in the back of a pickup just like any other rig! I just like "different"! I was hoping thats what the poster was looking for? It's called, (or was called, it's now discontinued), Butterscotch Crocodile Embossed Leather! Thanks!
Hey, the one above is cool

The one below is "THE" reason why you should "NEVER" drop acid in the water cooler

I am publicly, and officially asking for someones resignation, this should not happen again

Wow and I thought that the pimpalicious purple suede was bad...
dat dare lonestare make me wann sit on the tv and watch the couch
perhaps its just me but,I would love that amp mayby it is a bit sore on the eyes but hell yeh I bet it is still the most tonealicous(I made that up,did you guess)amp to grace this great planet.and I love the purple suede finishes esp. with recto's threadplate fronts...Im getting my recto customized to have purple suede defo. and my 1x12" theile and I may also If I get a maverick(hopefully)put some purple suede on that sucker an all!!!!!!!It is sweet as F**K!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll post all of them on here as well so I can be slagged for having them finished in purple suede,hahahaa
A few of the NAMM units have been totally bizarre but they always seem to catch someones eye. I remember the year all the bass stuff was in red crocodile and the next year was a blue sparkle,
That is very nice wood you are sporting there man...

I never thought I would here myself say such a thing...

Really, I am a carpenter by trade and I find those cabinets beautiful.
About 1995, I vacationing in Las Vegas, and a store there had a fully-optioned Mark III 112 EVM combo and a matching 112 EVM Theile cabinet, in a flight case. They were done in flamed maple and wicker grills--and as I recall, the price was pretty reasonable. Unfortunately, I didn't win enough at the tables to be able to take it home with me; but that is STILL one of the most beautiful amps I have ever seen.


I just keep coming back to this thread to gaze upon your amp gremmert.

that amp is truely STUNNING to me.

I should have ordered my LSC imbuya with wicker grill.

I bet it makes it sound a little lighter in tone, huh?
Yesh i dont ever remember seeing a blue croc, You would think they would want to keep it alive instead of skinning it for a amp since it is so rare! :lol:
rickc007 said:
Hey, the one above is cool

The one below is "THE" reason why you should "NEVER" drop acid in the water cooler

I am publicly, and officially asking for someones resignation, this should not happen again


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