More Roadster volume drop-outs; please help

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Well-known member
Apr 11, 2008
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San Fransisco, CA
I've seen a number of these threads but now I'm sad to have to make one myself. :( This may be slightly long for folks on the go but I tried to include as much detail as I could to help you guys give better advice.

I just got this amp brand new from the factory a few weeks ago. I decided to buy it new to make sure it hadn't been subjected to any idiots hurting it in the store which is ironic because I ended up being one of those idiots as I will explain in a sec.

Last night, I was playing and the volume just started dropping out, like almost completely. It was happening on all channels. I have it powered with this power conditioner:
So basically I'd be playing, volume would almost completely drop out, it'd swell back in, and almost complete drop out again, etc. I turned it off for a while, turned it back on again, and it happened again. This morning I turned it on at decent volume (wall were shaking but perhaps this is still "bedroom" level) and it *did not* happen.

And here's the story of me being an idiot that I didn't want to post because it's humiliating. I was having a friend come over so I was cleaning up my things. I had to detatch the head from the cab to move my rack around temporarily, but then I ran off to go clean up some other stuff. When he finally showed up, I turned it on to show him and it took me about a minute (pretty literally) before I realized that I was that idiot in the shop I was trying to avoid! I hadn't plugged it back into the cab. It came on fine and for a couple weeks now it hasn't shown me any normal problems, so I thought I had avoided the need to commit suicide.

I tested the tubes with the tapping method and none of them were microphonic. No white caps either. Two of my power tubes (the ones on the right) don't seem to be lit up but I assumed that may be that I just didn't have it loud enough? The tubes also don't have any sheilds which folks refer to in threads about Roadsters. Mine just came from the factory and doesn't have them so should it have them or is this just a mistake?

The only other possibly related issue is that one time when I was shutting it down, there was a weird electronic squeal type of noise that I really can't describe. It was quite loud and pretty disturbing but I haven't heard it since then. I'd try to spend more time describing it but I've never heard anything like it so I think "loud electronic squeal" is about as good as I can do. Wall-E screaming, perhaps.

I intend to call Mesa tomorrow but I'm hoping you guys can offer some advice first. I'm really embarassed that I forgot to plug it back in for that 60 seconds and any sort of consolation that 60 sec of infinite resistance wouldn't screw up my amp would make me feel better, but if that's not the case, please lay it on thick.
Trying hard to not get emo about 0/52 responses here ;p

Here's a more concise version that may help:

- Brand new Roadster is having volume drop-outs

- A few weeks ago I accidentally had it running without being plugged into my cab for about 60 seconds. Amp played fine in the short term after that.

- A week or so after, when I was shutting it down, it made this odd sound that sounded like Wall-E screaming.

- All tubes were tapped but no sign of microphonics or white caps. Two power tubes on the right do not appear to be in use but this may be due to lowish volumes?

- I'm using a good power conditioner AR-1215

Any info or opinions would be appreciated.
If you got 2 power tubes not firing up at all then I believe you need to take it to a tech. Sounds like something fried when you had it on without a load.
songrider said:
If you got 2 power tubes not firing up at all then I believe you need to take it to a tech. Sounds like something fried when you had it on without a load.
thanks, I wasn't sure if that was normal or not for lowish volumes but I'll try to turn it up to see if they light up when I give them more juice. I mean it's sounding pretty good right now so whatever is wrong didn't completely screw it. I was playing it a while yesterday and didn't get any drop-outs too, so I don't know what's going on.

Definitely looking into getting a tech's eyes on it though. Just sucks because I thought the heavens may have forgiven me this one offense because it seemed to be working fine, since I'm always super careful about proper load. Only takes one mistake... :(
Happened to my Tremoverb, except mine made a huge explosion sound and had smoke and what not. Never been so scared in my life. :shock:

One of my power tubes also didn't light up after that. It turned out to just be a burnt (or should I say exploded) screen grid resister. Simple, cheap fix. :)
I don't even know anymore. It hasn't done the drop-out thing since the other night. And I was wrong about the power tubes, I looked closely and all the 6L6 are lit up properly but the two the right (which I guess may be the reverb tubes? gonna have to check) weren't lit. I played a bit with reverb and they are firing now.

Maybe it's possible for a one-time volume dropout? I'm still pretty concerned.
Maybe the 2 tubes are not turning on because you are in 50 watt mode or they are not turning on because you are using Silicon Diode instead of Tube Rectifier tracking. What 2 tubes are not lit ? The #'s should be labeled on the tube.
Playing it without a load most likely wrecked two tubes. Make sure everyting is set at 100w and all power tubes glow. If not write it up as an ooopppps and replace all the tubes in your power section.

If that fixes your problem be glad you didn't wreck a grid resistor or you output transformer. I think you voided the warranty by playing it without a load.

I had a ROV that survived playing without a load but it shot the tubes in the power section and the mains fuse.
To the last two posts, like I said in my most recent, the power tube thing was just a mistake. All my power tubes are firing; it was the two rectifier tubes that weren't, probably because I was in diode mode. So the power tubes at least seem fine to the eye, though I'm still hoping they are messed up since that's an easier fix than something inside the amp.
Just an update for the benefit of whomever was following along with this and have had similar problems (I got a couple PMs):

After some exhaustive process of elimination, I figured out that the way to work around my problem is by putting a patch cable in the effects loop even if I'm not using the loop. I saw someone else say that here before somewhere and it seemed ridiculous to me, but it really does work.

The first time I noticed the dropouts was when I disconnected the EQ from my loop (which I had been using since I got it) to use its power supply to plug in an A/B splitter so I could A/B with my Mark 4. Then I heard the drop-outs, though I didn't make the connection at the time.

The second time, I disconnected my loop again because to test out a Fulltone OCD in front. Drop-outs came back. I put a short patch cable in the loop with nothing in it and now it totally works fine. Pretty weird.

So I don't know if this is a sign of a fundamental problem or whatever but I sent in my warranty last week and once I'm fully registered and everything, I'll ask Boogie finally and see what they say. But for now, at least I'm using the amp without drop-outs.
Are you (were you) running any other pedals in the loop when the drop-out occurred?

What happens when you turn the loop system off on the back of the amp? That should defeat the loop and fix the problem if it is a loop volume issue.
tjlincoln said:
Are you (were you) running any other pedals in the loop when the drop-out occurred?

What happens when you turn the loop system off on the back of the amp? That should defeat the loop and fix the problem if it is a loop volume issue.
There were no other pedals in the loop and there weren't even cables connected when I noticed the problems before. I haven't done any methodical A/B testing with the hard loop bypass on to see if flipping it "Off" gets rid of the problem, but I would assume it would. I like to keep it on though, even if nothing is in the loop, for master output volume control and the solo feature.

I'll definitely test this to see if flipping it to hard by-pass makes it go away just for clarification and to get a better description of the issue, but like I said I'm with you in assuming that it should take care of it.
155 said:
wastoid your too wasted bro!
Probably! ;)
domct203 said:
Try cleaning the FX Loop Jacks with some Caig Labs DeOxit. To keep them clean, follow with the Pro Gold Conditioner.
Do you really think that would be a problem with a brand new amp?

thanks for the responses.
OK. I'm with you. It shouldn' t drop out like that and you shouldn't have to connect a patch cord.

Have you tried keeping your effects send all the way up (with no patch cable).

I had a similar issue along with a pop and volume loss in my fx loop. Turned out to be a bad Carl Martin Delay pedal. Took the pedal out, works like a champ. Good luck and keep us posted!
tjlincoln said:
OK. I'm with you. It shouldn' t drop out like that and you shouldn't have to connect a patch cord.

Have you tried keeping your effects send all the way up (with no patch cable).

I had a similar issue along with a pop and volume loss in my fx loop. Turned out to be a bad Carl Martin Delay pedal. Took the pedal out, works like a champ. Good luck and keep us posted!
I have the Send at about 50% because it was causing a delay I have to clip. Even my EQ was clipping if send was at 100%. I've got the Boss RE20 Space Echo and the MXR M108 10 band EQ. I was pretty irritated/surprised they were both clipping but turning down the Send fixed that.

So it seems like I have a couple of things to test then:
1) Send at 100% with no patch cable but FX loop "On"
2) FX loop "Off" with and without a patch
wastoid said:
domct203 said:
Try cleaning the FX Loop Jacks with some Caig Labs DeOxit. To keep them clean, follow with the Pro Gold Conditioner.
Do you really think that would be a problem with a brand new amp?

thanks for the responses.

There is definatly a problem with your brand new amp, it's just a process of elimination. It could be something as simple as a dirty jack, or something bigger that needs a Tech's attention.

IMO the DeOxit is great to have around anyway, and a couple of squirts in the jacks wouldn't hurt anything. Unplug the amp, spray a little in the jacks and work a cable in and out of them a few times. Let everything dry good (15 min) before you turn the amp back on.

If it doesn't work, take the amp to your Mesa Dealer.
