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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2007
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in the player widget... I promise they work this time.

MkIII green stripe, 2x12 cab with an EVM-12L and a C-90, a wee bit of analog delay on the clean parts. Other guitarist has a Roadster. Fortunately our drummer plays real hard :D
cool, glad you guys like them! The first one ("Reverse") is definitely the most straightforward piece we have, the rest are less rock, more metal in kind of a Neurosis vein.

Still trying to figure out what to do for the rest of the lineup... we think we want bass but we're not sure if we want a bass player...
sixtonoize said:
Holy CYMBALS, batman!

:lol: shoulda mentioned this was done live with two room mics and zero post-production except for a wee bit of panning. Yes, the cymbals are very ...lively...
Sounds great! Is this the Mark III "unaided", or is there a pedal in there? If it's just the Boogie, which channel is it on?
Glad you like it, man. That's straight up, no boost. "Gunships" is R1 for the first part and Lead for the second. "Reverse" is R2 for most of the first half except for that one riff that's obviously Lead with the EQ in, the middle is R1, the last part is all Lead.

My bridge pup is a Duncan Distortion, which kicks pretty hard. Also, frankly, the green stripe has just goofy amounts of gain on tap. It's nowhere near maxed in preamp gain but we play LOUD.

EQ is out most of the time unless the other guitarist is playing a lead, because if I scoop we lose the distinction between me and the Roadster.

"Reverse" is all 6L6s and "Gunships" is 6L6s and EL34s. I'm torn because I like the lead tone a *little* better with the EL34s, but with all 6L6 the cleans are way better and the bottom end is just huge. We play so loud that I can't ever really clean up with the EL34s no matter how far back I roll my volume, even just using the Duncan Jazz in the neck.

edit: plus, it has one of gts' headshells and they have awesome tone :lol:

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