Mods for the markIV

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Well-known member
Mar 17, 2007
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what mods can be perform to the mark IV to make it more toneful and aggressive... 8)
4 6L6's, Mid Boost and finding the right speaker. Pentode will give you more thump, but as far as aggressive, the amps already a serial killer.
Also, pull everything but the presence pot.
mxr2000 said:
what mods can be perform to the mark IV to make it more toneful and aggressive..
If it ain't broke don't fix it.......other then that, practice.....practice.....practice.
I agree with everyone who replied. You must take the time to find the right settings with even the minimal adjustments. Remember also that when playing with a great real tube amp like the MkIV, it allows your style of playing to be a great part of what you actually hear. With these great amps you can really say the sound is 50% from you and 50% from guitar+amp in my opinion, it's not like line6 cheaper models which make an lp sound the same as a single coil strat.
well ... I did look at the schematic just for grins , but the way the lead channel gets spliced in before v2 makes it next to impossible to isolate a mod for r2.

the only possiblity I see is moving v3a permanently inline , so only v3b gets switched in an out...
that would add a gain stage to both r1 and r2 without mucking up the lead channel , but it'd be a crap shoot whether it would ruin r1 or help r2 .

no way in hell I'm going to the trouble , or going to risk my mIV trying that when boosted r2 sounds so good.

... no call to get nasty and mention Petrucci , when most any squire toting kid at guitar center will do
So there is no mod that can be perform to update the mark IV even more?
Why the hell would you want a mod?! Is there something you don't like about this amp and didn't you just get the Mark IV couple weeks ago? Give it time if your not dialing something in right you gots to be teh patient with teh amp man screw teh modzors!
flogger said:
no call to get nasty and mention Petrucci , when most any squire toting kid at guitar center will do

No dis to JP seriously. But sometimes you have to wonder if there shouldn't be a test, you know like being required to know which end of a car you put the gas in before being allowed to get a license to drive. Do you put the ketchup on the outside of the bun or inside with the hamburger?
Boogiebabies said:
4 6L6's, Mid Boost and finding the right speaker. Pentode will give you more thump, but as far as aggressive, the amps already a serial killer.
Also, pull everything but the presence pot.

I pull the presence pot and find it makes everything smoother - atleast at lower volumes anyway. I'm yet to try the amp truly cranked. How come you say not to?

I just read the manual, tried it, and it seems thicker for leads with the presence pulled to me.

I made some mods to mine just to let the tubes run cooler. (See my first post in this forum.) I did add a bias adjust to mine so I could run different tubes and properly adjust them. I do run all JJ ECC83 and one 81 in the preamp section. I also use just 2 KT77's in the power section in the outer two sockets. It is PLENTY loud. Adjusting the bias a bit hotter than factory did open up the sound of the amp, especially the clean channel, but it was not night and day. The MKIV, at least mine, and most from what I've heard don't really run the outer tubes in "true class A." It depends on who you ask, of course, as there is definitely room for interpretation. However, that's a can of worms I'll not go further into. The outer two are certainly more class A than the inner two.

I have made no circuit based tonal mods to the amp at all. I think it sounds pretty sweet just as it is. If you can't get your tone out of it, it is not the amp's fault.

Enjoy your amp and spend a little time with it and don't be afraid to try strange combos of settings.

tubeydude said:
I made some mods to mine just to let the tubes run cooler. (See my first post in this forum.) I did add a bias adjust to mine so I could run different tubes and properly adjust them. I do run all JJ ECC83 and one 81 in the preamp section. I also use just 2 KT77's in the power section in the outer two sockets. It is PLENTY loud. Adjusting the bias a bit hotter than factory did open up the sound of the amp, especially the clean channel, but it was not night and day. The MKIV, at least mine, and most from what I've heard don't really run the outer tubes in "true class A." It depends on who you ask, of course, as there is definitely room for interpretation. However, that's a can of worms I'll not go further into. The outer two are certainly more class A than the inner two.

I have made no circuit based tonal mods to the amp at all. I think it sounds pretty sweet just as it is. If you can't get your tone out of it, it is not the amp's fault.

Enjoy your amp and spend a little time with it and don't be afraid to try strange combos of settings.

cool thanks stuff like this is what i was looking to know... 8)

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