Modified my Formula Preamp

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hi i'm new to the boards.. but if you frequent rig-talk you might know me as the armadillo of leprosy.

anyway, i just got my 1st mesa piece- the formula.
i like it so far, but i'm curious about the andrew mod. can someone tell me whats up with it?

also- any settings and techniques to get a tad more gain out of it? it's SO freaking close to where i want, i just need a little more.


Hi folks,

I'm another soul looking for the elusive "Andrew Mod" for the formula pre.

Also, looking for schematics for this unit -- it seems to be one of the few boogies whose schematics aren't floating around the net.

I've had the studio pre and the quad (still have it), and loved 'em. I only got the formula pre to save rack space. I'm with everyone else that the formula's overdriven sounds are kinda weak compared to the studio and quad, but not enough to devote another one or two rack spaces to.

There's one feature I really miss about the Quad Pre, which is the ability to run the two channels at the same time. Adding a clean tone under the distortion gave great articulation while the lead channel sang.

The Formula has two seperate tube preamps, but the switching logic seems to defeat running them both at once. If I could get a bit more of the studio's distortion and the quad's ability to run both channels in the formula's one rack-space, this would be the weapon of choice!

Hopefully the mysterious Andrew Mod solves the first part. Does anyone else have any tips on getting both channels running at the same time?
Oh yes. If I could get the Quad in a single rack space, I'd be sooooo happy. :D

can someone send me the mods for the formula pre it's seems to be a miracle mod


I have my Formula Pre arriving on Tuesday.

This "Andrew Mod" looks interesting but elusive.
Can you please post/email/IM this ?

It seems form the net that the clean channel is the Formula's best point, and if these mods improve lead 1 and 2 then so much the better!
Hi guys I just bought a formula pre on ebay and I think there is something wrong with it as I can't seem to get enough gain out of it and it is realy flubby sounding (not tight) some people are saying they use it for cover bands and they are playing mettalica and stuff like that but there is no way you can get that with mine so please help.
My rig consists of this from top to bottom.

Furman Pl-Plus:
Korg DTR-2:
Audio Technica ATW-R11 (Wireless):
Mesa Boogie High Gain Amp Switcher:
Lexicon Mpx-1:
Lexicon Mpx-G2:
DBX 266Xl:
Mesa Boogie Formula Pre:
Mesa Boogie Triaxis Pre:
Mesa Boogie Simul-Class 2/90
Rack drawer:
Mesa Rectifier 4X12 Cabs:
Lexicon Mpx R1 Floorboard:
So as you can see I have the gear but it doesn't seem to sound up to par, so thanks a lot for the time and sorry about the short novel LOL.
Make sure you try new tubes, no telling how old the tubes are. Preferably 1 at a time.
Also I think else where in this thread is talk about the unit expeciting a high impedance/load on the outputs to function correctly, so try just running it straight into your amp from the outputs to see if that makes a difference.

Mine has plenty of gain.

Had to put in the link, I guess it wasn't in this thread
Hey man thanks a lot, I did however change the tubes in it but still the same thing and I will try it running direct into the power amp but I kind of did that when I got I ran it direct into a small combo amp to here it before I brought it to my jam space and put it in my rig and still it was the same thing so I am realy stuck here, I know a lot of people are using them and are very happy with it so I don't want to give up on it. Is yours flubby at all because if it's not then there is probably something wrong with mine and are you able to get dream theater or mettalica from yours. Sorry about all the questions. One more thing do you have instruction for the andrew mod . Thanks a lot.
Here is the link that was posted recently about the Andrew mod

I think my Formula sounds pretty good. The Dream Theater/Metallica sound is probably more like a Mark IV which you will not get from a Formula, but I get plenty of gain (I actually back it off a touch to get some clarity) and I think it sounds more aggresive than the Mark IV for the stuff I am playing so I have been using it. Still love the Mark IV the most. I guess the Formula has less of the "singing" quality of the Mark series.

People have complained about them being flubby, I don't have that problem and although I haven't checked, I don't think it has been modified. I also use the Record outputs to go into my effects. don't use both, there is definitely a volume issue using both at the same time.
Remeber it only takes 1 bad tube, try swaping them around.
Are you using the effects loop? It could be possible you are not driving that at the proper level. Run straight into the preamp then to the power amp. Try the record outputs and try a different tube or two.

But bottom line, it does seem that some people are not happy with the gain on these units and talk about muddiness/flabbiness. I am happy with mine as I am sure many are, but your results could be different.
Hi thanks again and I will try those things but what kind of music do you play if you don't mind me asking just so I can use it as a referance and I will let you know the results when I try them. Thanks again.
Right now I am using it for an 80's Rock/Classic Metal band like DIO, Tesla, Van Halen, Judas Preist. I have been really happy with it.

Might want to call Mesa or have a tech look at it too?

I also plan to use it for blues and funk, love the clean channel and I have been pretty happy with the Red/lead 1 as well.
Great thanks a lot that realy helps because there is no way I can get that sound with this unit so it must be defective. Iether way I way let you know. Thanks again for your time.
Hi, this mod increases gain as I've understood. It also increases brightness? Is this by modifying pre-gain voicing?

Is there a way to open up the lead-1 channel without affecting lead-2? (or vica versa)

best regards
you know! my formula pre was removed from a pro tour's rack, I haven't checked, but perhaps it was already modded, cause it sounds like the result's you are describing. tt

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