MKV lettering rubbing off on faceplate

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Aug 26, 2008
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Hey, I'm a noob here and I have a MK V Combo with an issue with the lettering rubbing off. Has anyone else had this happen to them? The amp was purchased new in June Serial #150. Is this something I can get Mesa to replace under warranty? I don't like to spend $2K on an amp and have the silkscreened lettering rub off at the slightest touch. I put a little bit of my wife's nail polish on the "ON" that's why it looks different. This is a bit disappointing to say the least... :(

Wow mon, sorry to see that. As already said, unless you tried some type of harsh cleaner on there or something, definately call the company.

Sorry this is happening to anyone, but it would really be bad if this turns out to be something common!

I remember distinctively my dealer telling me, that one of biggest holdups with the Mark 5 was them wanting to get the script just right...would,nt this be something for everyone to chew on if your sitch isn,t an islolated one! :eek:
Shang Chi 66 said:
Wow mon, sorry to see that. As already said, unless you tried some type of harsh cleaner on there or something, definately call the company.

Sorry this is happening to anyone, but it would really be bad if this turns out to be something common!

I remember distinctively my dealer telling me, that one of biggest holdups with the Mark 5 was them wanting to get the script just right...would,nt this be something for everyone to chew on if your sitch isn,t an islolated one! :eek:

I noticed this a few weeks ago on the 'Variac' silk screening of my V.
I wonder if they didn't rinse the chassis properly before applying the silk screen. That sucks. Let us know how Mesa responds. I just put money down on a head and am currently waiting. No way that should be put up with after dropping that kind of money.
th0rr said:
I wonder if they didn't rinse the chassis properly before applying the silk screen. That sucks. Let us know how Mesa responds. I just put money down on a head and am currently waiting. No way that should be put up with after dropping that kind of money.
I haven't used any cleaners on it at all. The silkscreen is rubbing off with just light finger pressure on the printing. I sent an email and the picture to Mesa and I'll see what kind of reply I receive from them on the issue. However, the amp still plays like brand new and I know which settings are which. :D

More to come after I hear back from Mesa...
The bottom part of the "o" in POWER is missing on mine.
"Full Power" on mine now reads "Full Pcwer

and I paid $4500 AUS for mine.

I thought it wore off pretty quick too. It seems mesa have botched this up a bit.
Aww ****, sounds as if it,s becoming, "common" already!

Has,nt started to happen on mine, but please, by all means, let us know what they have to say, and what do they propose to do about it. Some cheaply applied cosmetic scrip labeling, on a 2200 dollar amplifier? Hell,s no...totally unacceptable

Who knows, they may wind up having to send out dozens of face plates!

Would,nt that be a riot, specially after making everyone wait all those many months to make certain that "everything was just right"

I quote now; "We are extemely sorry for the delays on the Mark 5. However, our aim is to make absolutely sure that every detail is to our high standards before release".

gaindeli, I know you,d have a fieldday with that! (and I can,t say that I,d blame ya) :lol:
Just going out on a limb here, but, uh, maybe stop rubbing it so much?
That's what your mom would say :lol: :lol: :lol:
thegaindeli said:
gaindeli, I know you,d have a fieldday with that! (and I can,t say that I,d blame ya) :lol:

The reason for the peeling is because MESA has "gone green"! They're no longer using paints that contain the necessary solvents that aid in proper surface adhesion.
"It's all the rage... :roll:[/quote]

****... :|
thegaindeli said:
gaindeli, I know you,d have a fieldday with that! (and I can,t say that I,d blame ya) :lol:

The reason for the peeling is because MESA has "gone green"! They're no longer using paints that contain the necessary solvents that aid in proper surface adhesion.
"It's all the rage... :roll:

That's almost as ridiculous an assumption as complaining about the lead in the solder.
thegaindeli said:
I knew the Nermal couldn't pass up a chance at being an *******... Dude, Ba-low me! If you act now, I'll even let you get a wiff of these meatball farts... :wink:

Ugh.. you just keep declining here. Just when I thought your posts couldn't get any worse.
Gentlemen, and I believe that,s what we all are, or at least would like to be taken as here...can we attempt to keep it civil & above board?

Anyone that enjoys insults & pettiness should, (if you have,nt already done so) go and sign up at,ll love it there, and fit right in.

This is a board concerning amps, guitar playing, players, & music, and all of the pro,s/cons there of...unless it,s meant in a friendly manner, life,s much too short for such foolishness & immaturity...especially with some folks that you don,t even actually know...

come on now...what do we need here, to organize a beer summit :?: :)

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