MKV lettering rubbing off on faceplate

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thegaindeli said:
Mark Fore said:
Just don't have Meatball Sandwiches at the summit. :(

Ha! I JUST got through eating one! Extra cheeeese. Every time I ba-rake-loose, my cat searches me out, so she can ram her nose into the back of my shorts... :? What were we originally talking about anyway?

First of all, I suggest that you feed that cat. She may be underfed, if she,s following you around gettin nose deep to catch a whiff of your exploding ass. :p

Secondly; seriously, once everyone gets to know each other here abit better, a little get together would,nt be a bad idea...a meeting of the Mark 5 "click" would be fun! Other forums have amp "summits".

Beer, pizza, and Mark 5,s!

And back on point now...has anyone heard/gotten any further info on this developing faceplate paint issue from Mesa?
Hey guys,
I just got a reply from Mesa on this issue. They said they would repaint the amp; however, I don't want to send it in and lose time with it over a cosmetic issue. We'll have to see how bad it gets before I decide if it's going in or not.
Did you happen to ask about just having them send out a new faceplate? I would think they would believe that to be an easier solution. But then again, when my footswitch was acting up they insisted on me sending the entire amp back to Petaluma.
After speaking at length with someone "in the know" I came to the conclusion
that the entire thing was rushed out the door in order to satisfy the hype
they built over the amp.

The Mark Vb will be the amp to look out for. Sorry early adopters, but
someone had to pay for the R&D. ;)
thegaindeli said:
Iconoclysm said:
thegaindeli said:
gaindeli, I know you,d have a fieldday with that! (and I can,t say that I,d blame ya) :lol:

The reason for the peeling is because MESA has "gone green"! They're no longer using paints that contain the necessary solvents that aid in proper surface adhesion.
"It's all the rage... :roll:

That's almost as ridiculous an assumption as complaining about the lead in the solder.

I mentioned the tin solder issue to Martin Kidd. He said: "Absolutely it's a problem mate... Here in the UK we have no alternative". He also said; "It's good speaking with someone who knows what they're talking about...". So anytime you to come over and blow me - just let me know sh!t-stain.

I didn't say that lead-less solder was a good thing, I said complaing about it was ridiculous....and it is...and you're a douche to top it off so it's EXTRA ridiculous and annoying.
JohnDNJ said:
After speaking at length with someone "in the know" I came to the conclusion
that the entire thing was rushed out the door in order to satisfy the hype
they built over the amp.

The Mark Vb will be the amp to look out for. Sorry early adopters, but
someone had to pay for the R&D. ;)

Ok, so can you let us know what this person in the know told you so we can come to our own conclusions?
jressell said:
So long as my Mark V can be upgraded to a Mark Vb, I don't care.

Thank you...after that, nothing much left to be said except...

...that in the meantime, until they get round to it, you,ve got a kickass amp, that, if can be made even sweeter, I,m all for!

Until then, I,m happy & content :!: :D
I think it's kind of humorous. All this talk about early adopters. :lol: These days amps are being swapped out almost as regularly as if they were computers. I kinda remember back in the day that your main amp was your main amp. Didn't like something about it? Well that is what pedals were for. Don't like your distortion? Get an overdrive or distortion pedal. Clean not quite what you want? Get a compressor/chorus/delay pedal, etc,etc,etc...

Don't get me wrong, having the choices we have today is awesome and I'm not saying nobody swapped out amps back then. It just didn't seem to happen as often. I've done it myself. Didn't like channel 2 of the F-50, after fighting with it for 2 yrs I sold it.

I am now ready for another one. I was leaning toward the roadster but have decided on the Mark V. If I like it I will keep it and not worry about "updates". It just seems folks lately have been swapping amps just for the sake of having the latest and greatest. Speaking for myself I am getting tired of the whole "keeping up with the Jones" mentality that seems to be permeating.

This is just my 2 cents. Not trying to single anyone out or put anyone down. I will now shut up and play my guitar.

th0rr said:
I think it's kind of humorous. These days amps are being swapped out almost as regularly as computers. I kinda remember back in the day that your main amp was your main amp. Didn't like something about it? Well that is what pedals were for. Don't like your distortion? Get an overdrive or distortion pedal. Clean not quite what you want? Get a compressor/chorus/delay pedal, etc,etc,etc...

Don't get me wrong, having the choices we have today is awesome and I'm not saying nobody swapped out amps back then. It just didn't seem to happen as often. I've done it myself. Didn't like channel 2 of the F-50, after fighting with it for 2 yrs I sold it.

I am now ready for another one. I was leaning toward the roadster but have decided on the Mark V. If I like it I will keep it and not worry about "updates". It just seems folks lately have been swapping amps just for the sake of having the latest and greatest. Speaking for myself I am getting tired of the whole "keeping up with the Jones" mentality that seems to be permeating.

This is just my 2 cents. Not trying to single anyone out or put anyone down.


I'm pretty sure that for most people the Mark V just has too many options and get lost looking for tone. It's an incredibly complex amp and depending on the volume you're running at, things are going to need to be set up different. It's easier just to sell the V and buy an Elecra dyne for some. I must have both!
:idea: Instead of getting this Mark V maybe I should just wait for the
Mark V version G - 6 C+++ - Mk29 1/3rd and a half with cup holder and chartreuse stripe.

Back on topic though, when they offered to repaint the amp did they offer to pay for shipping both ways?
th0rr said:
I think it's kind of humorous. All this talk about early adopters. :lol: These days amps are being swapped out almost as regularly as if they were computers. I kinda remember back in the day that your main amp was your main amp. Didn't like something about it? Well that is what pedals were for. Don't like your distortion? Get an overdrive or distortion pedal. Clean not quite what you want? Get a compressor/chorus/delay pedal, etc,etc,etc...

Don't get me wrong, having the choices we have today is awesome and I'm not saying nobody swapped out amps back then. It just didn't seem to happen as often. I've done it myself. Didn't like channel 2 of the F-50, after fighting with it for 2 yrs I sold it.

I am now ready for another one. I was leaning toward the roadster but have decided on the Mark V. If I like it I will keep it and not worry about "updates". It just seems folks lately have been swapping amps just for the sake of having the latest and greatest. Speaking for myself I am getting tired of the whole "keeping up with the Jones" mentality that seems to be permeating.

This is just my 2 cents. Not trying to single anyone out or put anyone down. I will now shut up and play my guitar.


I know exactly what you mean. I just want maybe 2 amps tops. I don't need an entire amp room.
I heard back from Mesa yesterday and they are going to send me out a new faceplate for my amp. Since I don't have an authorized repair station within 100 miles they appeared more than happy to ship me a new faceplate. The technician I spoke with told me that this issue has been showing up bit recently and their QC staff was going over each new faceplate to make sure the lettering doesn't rub off.

I expect to get the faceplate within the next couple of days and I'll probably shoot it with some clear satin lacquer to make sure the lettering stays put! More to come...

renomedia said:
I heard back from Mesa yesterday and they are going to send me out a new faceplate for my amp. Since I don't have an authorized repair station within 100 miles they appeared more than happy to ship me a new faceplate. The technician I spoke with told me that this issue has been showing up bit recently and their QC staff was going over each new faceplate to make sure the lettering doesn't rub off.

I expect to get the faceplate within the next couple of days and I'll probably shoot it with some clear satin lacquer to make sure the lettering stays put! More to come...


That's great to hear!