MkV - EL34´s !!!

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2009
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Been using the original 6L6´s in my MarkV for about 14 months now, decided to pop in a quad of STR450´s (NOS Siemens) during a soundcheck for a show last Saturday night and I must say that I LOVE the amp now. The distortion is much more ´musical´ and has that classic EL34 grind I´d been missing. I also put a TunSol 12ax7 in V1 which may have helped also.

I´m soooo happy with the MarkV now, can´t wait to play it again next weekend :)

(Crappy phone pic of the rig...)

It was a no brainer for me. I already had a set in my Recto so I just pulled them out, stuck them in the Mark V and was instantly sold on them.

I've tried going back to 6L6s a couple of times just for comparisons sake and each time I've been disappointed by the results. EL34s for the win.
I think I'm the only person around here that actually prefers 6L6s. :oops:
screamingdaisy said:
It was a no brainer for me. I already had a set in my Recto so I just pulled them out, stuck them in the Mark V and was instantly sold on them.

I've tried going back to 6L6s a couple of times just for comparisons sake and each time I've been disappointed by the results. EL34s for the win.

I can't it sound better than the 6l6 ? What and why is better? Sorry, but I have a limited view about it, cause i'm want more bass, and punch from my Mk5 , and if i put El34, i think it will get more dificult to get it as we know that 6l6 has more punch, bass, and better clean...
I like it better for 10 watt low volume playing for sure. Can't say what i'd prefer with a band. Probably wouldn't matter much to me.
I don't perceive any loss of bass moving from 6L6s to EL34s, at least, not with the right EL34s (SEDs). Compared to both the stock 6L6s and to JJ 6L6s, SED EL34s, to my ears, have the following benefits:
1. They round out the top end, limiting the brightness of the amp without sacrificing harmonics.
2. They add thickness, girth, and fullness to the sound.
3. They make the gain sound more harmonic and rich.
4. They keep the bass tight and fat. No real difference between this and the 6L6s.
5. They make the Marshallesque tones on channel 2 more convincing.
eudaimonia02912 said:
I don't perceive any loss of bass moving from 6L6s to EL34s, at least, not with the right EL34s (SEDs). Compared to both the stock 6L6s and to JJ 6L6s, SED EL34s, to my ears, have the following benefits:
1. They round out the top end, limiting the brightness of the amp without sacrificing harmonics.
2. They add thickness, girth, and fullness to the sound.
3. They make the gain sound more harmonic and rich.
4. They keep the bass tight and fat. No real difference between this and the 6L6s.
5. They make the Marshallesque tones on channel 2 more convincing.

I agree with all these statements.

If your MarkV is lacking bass, you probably have the wrong cab.
Metallicaseeker said:
screamingdaisy said:
It was a no brainer for me. I already had a set in my Recto so I just pulled them out, stuck them in the Mark V and was instantly sold on them.

I've tried going back to 6L6s a couple of times just for comparisons sake and each time I've been disappointed by the results. EL34s for the win.

I can't it sound better than the 6l6 ? What and why is better? Sorry, but I have a limited view about it, cause i'm want more bass, and punch from my Mk5 , and if i put El34, i think it will get more dificult to get it as we know that 6l6 has more punch, bass, and better clean...

I prefer EL34s because I have a real hated for harsh highs.

I think the 6L6s produce a much better, more 3D sounding clean tone. The cleans with EL34s are acceptable, but kind of flat sounding with none of the lush detail that 6L6s produce.

With distortion however I find 6L6s have too much top and bottom end. The results are a harsh top end that I can't dial out without making the amp sound dull and a boomy bottom end that I can't dial back without making the amp sound thin. EL34s cure both problems and gives me more midrange detail to work with so it's win-win.

Like the others have said, I don't notice any loss of bottom end with EL34s.... I'm sure there's some there, but it's easily compensated for using the amp's EQ. Besides that, I think that thump and punch is more a function of speaker/cab choice and volume settings.
What's the verdict on the E34L? Anyone try those? Was thinkin about ordering a set but figured id ask! I know everyone likes the SED EL34s but they're outta my price range at the moment!
I just popped some Mesa EL34 in my V and while I have only tried it at home levels made a definitive difference in the sound.
Without going into too much basically tightens the bass/ sweetens ( smooth or rounds sharp transients) the highs and gives the mid a 3d quality.....all this adds up to a sweeter more dynamic gain structure.

I was never really satisfied with channel two and was constantly tweaking it or at home.....just seemed flat and little to boomy and bit too clean with 6L6s...except Edge which ( while I loved its snap and touch sensitivity) leaned too heavily on the brittle side. I tried compressors/ OD pedals but they just seemed to magnify the aspects of the tone I didnt I hate relying on pedals for basic tone.

With EL34s channel two just sounds "right"....Im someone who grew up on the sound of Strats / Les Pauls into some sort of Marshall. I play Strats mainly ..(Anderson DropTop) and absolutely love getting classic strat tones out of my gear... that being said .....Channel two is now what I want in a crunch channel ..the elusive in between clean / dirty tone think Hendrix / SRV / 70s rock / Gilmour/ AC DC type tones with no muss or fuss....every pickup selection sounds unique...responds beautifully to volume knob rolling and brings out the best in single coils or humbuckers. I usually never stay in Channel two for more than 5 minutes...but I was playing on it for 2 days straight without touching a knob once the whole time.

Howwever a quick run through on the Fat clean (turned up loud) showed no signs of suffering at all.....I dont look for crystal clean tones ....more cleans with hair....and the breakup is now sweeter ..less bass heavy than with 6L6s!
scoden said:
I just popped some Mesa EL34 in my V and while I have only tried it at home levels made a definitive difference in the sound.
Without going into too much basically tightens the bass/ sweetens ( smooth or rounds sharp transients) the highs and gives the mid a 3d quality.....all this adds up to a sweeter more dynamic gain structure.

I was never really satisfied with channel two and was constantly tweaking it or at home.....just seemed flat and little to boomy and bit too clean with 6L6s...except Edge which ( while I loved its snap and touch sensitivity) leaned too heavily on the brittle side. I tried compressors/ OD pedals but they just seemed to magnify the aspects of the tone I didnt I hate relying on pedals for basic tone.

With EL34s channel two just sounds "right"....Im someone who grew up on the sound of Strats / Les Pauls into some sort of Marshall. I play Strats mainly ..(Anderson DropTop) and absolutely love getting classic strat tones out of my gear... that being said .....Channel two is now what I want in a crunch channel ..the elusive in between clean / dirty tone think Hendrix / SRV / 70s rock / Gilmour/ AC DC type tones with no muss or fuss....every pickup selection sounds unique...responds beautifully to volume knob rolling and brings out the best in single coils or humbuckers. I usually never stay in Channel two for more than 5 minutes...but I was playing on it for 2 days straight without touching a knob once the whole time.

Howwever a quick run through on the Fat clean (turned up loud) showed no signs of suffering at all.....I dont look for crystal clean tones ....more cleans with hair....and the breakup is now sweeter ..less bass heavy than with 6L6s!

I need more time to play this amp
As others have said here, EL34s are now my tube of choice in the MKV - no going back to 6L6's to get the sound I need