MkV buyers using it ONLY for metal ??

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Easy there, hoss. I cut my Boogie fangs on the 1982 Ozzy "Speak of the Devil" album (vinyl). It was VERY "metal" in the day. You seem to be missing the point that the MkV is an amp designed to do more than the modern day metal.

.......spoken from an old Mark series "sh!t".

i dont care if you cut your teeth on elton john....
so what if someone buys it just for metal...good...more power to them...i dont suggest that its only for metal...

so you take it easy there hoss....

i think the opinion made by goneloco is stupid ...its my opinion

if you like it good if not oh well...
This is one of the most ignorant statements I've heard in a while. Everyone knows true metal incorporates many styles and guitar tones. This is why the Mark series is such a classic amp for metal. Most other high gain "one trick pony" amps are not diverse enough for metal.
And doesnt this come down to what each player regards as what is "heavy", or "metal" enough? For some, that could be, Ozzie, Sabbath, or Megadeth. For others, it could be, Kings X, Dream Theater, or LOG... newer Metallica, Meshuggah, etc...and of course, it gets heavier that that.

There are thousands of recorded guitar tones, and blanket statements about which ones are best will never be completely agreed on. And then you have folks (like me), who don,t even care about trying to emulate Petrucci,s or Hetfields tone. We,re after sounds of our own, something we hear in our heads. I,m hopeful that the Mark 5 will get me there, and if it doesnt, you simply move on to a different amp.

I mean, I admire JP,s tone, but I don,t want it. That,s his sound, that he hears and what works for him.

At the end of the day, folks are going to like what they like, and thats fine. We all find things differently, and admire certain players, music, and tones. And we don,t always like the same things, and thats, great...thats what these forums are for. I,m not a straight up metal guy, and I,ve learned some eq tips for it right off of here.

Personally, I think Ty Tabors tone on Dogman to be one of the best ever, but thats as heavy as I like my music. For a Sepultura fan, thats probaly pop rock!

As far as using the Mark 5 exclusively for metal... to me, what a shame and total waste of an amp that would be. Especially since there are other amps out there designed specifically for just that genre of music. All those nice clean and inbetween tones, sitting in there, going to waste!

I,m sure that Mr. Smith designed this amp to have something for everyone, from a jazz/funk player, to the classic rock/metal guys.

My amp will see everything from Prince/Return To Forever, to Hendrix/Planet X and beyond! :D
I'm personally buying the Mark V for it's Metal, clean and Mark 1 lead capabilities. Not every "metal" band throws it on the lead channel, scoops the mids, and dimes the gain.

I'd suggest you not pigeon-hole everyone.
lesterpaul said:
Shang Chi 66 said:
It,s like the re-birth of The Boogie Board due to the Mark 5! A new amp- has brought in all of these new members. It,s pretty cool, and I,m happy to be a part of it!
....welcome aboard-we will see how many stick around when the "new" wears off(..could be a while, seeing how they arent popping up everywhere yet...)
..wouldnt call it a rebirth-this place is just fine without it-the true core of this mb is the technical advice and knowledge of all the Boogie "keepers of the flame"...from tubes,capacitors,resistors, folklore, can really add some insight to your whole gig-if you stay here long enough, you will be drawn in by the mystical qualities of the C+...FEAR NOT...plenty of room for everyone,where is my damn V??

Thank you. As I said before, this will be my first Boogie, and I look to learn alot from the more knowledgeable, longtime Boogie amp owners here. I don,t know a hella lot about caps, resistors, etc. But I do know how to ask a question when there is something I,d like to learn about.

I don,t get into all of the nonsense with the quipping, cutting on folks, I top you, now you try and top me foolishness. That stuffs entertaining (sometimes), but alittle go,s along way with me. When I want to see how low some folks can go, I simply head over to HC and lurk...there,s plenty of that over there. Players here seem to be alot more civil & helpful, and that, along with me purchasing a Mesa amp, is what prompted me to join.

I,ll be around for awhile (mystically and otherwise, :D )

Where,s your damn V, and where the hell is mine too?! :lol:
This is my first Mesa amp, and I am buying it for Metal.

Now, before everyone gets all up in arms, or rather, keeps their arms up...

The reason many people I know want an amp like this to play metal is because it does everything else. Personally I don't have a lot of money, nor do I have the desire to buy and sell different amps. I get one shot for the next few years to get an amp that does what I want. I want an amp that does metal well, very well. However I also want an amp that can do clean as country, gritty as blues and dirty like a rock. This amp can do that, which a great many "metal" amps cannot do.

The Boogie series amps prove to be one of, if not the most, versatile amps available. They have amazing tone potential and can stand out in a crowd, no matter what the genre played.

So, don't hate on the Metalheads coming to spoil your party. A lot of us know the value of an amp like this and are buying it specifically for this purpose. and hey, if a new guy shows up, give em a little guidance. I would rather another happy Mesa owner then someone who gets turned off by any perceived negativity associated with the name.

Lastly, Gojira rule. They are playing in Vancouver tomorrow night (Sunday). I will be there. However for those of you who haven't dipped your toes in the metal waters recently and want something that will blow your mind, and maybe suck you in a little, check out some Opeth. Not just a great metal band, but a great band all together.
Mungo Zen said:
Lastly, Gojira rule. They are playing in Vancouver tomorrow night (Sunday). I will be there. However for those of you who haven't dipped your toes in the metal waters recently and want something that will blow your mind, and maybe suck you in a little, check out some Opeth. Not just a great metal band, but a great band all together.

Damn! I wish I was seeing Gojira. They haven't come to Australia yet, so I have to rely on the link alive dvd for the mean time. Saw Opeth a few times and they are great live... Enjoy the show. :)

If anyone wants to hear diverse guitar tones in metal, check out Dodheimsgard and Akercocke. Then tell me if you still think metal is too boring for this amp.
JOEY B. said:

I hope that all the fuss about the MkV being able to do metal is not the primary focus of a potential purchase. Why would anyone think that it couldn't do metal, except for reviews by people who played the open back combos and compared them to their half stacks? :roll:

My point is that buying a new MkV and not using the other channels is like buying a new Ferrari and only driving it on straight roads at maximum speed. Sure it's fun, but there is so much more to experience.

If I was only interested in METAL, and had the funds for a MkV, I would probably but a pair of MkIII heads, all new tubes for each amp, and a good A/B/Y pedal for about the same money. If you already have a stereo capable 4x12 cabinet, it will be very easy. I have owned a 150 watt Mark III, and it does the "metal" thing better than my loaded C+. :D

Would you guys buy a Road King, to only use channel 4 ????
Thats why im purchasing it for incorporates all styles of music :lol:
What the as_s in my face...

Gojira and the Mark series? Absolutely not. All of their albums up to this point have been recorded mainly with Dual Recs and Marshall cabs.

They have been under promotion with Peavey and recently EVH here in the states but in Europe they always toured with the Duals they recorded with as well. God I love Gojira.

Mastodon to my knowledge also never used a Mark. It's always been their Marshall JDM 2203 and/or a Rec as well.

Not to say the Mark can't do those tones....

But after I sold my Mark IV (in mint condition) for a Roadster I have no desire for a Mark V. Furthermore, on the topic of LOG, I think they have a great tone when you combine all the elements (dual Mark IV's running side by side, the bass and drums out front) but when you take it all away their tone is very very thin and kinda obnoxious. What helps them sound so good is Willie and Mark Morton being so ******* tight in their playing. Their overall attack just blows heads off.
Mark Fore said:
Can I use Mark V for Hard Rock??? :p

Now that IS funny. :lol:

Don't get me wrong, as I never said that the MkV was too good for "metal". I definately am not a metal "hater" either. I was just curious why so many people were lining up to buy the $2000+ new Boogie to play metal with. To me, a MkIII does metal as good as any other Boogie, for a lot less cash. 8)
danyeo1 said:
Of course if i want LOG tones i can always throw a mic on my toilet bowl.

If a recto can keep up with palm mutes (e.g. Gojira) I'm damn sure a Mark series can based on experience with III & IV.

The LOG comment was way out of line! Sometimes they sound like daffy duck on their riffing but overall, Ashes of the Wake is fantastic!
JOEY B. said:
Mark Fore said:
Can I use Mark V for Hard Rock??? :p

Now that IS funny. :lol:

Don't get me wrong, as I never said that the MkV was too good for "metal". I definately am not a metal "hater" either. I was just curious why so many people were lining up to buy the $2000+ new Boogie to play metal with. To me, a MkIII does metal as good as any other Boogie, for a lot less cash. 8)

Mark V is way more versatile and cleans are better. very simple. I think ppl got excited about the IIC+ mode as well (and for me, the possibility of 4xEL34!)
Honestly all.....after seeing some people here pigeon hole the metal genre and blast people for wanting a versitile amp for metal I think I am leaving this forum. I have played for 2 decades, I listen to everything, have been in metal bands, rocks, bands, cover bands, pretty much the entire gamut. I primarily am a metal guy now a days. I love all metal and most music in general including my love for classical and my piano training which i still teach. Being a metal guy and wanting a solid versatile amp so you can expand and rock the way you want is what its all about. I love metal because, as stated earlier, it incorporates many elements of many different genres including blues. I stick to the prog end of metal but I personally know some death metal players that are the best guitar player/ musicicans that I have ever had the pleasure to watch. So before we get the torches out and blast people for wanting to buy a mark V to play LOG coveres remember......are you buying it to play strictly blues??? because that is pretty much the same point. My point is all enjoy what you enjoy and play it loud.
I'm sorry everyone, I have been telling people over at the wretched hive of scum and villainy that is the Harmony-Central Amp Forum about this place. ;)

Seriously, some of you guys are fools.

"This is gay"

"no your an idiot justin timberpussy"

ARE YOU ******* KIDDING ME you stupid sons of *******. get lives, jobs, something.
Sixstringpsycho said:
Honestly all.....after seeing some people here pigeon hole the metal genre and blast people for wanting a versitile amp for metal I think I am leaving this forum. I have played for 2 decades, I listen to everything, have been in metal bands, rocks, bands, cover bands, pretty much the entire gamut. I primarily am a metal guy now a days. I love all metal and most music in general including my love for classical and my piano training which i still teach. Being a metal guy and wanting a solid versatile amp so you can expand and rock the way you want is what its all about. I love metal because, as stated earlier, it incorporates many elements of many different genres including blues. I stick to the prog end of metal but I personally know some death metal players that are the best guitar player/ musicicans that I have ever had the pleasure to watch. So before we get the torches out and blast people for wanting to buy a mark V to play LOG coveres remember......are you buying it to play strictly blues??? because that is pretty much the same point. My point is all enjoy what you enjoy and play it loud.

Man, i really hope that you will not leave the forum.
I, like you, play metal mainly but listen to many genres of music, and theres a lot that i could say and reply to many posts but i dont.
Because for one i have learned in life not to judge. there isnt much right and wrong. who am i to correct people when my intentions are NOT to teach them?
On the other hand i have nothing to prove, no one has.
What i mean is that when i see something i dont necessarily feel for i just dont participate. I might watch but i dont participate.
THAT IN NO WAY watsoever means that i am better, in fact i expect in return for people not to chime in when i say something that does not mean much to them, except when theyre intentions are to teach me something i did not know.

This is the boogie board. Not the intellectual board. And that doesnt mean you are not allowed to turn it into that and exchange ideas and opinions - but if you do it shouldnt be calling my name telling me i HAVE to be involved necessarily.

Look i am not good at explaining myself and it never turns out the way i want it to be so let me just end it by saying that i consider you all to be my brothers (sisters maybe?) and like in a family you dont have to agree always but u accept them for who they are now, and trust me you will find many people who you can learn from. Others who you will have the pleasure to guide

I personnaly think its all about having fun in this forum, and we all will if we can accept what everyone is saying.

Sorry if that sounds like i am lecturing, i am just hoping we can all just be excited about the music and enjoy!
IMHO, anybody who posts on this forum, or equivalent, regarding non-troubleshooting topics like this one, to a certain extent does not have a life and needs to practice more. or find a porno bitch!
rabies said:
IMHO, anybody who posts on this forum, or equivalent, regarding non-troubleshooting topics like this one, to a certain extent does not have a life and needs to practice more. or find a porno bitch!

Wow..3698 posts eh? lol me thinks someone needs a porno bitch...but really though who doesn't
phyrexia said:
I'm sorry everyone, I have been telling people over at the wretched hive of scum and villainy that is the Harmony-Central Amp Forum about this place. ;)

Seriously, some of you guys are fools.

"This is gay"

"no your an idiot justin timberpussy"

ARE YOU f%&# KIDDING ME you stupid sons of *******. get lives, jobs, something.

well my stance is like i said before play what you want...if someone wants to buy it to play just metal fine or just jazz fine or idiot comment was that to condemm anyone for buying it for one reason is stupid...i guess you didnt get that part....yet you talk **** about harmony central and go post whats happenin here over there...
Sixstringpsycho i really hope you dont leave ...this is a great with other forums i have to remember everyone has an opinion and not everyone always plays nice...stuff happens to tick others off...
Nermel said:
rabies said:
IMHO, anybody who posts on this forum, or equivalent, regarding non-troubleshooting topics like this one, to a certain extent does not have a life and needs to practice more. or find a porno bitch!

Wow..3698 posts eh? lol me thinks someone needs a porno bitch...but really though who doesn't

yeah, well I'm a poseur to a certain extent and love to trash talk Mesa and Marshall even though I love both companies' amps.

listen to modal or funk jazz, forget the metal (sometimes!)

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