Mic Pre for triaxis/2:90

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Jay Clarke

Feb 19, 2007
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I mic up my Triaxis/2:90/Rec Cab, with a shure SM57, but I feel I need a proper mic pre specially for the guitars.

I want it rackmounted

What would people reccomend?

I like the look of the Avalon 737 but its a bit costly...
The most crucial thing about micing an amp is 1. making sure the mic is good for the job and 2. mic placement. If you don't know how or have a very good idea how to place a mic on a guitar amp then it can sound bad even with the most expensive, high end, hand made, point to point, studio equipment you can get your hands on.

What are you using right now for a mic pre? Most of the recordings on this site are using basic solid state pre's ran into a computer and some sound radio worthy.

Jay Clarke said:
I mic up my Triaxis/2:90/Rec Cab, with a shure SM57, but I feel I need a proper mic pre specially for the guitars.

I want it rackmounted

What would people reccomend?

I like the look of the Avalon 737 but its a bit costly...

I have the Avalon 737 pre and it is bad to the bone....it is very costly but very nice....but honestly for years I used the basic pres of a Mackie board and thought they were great for using my 57 to mic guitar parts. Is the Avalon a little thicker, cleaner and fuller???? yes, but I do think you can get great guitar recordings from anything as long as you got a great sound, a good solid mic and like it was already said great mic placement. experiment until it sound good to you. you can click on the links in my signature below to hear many different tunes that were recorded with the mackie pre off the board and a few of the other tunes were done with the avalon as the pre for the mic. let me know if you can tell the differernce and later I will tell which tunes used which pres.....they were all done with the same mic though.
Some great guitar tones man!

my favorite guitar sound was Blister Kiss, refined and chunky, what did u use for this?
Jay Clarke said:
Some great guitar tones man!

my favorite guitar sound was Blister Kiss, refined and chunky, what did u use for this?

blister kiss was actually recorded with the mic pres off my mackie board. The cabinet was miced with a beta 57a dead center on the speaker. There are several tracks of guitars on the tune and they are done with a combination of my triaxis, 20/20 and recto cab and other tracks were recorded with a digitech gsp 2101, yamaha power amp and marshall cab. glad you enjoyed!!!

Which Mackie Model did you use?

reminds me a little of dimebag's tone, tis a very good tone!

Also, did you double track the guitars like One panned left and one right, or triple with a middle one too, or did you do something else?

Did you use any compression?


Jay Clarke said:

Which Mackie Model did you use?

reminds me a little of dimebag's tone, tis a very good tone!

Also, did you double track the guitars like One panned left and one right, or triple with a middle one too, or did you do something else?

Did you use any compression?



i use the mackie 1202...the pres sound great and it uses very little space....I did double track the guitars mostly with them panned hard left and right....there is another guitar for the solo and then I beleive there was another guitar panned close to center picking the notes of the chords under the chorus blended in ever so slightly. yes i used compression on the guitars at about a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio just to help keep it nice and thick and even.