Mesa tube theory

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May 22, 2007
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Ok, i dont want to over simplify the matter but this is my unbiased take on stock Mesa tubes. Other than being matched for Mesa's fixed bias why would Mesa use inferior sounding tubes? To save a few bucks? :?:

It seems most people are re-tubing with JJ's, GT's and CED's etc. because they feel the stock Mesa tubes are not as good. There is so much conflicting info on this forum that whatever tube you have currently you can easily find good and bad reviews. It seems Mesa doesnt skimp on any other aspect of their amps, why would they on tubes? I would think that they would want only the best being placed in their amps so customers are happy from day one. I dont work for Mesa or even care if anyone buys a Mesa product ever again but i am a bit confused on all the day and night comparisons between tube brands.

If anyone has some insight feel free to fill me in on this. I am in no way a tube specialist or understand tubes like some of you guys do. I could easily spend weeks trying all these tubes but maybe some logical thought might be in order. By the way i posted this because i just retubed with some JJ's and i have conflicted thoughts on them. Thanks for your help guys.
Mesa just rebrands tubes from other manufacturers. They've used quite a few different brands throughout the years so you'd have to be specific on which Mesa tube you're referring to when comparing. Some of the tubes they've used are excellent, some not so good.
I understand Mesa doesnt make tubes but only tests them. I guess it was a general question about all tubes mesa is using currently. Personally i would rather retube 3 times as much if the tone was that good.

Durability is great but does nothing for our tone as guitarists, i could care less if Mesa smacks them with a hammer to test if they can withstand an impact such as my amp falling off a stage. Seriously, if your amp falls off the stage you have other issues besides a tube going bad, right? I guess it brings me to saying that the whole idea of buying a great tube amp is its tone and dynamics to your playing.

I guess i am confused with so many conflicting posts on various tube brands. It seems one brand would stand out eventually but this isnt the case. Is it just us Mesa users that are bent about tubes? I have a road king so i could go nuts trying different tubes. i guess i was hoping there was a stand out brand that people said was superior in tone. Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
Mesa also designs around a particular tube. Then they try to maintain taht standard. I think that some consideration goes into price and availability. If they chose to grade NOS tubes only then they would be too expensive and not very plentiful. When they take an average grade tube with excellent availability like a Sovtek 12ax7 they know that they can reproduce the same results with confidence that they will have enough stock to continue for a while. Mesa does reject tubes based upon testing results. This can be a whole batch at a time like GT does. Mesa does choose some nice tubes once in a while to grade but I think it is more based upon initial cost of the tube and availability. At the time, the (415?) 6L6's used in IIC+'s were really nice tubes. Again, when the 420 6L6 was produced and screened it was nice too. I think that the main reason for Mesa tube discrimination comes from the rather bland/neutral nature of the tubes they choose. Sure you will find better tone from other tubes of the same type but they weren't chosen by Mesa as the subject of their testing procedure for sale as Mesa rebranded tubes. This is why I would rather get GT's. GT just screens more types than Mesa thus offering more choices. Stepping back from this issue, if you use Mesa tubes you will consistently have Mesa tone. That is why they choose the tubes they choose. They offer a few choices in power tubes, a couple rectifiers, and their basic 12ax7 along with their SPAX7. I wouldn't call their practices skimping. I would call it being strategic. As far as them wanting the best in people's amps, the "best" is subjective.
Your taste in tubes as everyone else's will vary in time. Sometimes a dark gainy preamp tube like a JJ is desired. Other times a rounder tube like a Tung-Sol is desired. Still yet other times a gainy and grainy, trebly Chinese tube is desired. There are so many choices and so many preferences that it would be difficult to accomodate everyone. Mesa chooses to just use the Sovteks. GT on the other hand makes more of an effort and offers about a dozen different preamp tubes not including the SAG special graded ones.
Well said .

You pretty much pay your money and take your chances .
Don't be afraid to burn your fingers changing tubes . It's worth it .

Gloves and a well lighted area help ... As superchicken said :

"you knew this job was dangerous when you took it "
BTW GT offers 90 days replacement on power tubes and 180 days on preamp tubes incase you get a bad one that makes it through.
I have been using all eh 12 ax7 and 12at7 tubes for years in my mark 1
they seemed to give a nice bright sound,also i had a fuchs amp and i talked to andy fuchs and he recommended tad 6l6 short bottles for power tubes.
the sound from these tubes is awsome i highly recommend you try some they are the best tubes i've ever used. be sure if you try them you order the short bootles they seem to sound the best.
I personally find EH's to be bright and sparkly but too easily microphonic. These tubes are not as bad as Ei for consistency but definitely prone to microphonics moreso than others.

Welcome to the Board george998 :D
Check out the sticky Guitarzan posted up for us ! Great info !

They use stock (Ruby's mostly which I personally really like) tubes that are tested and used for RELIABILITY, foremost. They ARE **** good sounding tubes IMO, used them for years. Mesa knows there are choices out there but as an amp manufacturer they have to think of durability as their chief concern.

After time you learn that there are other "alternatives" to use that are better suited for your ever-changing taste in tone.

There's a fully stocked and steaming tone buffet for us tube-head guitarists to munch on out"S EAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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