Mesa Triaxis vs. Marshall JMP-1

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guitarmaster said:
Mrmot said:
guitarmaster said:
I'm angry with Mrmot,that called me drama queen :)

:lol: :lol: :lol:

the topic is :
Mesa Triaxis vs. Marshall JMP-1

not :
Circus clowns :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:
:lol: :lol:

PS: :idea: spend your time to give your opinions about preamps not to start children fights.
you too! :wink:
Owned both for many years (but not now) Triaxis Iliked less than most boogie's and the JMP1 Iliked more than most marshalls. Both sound sinthetic compared to my Roadking .JMP1 better distorted tone ,user interface and fx loop ,Triaxis better at everything else .
Both sadly know left behind by better preamps from other companys.Egnater M4 ,CAA3+SE ,Engl 570 .
I got to tell you I never played an engl but this preamp is uggly as hell !
Dont tell me that visual is not important cause we all want hot chicks , pretty guitars nice cars so to me it is uggly uggly uggly.
By the way what is good for one is worst for other.
So triaxis isnt better than engl and engl isnt better than triaxis,
It depends on who is listenning.
If I prefer mesa s tone triaxis is my choice .
If I dont like mesa s tone I ll go for the engl but the best pre is in your ears .
The engl takes time to get to know because of all the options, and the fact that the tones your looking for arn't always where you'd expect them to be . That aside I have the engl and a road king and love them both .As for JMP1 and Triaxis I sold them both .
sombra said:
Dont tell me that visual is not important cause we all want hot chicks
i can hardly imagine a situation where some girl would care or could even see how does your rack look like. But, you might care how's her rack :lol: :lol: :lol:
Ahh this old argument. Well no doubt the Triaxis is more versatile. Most all agree with that. But who honestly needs 20 different tones, unless you're in a studio. To me the TriAxis has always sounded sterile. Not to lively if you ask me. Thats why most pros mix a TriAxis with another amp to really fill out the width of sound and get saturation.

The JMP1 is not as versatile, nor is it advertised to be. If you want a Marshall tone, go with the JMP1. If you want Mesa go with the TriAxis. Its really that simple. The JMP1 WILL be warmer. Its more of a fact of the Marshall vs Mesa voicing. I love Mesa voicings, but will never say they are warmer then a Marshall, its just not true.

I've been debating between these two pre amps for a while, spent hours AB'ing both. So far the JMP-1 is the front runner.

BTW the guy who said that 80% of Corgans tone was his poweramp has no real clue about audio processing. And if you are indeed as old as you say you are then act it! To say that it is not a pro piece of equipment is incredibly dumb. More then most bands Iron Maiden spend alot of time honing their live sound. I really don't care much for their music, but the fact that they use the JMP-1 speaks volumes to its level of professionalism. I know you are a Mesa purist, but for god sakes think outside you self-confined box.
Cause the clean sound is way better than the jmp-1 :D
I love both the TA/jmp1...But if i were to use mesa racks again,i go for the quad/studio..wats MIDI :eek:
Thanks for all he post everyone. My main goal is to get both th triaxis and the JMP-1 powered by a Mesa 2:90 so I can get the best of both worlds and mix/match both for both clean/dirty channels and then eventually get a Marshall EL-34 100/100 as well. I'll put a TC G Major fx unit in and I'm thinking about getting a Custom Audio Electronics MIDI pedal.

What is the difference or is there any diff. between the Marshall 9200 and the Marshall EL34 100/100? Thanks
AliensExist4 said:
Sombra: What would you suggest then for something similar to the G Force?

similar to the G Force ,xpression is similar because their prices but its sound is way better.
rdomain said:
Some more commission for you sombra? :wink:

What can I do I love rocktron s stuff.
It prooves that I am 100% honest when I talk about what I like. :p

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