Mesa Static

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Jul 11, 2009
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Just yesterday i had a guitar lesson and my teacher put an input into the Mark V head so both guitars could go into it. I wasn't sure if it would be bad for the amp so I went with it and took his word that it shouldn't affect it at all. About 5 minutes later there was a lot of interference from what we thought was just a shoddy input.

Today though, I plugged my guitar in and there is now a very loud static, windy noise. Prior to this it had a bit of noise like a computer but I read up about that and came to discover that that was normal for the Mark V.

Would anyone know why this is now occurring and whether it is the amp or the cabinet? I have a Traditional 2x12 rectifier Cabinet.

Thanks a lot for the assistance.
your probably confusing that problem with the common channel pop which happens when you switch channels. Your problem could be alot of things. give mesa a call and see whats up
thegaindeli said:
"Prior to this it had a bit of noise like a computer but I read up about that and came to discover that that was normal for the Mark V".
? :?

haha, yeah that doesn't sound the best. But there is a certain hum to the amp? I was trying to describe that.

DudewithFr0 said:
your probably confusing that problem with the common channel pop which happens when you switch channels. Your problem could be alot of things. give mesa a call and see whats up

Yeah i know about the pop, kind of annoying but i thought that was pretty normal for the amp? That hasn't been too much of an issue for me, but the noise mentioned is a different one that has never happened before. I'll give mesa a call.

Thanks for the assistance.
Azrehan said:
Does this 'hum' go away when you switch the fan off?
that's exactly what i too assumed he meant when he said it sounded like a computer, since they both have low-speed cooling fans.

as for the static, i get a low-to-medium volume windy noise from the high-gain channels all the time, channel 3 especially with the Bright on and Mk I mode especially with the Thick switch on. i run the gain or treble cranked pretty high, and those settings do have some background noise.

i also get a hum when i step close to the amp, a low buzz like single-coil hum, even though my guitar is shielded and i'm running humbuckers. something somewhere must not be fully shielded.

occasionally on those high-gain channels i get noise that is a bit wavy or otherwise changing/crackling and not steady or a monotone, but that noise has always gone away. if it ever didn't go away, i would swap out preamp tubes and see if one of them was causing it.
i also get a hum when i step close to the amp, a low buzz like single-coil hum, even though my guitar is shielded and i'm running humbuckers. something somewhere must not be fully shielded.

That hum is most likely just common proximity hum picked-up by the amps transformer. Most amps are affected by this type of hum; some worst than others. The only way I know to cure it is to wrap the transformer in Mu-Metal (a nickel-iron alloy). The good thing is we rarely stand that close to an amp when playing, so it's rarely a problem.
Tuna141 said:
That hum is most likely just common proximity hum picked-up by the amps transformer. ... The good thing is we rarely stand that close to an amp when playing, so it's rarely a problem.
interesting. i've never had this hum on any other amp, including Boogies, but all my other amps going back 15 years were rack setups. but yep, it only crops up when i lean over to the amp to tweak the settings, so no big deal.
scott from _actual time_ said:
Tuna141 said:
That hum is most likely just common proximity hum picked-up by the amps transformer. ... The good thing is we rarely stand that close to an amp when playing, so it's rarely a problem.
interesting. i've never had this hum on any other amp, including Boogies, but all my other amps going back 15 years were rack setups. but yep, it only crops up when i lean over to the amp to tweak the settings, so no big deal.

Really? I get that from every amp I play through.. with several guitars. I mean, from my experience it's a normal thing that when the pickups come close to the speaker (or the transformer like Tuna said) there is some noise/feedback going on.
Yeah the hum is due to the fan actually, thanks for that.

As for the windy static, it occurs on all three channels. I've always had a kind of buzz on channel 3 due to the high gain?
I've had the same windy static on mine also...especially with Ch. 2 Mark I was kinda bad in 10w mode...but got much better as i went from 45w to thinks it's Power Tube related
Nermel said:
I've had the same windy static on mine also...especially with Ch. 2 Mark I was kinda bad in 10w mode...but got much better as i went from 45w to thinks it's Power Tube related

I found some static last night on the exact same settings you had

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