Mesa - like pedal

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Jun 22, 2010
Reaction score
Athens - Greece
Hi guys,

I own a Mesa Boogie F30 & a rack with Recto PreAmp & the 50Watt pwer amp.
Lately, travelling does not allow me to carry my amps to varius places, so I'm looking for an alternative (as close it can get... ;-))
I was thinking maybe a overdrive-dist pedal could sort-of do the job, but which pedal? Would you have anything to propose?
Unfortunately V-twin is out of production, and I wouldn't buy something second hand.

Do you have in mind any pedal that would take me as close as possible to this tone?
Money is not quite an issue (as lond as it delivers the tone of course..)

Thanx a lot.

Check out Brian Wampler's site. He's got one of the best Recto-in-a-box's going.
The AMT California sound pedal might sound close to a Boogie, but their DU-HAST pedal came close to getting the tone of a dual recto, as I own this pedal. A better choice might be their R-1 preamp pedal, which is directly modeled after a dual, check out the sound samples on their website if you get the chance :D
I had a twin V tried to use it with the Mark V and it was dark and muddy I personally think the Twin V is for Solidstate setups I have a buddy swears by it with his SS rig and I have to admit he sounds great