Mesa for metal

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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2007
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la rioja spain
I am going into a new metal band and looking around a good mesa head. I know what i need but i want that you guys give me a suggestion about the right option or model

I need:

- 2 channels (a good clean and a high gain)3 is not necessary but i open mind
- 50W will be perfect but 100 its ok
- I dont need midi options and a hundred options ( roadkings is out of my mind, i need one easy amp)
- FX loop of course
- i going into 4X12 ( a rectifier cab or similar)

i mess around with the preamp+50/50 but too but what is the good choice for a metal band

Help me guys. Thanks

the preamp+50 50 are a good choice for brutal metal tone.put an overdrive in front of it and you ve a nice metal rigg.
i play metal and i use a roadster and sometimes a rectoverb with 2 recto cabs. i put a maxon od808 in front of them and man....superb metal tone.
Two amps come imediately to mind. The Rectoverb and Stilleto ace. I only have experience with the ROV but have heard great things about the Stiletto. Cab selection will be very important and I personally recommend the Rectifier 4x12 straight or the 4x12 Stiletto.

Two channels 5 (the Stilleto is four modes but crunch is duplicated on the second channel) modes good cleans, great high gain tones, no midi.

Try em both and see what pans out.
I think Stiletto load EL34... is enough for metal???sorry but there is no stilettos around me
Rectoverb sounds good and the price sounds better
what about Rectifier Single??

Thanks for the input guys... ups one thing.. the sounds that im looking for its more or less this
How about a single Recto or Rectoverb with EL34's in it? I just put JJ E34L's in my dual and LOVE it. Really tightens things up, but also keeps the low end there. Did wonders for my tone. I know a lot of people don't really care for Recto's, but I love mine. There are some great tones in there.
I have JJ EL34's in my Rectoverb and I absolutely love it.
I think the amp responds better at lower volumes with the El34's in there.
The sound I'm getting out of vintage mode right now with my LordOvChaos modded SD-1 in front is just flat out gorgeous.
The lead tone is really just singing right now.
I also think Modern mode has a little more "crunch" to it with the EL34's in there as well.
When I'm playing my 7 string in Modern Mode it sounds crushing.
Nice and tight and very sharp and articulate. Think Dream Theater's "TOT" tone, or Nevermore's "Dead heart in a Dead World".
It's right there. :D and that's what I was looking for with this amp.
I've just been really surprised by the vintage mode on this thing.
Really great sounding mode for shred.
The most simple and underrated metal amp mesa makes is an F series,try the F-50 with some pedals of your choice and the right cab and it has one of best metal gain I've ever heard,a tad tighter than the recto,but based on it's design.Very simple head. :D
what kind of metal, do you mean Nu Metal, or just a new band that plays metal?

nqd said:
I am going into a new metal band and looking around a good mesa head. I know what i need but i want that you guys give me a suggestion about the right option or model

I need:

- 2 channels (a good clean and a high gain)3 is not necessary but i open mind
- 50W will be perfect but 100 its ok
- I dont need midi options and a hundred options ( roadkings is out of my mind, i need one easy amp)
- FX loop of course
- i going into 4X12 ( a rectifier cab or similar)

i mess around with the preamp+50/50 but too but what is the good choice for a metal band

Help me guys. Thanks
nqd said:
I think Stiletto load EL34... is enough for metal???sorry but there is no stilettos around me
Rectoverb sounds good and the price sounds better
what about Rectifier Single??

Thanks for the input guys... ups one thing.. the sounds that im looking for its more or less this

If your not interested in Reverb the Single will do you just fine. Listening to the nooneworld clips I think you could get close to that tone. Something sounded off or overly processed in that mix. If that was a Rectifier I wasn't impressed with the tone. That doesn't meant that it was bad playing. If that's your band I meant no harm. I like the nqd clips better and think a SR would fit based on the two clips.

Sucks you can't find a Stiletto Spain. robstar or Platypus may be able to give you some suggestions. I know Platy has owned a Rectifier and an Ace.
clutch71 said:
If your not interested in Reverb the Single will do you just fine. Listening to the nooneworld clips I think you could get close to that tone. Something sounded off or overly processed in that mix. If that was a Rectifier I wasn't impressed with the tone. That doesn't meant that it was bad playing. If that's your band I meant no harm. I like the nqd clips better and think a SR would fit based on the two clips.

Sucks you can't find a Stiletto Spain. robstar or Platypus may be able to give you some suggestions. I know Platy has owned a Rectifier and an Ace.

Thanks for the coments guys

Noone is a solo project. Only for fun, you know what i mean...was recorded at home. The amp is a Line 6 spider II. there is no mic.. just in line. Very basic, and the rest of the instruments are midi. All played and composed by myself
The Nqd clips were a Nomad 100 in a studio with my band.
The style of my new group is very similar to Noone. No numetal or Emo... just Metal.
of course there is Stilettos in Spain but not in my city or just around ( i live in a small city and must to drive 3 hours to find a good musical shop)
So the thing is between Rectoverb, Single or Stiletto....
Mesa's aren't for metal, they're for big band and country! And the classic AM radio tone. You should look at your local department store for an amp - the cheaper the better! :roll:
lol ok ok

so now i am going to play some Fender or Vox

Seriously tomorrow i am gonna play an ENGL... lets see
alex1564 said:
Mesa's aren't for metal, they're for big band and country! And the classic AM radio tone. You should look at your local department store for an amp - the cheaper the better! :roll:

I would have to agree with the guy that said mesas arent the best choices these days for metal..There are much more agressive, TIGHTER, distorted, and powerful amps these days...mesa is good for a variety of sounds from a single amp, but if you want a metal amp, just get a single channel flame-thrower that is geared towards metal.
For the "modern" metal tone, one trick ponies like Framus and Diezel are tough to beat. But, at least in southern california, the modern metal tone seems to be falling out of favor. It was so popular for so long that it got to the point where everybody had the same mid-scooped sound. What was once cool and "modern" became standard and stale. A lot of people are now experimenting with other amps and other types of tone.

If you've got the cash, try some of the Bogner amps - they're killer.

I use a mark iv, a really old one. It is not a modern metal amp, but its very aggressive and powerful. Check out Lamb of God and Chevelle - their guitarists use mark ivs and have awesome tone (in my opinion).
Are cookie monster vocals also getting stale down there in OC? I pray for it to be true.