Marshall 50/50 power amp

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Well-known member
Oct 29, 2007
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I have the opportunity to get one of these at a pretty good price. I was wondering if any had any experience with these. How are they with reliability? I'm going to be pairing it with my ENGL preamp.

What do you guys think?

Or should I just go for a 2:90 instead? (I think I know the answer to this question :lol: )
I had a 100/100 EL34 that I would run one side at a time into my Mesa 412 cab with a JMP-1. Totally badass. It had a A/B voicing switch with B adding more bass (modern) and A being tighter (vintage).

I had no issues with it but sold it recently as I don't play at studio anymore. It's VERY heavy, not sure about the 50/50 though I imagine that weighs a tone as well...

Marshall is the only brand that makes dual monoblocs btw.
This, the 9200, and groove tubes power amps are my favorite. I ran a JMP-1/9200 combo through double 1960v cabs for quite awhile, KILLER amp that one!! The EL-34 gives a much more classic "marshall" tone than the 9200, I like it a lot. I like to crank the volume all the way on the power amp and really crank those fuckers and control my volume with the preamp.

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