Silverwulf said:
danyeo1 said:
I can see the prices of IV's dropping a bit but not the IIC+. The Roadster and Roadking have come out and people are still overpaying for the early 2 channel Rectos.
Oh, I can see that. But there's some fundamental tonal differences in early revision Rectos versus the RK. The above is under the assumption that rumors are true and it does have the
exact IIC+ and IV circuit in there and the tone is pretty spot on. It's then that I think the used market will plummet on both.
Here is my take on this subject. I had an early MkIVA that would get "scary" close to the C+ lead channel tone wise. BUT, the rest of the amps' channels would not come close to the "juicy" (for lack of a better term) sound that the C+ can deliver in the rhythm channel and lower gain regions of the lead channel. By all the decriptions of the MkV that I have seen, the C+ mode is on channel 3 (lead channel). If it is spot-on C+, it will satisfy the metalhead in all of us (and I'm sure it will). The concern is the rest of the amps' channels. Maybe channel 2 will deliver what some people were missing on the MkIV Rh2. I feel like channel 1 will be as good as the Lonestar, in the clean dept. 8)
If all this is true, and there are no "issues" like the RK1, here is what I see happening:
A nice used MkIV will be $1000 or less, depending on age and condition.
A nice used "loaded" MkIII with footswitches will be between $600-$700, depending on stripe color and condition.
The C+ will probably move to the vintage/collector status (Blackface Fender, Marshall Plexi) instead of the "Metallica, Dream Theater" amp. The prices will not be quite as high as in the glory days, but I don't see them hitting "rock bottom" either.
Just one man's opinion, though.