Mark V tidbits

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MrMarkIII said:
Not in this economy. Nope.

They may roll it out but I bet they don't ship it except by special order. Mesa's core market-- aspiring pros who are working day jobs and hobbyist rockers who are likely to be getting paid by the hour or running their own small business, are the ones who are hurting the worst right now. I don't think they want the Mark V sitting in GCs around North America getting beat up, reviewed, and dumped on on the 'net by guys who can't afford one.

I think all amp makers are going to take a big hit. Come back in two years and I bet that the field will have contracted and the ones that are left will be offering fewer models.I bet the one-step-down-from-boutique companies like VHT, Engl, and Diezel will stop trying to keep anything but token inventory in retailers.
rabies said:
CoG said:
I bet the one-step-down-from-boutique companies like VHT, Engl, and Diezel will stop trying to keep anything but token inventory in retailers.

Diezel, a $4K+ amp is "near boutique"???

Nah, boutique is $1500 per 20 watts (I'm looking at you, Carr) and/or you have to wait six months to get whatever the regular stock amp with no unusual options is. :lol:
rabies said:
CoG said:
I bet the one-step-down-from-boutique companies like VHT, Engl, and Diezel will stop trying to keep anything but token inventory in retailers.

Diezel, a $4K+ amp is "near boutique"???

Price has nothing to do with it. Diezel isn't boutique at all IMO. They are just expensive. They use printed circuit boards, and an amp with a printed circuit board is not boutique IMO. Not that printed boards sound worse or better, it's just that the construction method has a lot to do with what makes an amp boutique, not the price. A good example is the Valvetech Hayseed. It's under $1000, but it is also a boutique amp.
If you can get it at GC, it ain't boutique.

Here's a chuckle:
From the Hayseed website:
Just don't call this a "boutique amp." That reference has been ruined by overpriced so-called handmade amps. The ValveTech amp is priced much lower than the factory made "boutique amps."
Wonder what these sound like... ?
Thanks Stephen. I needed that.

I've been told by Mesa Boogie of Hollywood that the amp will be coming out soon.

Here's part of an email i recieved from them.

Hi Dan,
I do not think the factory has any faceplates left..You should check with the Mesa factory next week at 707-778-6565..
You may want to wait before you do all this work on your MKIIC.. There will be a new Mark series amp that will be out very soon that
will knock you off your feet ;) Mesa Hollywood
Isn't this interesting...

Bottom of this page:
If all of that turns out to be true, we're in for one hell of an amp. If it does indeed have the exact IIC+ and IV circuitry on those modes, I think the used market is about to plummet on both of those amps.

All in all...3 clean modes, with cleans that one guy claims is better than the Lonestar and almost "3D." A crunch mode that sounds nearly identical to the Stiletto "Crunch" mode, a very Marshall sounding mode, Mark I, a Mark IIC+ and Mark IV mode that supposedly has the exact circuitry as those amps, an "Extreme" mode, switchable from 10W to 90W, recto tube assignable, assignable EQ, reverb, etc. If all of that is true in a $2k package, wow is all I have to say.
Silverwulf said:
If all of that is true in a $2k package, wow is all I have to say.


I'm betting same as a Road King, plus you won't be able to find one-- special order only unless you happen to live near Mesa Hollywood.
CoG said:
I'm betting same as a Road King, plus you won't be able to find one-- special order only unless you happen to live near Mesa Hollywood.

I'd hope they weren't special order only. It wouldn't make any sense to yank all of your Mark amps out of production, release a brand new line of amps...and then not make them available for people to try in stores. As much as the amp will likely be hyped, I think stores will want to carry them.

Of course, whether or not you want to buy a first run Mark V is another story. How often does Mesa change the amp after it's initial run? Oh, just about every name a few...

Mark III, Blue, Red, Purple, Green
Mark IV A, Mark IV B
Recto Rev C, D, E, F, G
Lonestar, Lonestar w/10W Mode
Siletto Series I, Series II
Roadster, Roadking, etc...

You get the point. They always seem to release an amp then revise it within 6 months - 2 years afterwards. Sometimes the value will go up in the future (Pre-500's anyone?), where as with others the value and marketability drops, like the used market fallout of Series I Stilettos and Road Kings.

I'm sure it sounds great and will be fine, and if you like the sound, who really gives a sh*t? But just saying...anyone want to take bets on how long it takes them to release a Mark V "B?" :p
Barry said:
Before you go out buy one you better hold out for about a year for the updates or stage 2, etc..

You said it! This is always my biggest fear and this thing is going to be loaded, more that's put in the more that can go wrong.
I agree guys, but think about how long the thing has been in prototype mode, being demoed by players, etc. im sure they worked out a bunch of the quirks by now, no?

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