Mark V just not popular with older people?

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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I feel like a lot of the people who don't like the Mark V are older dudes. Guys who want a more vintage sound, truer to the original C+ and Mark I. But for me (at 26) love the amp for just the opposite. I feel I can get those vintage tones on channel 2 and channel 3 is blissful modern metal mayhem. I can't speak for the IIC+ but I did own a Mark IVB and ya it's not dead on, but it's pretty close and where it doesn't match it is way better to my ears. Extreme is friggin awesome too. Tones I always wanted but could never get with my Mark IV. Theres a lot of talk about changing tubes or making sound like this amp or that amp but it doesn't so people don't like an amp on it's own, it's awesome.

Anyway, younger guys love it, older dudes don't. Am I wrong?
theroan said:
I feel like a lot of the people who don't like the Mark V are older dudes. Guys who want a more vintage sound, truer to the original C+ and Mark I. But for me (at 26) love the amp for just the opposite. I feel I can get those vintage tones on channel 2 and channel 3 is blissful modern metal mayhem. I can't speak for the IIC+ but I did own a Mark IVB and ya it's not dead on, but it's pretty close and where it doesn't match it is way better to my ears. Extreme is friggin awesome too. Tones I always wanted but could never get with my Mark IV. Theres a lot of talk about changing tubes or making sound like this amp or that amp but it doesn't so people don't like an amp on it's own, it's awesome.

Anyway, younger guys love it, older dudes don't. Am I wrong?

Wrong. At least in my case. I'm 41. :D
Wrong in my case also, I am 45. I play in a 90s alternative Rock Cover band and it fits the bill perfectly. I would sell my other amps before I sold the Mark V.
theroan said:
Very cool, I'm trying to figure why so much hate for such an amazing amp.

My opinion? Hype. Marketing in their effort to sell more units hype it up. Promising sounds based on past successes, which can sometimes backfire.

For me this is the amp I have been waiting for. Still waiting for actually. I have been fortunate enough to find a combo to test drive, luv it, but I am waiting for the head.

An amp this versitile should have been marketed and sold on it's own merits. A true evolution of the Mark series instead of a "wonder amp" that rehashes the past.

Either way though there is no pleasing some people. Someone is always gonna *****. :lol:
41 here-I own some of the amps you mentioned-I really dont see a lot of "hate"..there are a few who spent a little time with the V , and it wasnt their cup of tea-at least on this board, there are more who like than dislike-I know a few people who dont know the BB from a hole in the ground who love my V
-there haven't been too many "credible" critics in my view around here-I liked mine in the beginning,I have played around with different tubes,settings(JUST like I have done with my other amps...), and now I like it even more
I am not a metal head...I play some metal, but I love anything with kickin' axe work,and the V gets me there, while my others are resting in the wings... :)
I am 32 I like this amp a lot. Probably my last one for a while. No more amp GAS.
I covers so much ground that I can't see myself lurking for something else.
I was actually wondering this exact same thing -- good to see the "older" crowd dig it! Especially ones with experience in the older Marks.

Everytime I plug in and play through the V, I am constantly reminded how much happier I am than I was with my old Triaxis/2:90 combo (and my 1 week stint with a Road King). It was so hard to give up that old rack -- I had it for years and I was "content" with it but not stoked.

It does seem the V gets a ton of flak but as someone mentioned, the "credible" reviews have been few and far between.
Hmmm...well, I'm 25 and the Mark V sounds good and is a fantastic studio amp, but it is built VERY cheaply and it is fragile. Therefore, I feel that it is an over-hyped product that is not worthy of touring or gigging of any type in comparison to the Mark IIC+, III, and IV. At this point, I feel that it is a huge risk to do more than studio work with it. I have been having nothing but problems with it and I own a ton of gear ranging from uber-expensive to fairly affordable. That is all.
Not sure how much older the "haters" are, but I'm 38, play a prog rock/metal band, and I love the Mark V for all of its tones...esp. the heavy ones and the great cleans. It's certainly the best-sounding amp I've ever played through, and of course the most versatile. I'm able to get all the tones I want and then some. Additionally, my band mate, 37, currently uses a Triaxis & 2:90 setup and wants to switch it out for the V when he's financially able.

So yeah, us "old" dudes are loving it, too. :D
37 and loving the V.

When you get bored, just crank the channel masters and notice just how much of the true Mark gain structure there is in this amp.
I'm an old *******, 55 and I plan on ordering a MK V on Tuesday. I will run it stereo with my MKIIC+. 8)

I will definately put differents tubes in when I get it. The 6l6 Tungsol's sound great.

I know new electronics need to be broken in, I'm just not sure how long it really takes.
MesaGod666 said:
Hmmm...well, I'm 25 and the Mark V sounds good and is a fantastic studio amp, but it is built VERY cheaply and it is fragile. Therefore, I feel that it is an over-hyped product that is not worthy of touring or gigging of any type in comparison to the Mark IIC+, III, and IV. At this point, I feel that it is a huge risk to do more than studio work with it. I have been having nothing but problems with it and I own a ton of gear ranging from uber-expensive to fairly affordable. That is all. you own a C+?I am NOT giggin' with mine,period!smoke,****oles, etc...hell no! The MK V fills THAT requirement-its a gigger/leave the + at home under lock and key!!!risk?whats the risk?I would gig with a III,IV, or V...leave the babies at home
when you get a C+,trust will feel the same,I hope..unless you are Petrucci,why take a 3000 + investment into a smoke filled room with degenerates?Leave the **** at home,the V gets close enough
the + does the studio,bro..the V does the dives :)
MesaGod666 said:
binnerscot said:
When you get bored, just crank the channel masters and notice just how much of the true Mark gain structure there is in this amp.



Wow, now that's something that I had'nt tried yet, thanks for the clue Binnerscot.

And yes, this amp is Scarlette Johansson on top, with silk sheets, and a mirror overhead. In other words, it's all that! :D
When you say older people, are you really referring to "seasoned Boogie players"? I have been doing the Boogie thing for 20+ years, and think the MkV is a great milestone for the company. It is much more user freindly to the novice than the MkII,III or IV. As far as vintage tones go, the Variac Power and Tweed mode will get you closer than any Mark made in the last 25 years, IMHO.

If the comment about the channel masters is true, then you must play it loud for the best tone, just like the previous Marks. It is a tube amp, remember. :roll:

Age tends to make everyone more resistant to change, I think. Go with what you know. 8)

Peace out !