Mark V effects loop

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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2010
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Got my first disappointment with the mark five here, been running my delay (Seymour duncan dela vu) in the loop and became increasingly frustrated with it, was on the verge of selling the thing as I was convinced it was the pedal, I play a track with a strat on the ultra clean setting 90w with a dotted eighth setting and it was just breaking up crazily and all the notes were just indescernible from each other, a right mess if im honest.
As a last resort I tried it in font of the amp and it was perfect! Crystal clean and none of the notes crashing into each other, now ive had enough gear to know it could be just "one of those things" but I'm now deeply suspicious of the effects loop, anyone else exerienced this? or is it just these two bits of kit that dont like each other :lol: ? Maybe I could get the UN in to try and resolve this conflict! :lol:
Everything I've put in the effects loop has been okay so far. Try turning the send volume down on the back.
eudaimonia02912 said:
Everything I've put in the effects loop has been okay so far. Try turning the send volume down on the back.

Well i was only running it at noon, still I'll go lower, dont want big volume jumps switching the loop in and out though, could get embarassing in a gig! :lol:
Never had any sort of troubles like that. Have you tried anything else in the loop? Could be a preamp tube.
phyrexia said:
Never had any sort of troubles like that. Have you tried anything else in the loop? Could be a preamp tube.

Only a chorus tbh mate, didnt sound bad, need to do a full test tonight with pedals in all positions, doesnt seem to be exhibiting any other dodgy tube symptoms, got a bit of a fart (The amp, not me!) at rehearsal put just put it down to the cable, hmmm, have to keep an eye on it!
The effects loop signal is hot with the level at noon. The problem is your tone suffers if you lower it too much. I try and use both the fx loop level and the input levels on the effects units to maximize the tone without overflow.
ID say look at the preamp tube that controls the FX loop...

Just an idea, Ive never had an issue with it..
I've started another thread about this same issue before I saw this thread. Did you ever discover what the problem was? I have a Boss DD-5 and CE-5 and when in the loop it distorts like crazy. I did replace the FX Return V6 tube and no change.
I just tried my ISP G-String through the loop and whenever it is connected (plugged in), there is a buzzing sound in the tone. I unplug it, and the amp is more quiet.

The G-string does not work in front of the amp, (it goes through the loop and the front), so I can only assume it is the FX loop until I try another pedal (as I was getting the same kind of buzzing from my 5150 when I tried to use the ISP in that as well, and I chalked it up to the 5150 having a bad I'm going to have to re-check things!)
Gunner said:
I've started another thread about this same issue before I saw this thread. Did you ever discover what the problem was? I have a Boss DD-5 and CE-5 and when in the loop it distorts like crazy. I did replace the FX Return V6 tube and no change.

The only thing I can put it down to is the level the loop is amplified at, if I back it right down it sounds ok ,I think I would have prefferred a wet/dry rather than level on the loop, be easier to control. Worth noting on lead delay type settings its barely noticeable, the problem only arose on quite heavy dotted eigth note delay settings a la Mr Edge, then it just distorted like crazy, backed right off its ok. Its strange coz a lot of people complain about loss of volume on the MV loop!! :lol:
I've had nothing but positive experience with the MkV effects loop. I'm not running any pedals in the loop but I have tried it and it sounded good.
I have a different issue with the FX loop on the Mark V.

I bought the combo Mark V and when I plug in ANY effect pedal it works only on the individual channels. When I turn the knob on the back that says "Loop Assign" to the footswitch assignment, all of a sudden the FX loop doesnt work whether or not the FX light is on or off on the footswitch.

I first tried plugging in my Line 6 DL4 Delay into it, same issue. Then I tried a stand-alone Boss acoustic simulator pedal just to see if it was something with the DL4, same problem.

Any suggestions as to what the problem could be?

Brendan124 said:
I have a different issue with the FX loop on the Mark V.

I bought the combo Mark V and when I plug in ANY effect pedal it works only on the individual channels. When I turn the knob on the back that says "Loop Assign" to the footswitch assignment, all of a sudden the FX loop doesnt work whether or not the FX light is on or off on the footswitch.

I first tried plugging in my Line 6 DL4 Delay into it, same issue. Then I tried a stand-alone Boss acoustic simulator pedal just to see if it was something with the DL4, same problem.

Any suggestions as to what the problem could be?


Could be the footswitch or cable, Mark V cables have been known to occasionally glitch out.
Turn channel volume down to around 8 o'clock and turn master volume to desired loudness. Works for me and some others!
I'm disappointed to in Mark Vs fx loop. I did use a boss DD2 delay in there I had to crank the fx level up on amp and pedal. I then bought a TC flashback, better not brill. My mark v sounds great but I really have to crank master vol to 3 o clock on a gig, crazy I know. I now don't put pedals thru fx loop I just crank fx knob to max, gives me more volume to keep up with the drummer. I use a AVT mini Marshall 4x12. My Mesa single rec 50 blasts my Mark V any day. I have put 4 new 6L6's in it. I think the reverb and fx loop is over engineered although some people love it. I will take this amp to a shop and compare with another Mark V
Anyone had same volume probs?? I've had over 20 different valve amp in 30 years, I Just might get a JVM210H and push the mesa out the door.
Sounds like something is wrong with your MArk V head. What wattage are you on and what is your gain set at? I have my channel volume at 10 and the master at 9:30 10 and it screams!!!! I cant imagine turning it up to where yours is. I only use the Mark V in a band situation and live on stage. Sounds like you have a setting wrong or a tube thats blown. Check the power tubes!
pivot said:
Sounds like something is wrong with your MArk V head. What wattage are you on and what is your gain set at? I have my channel volume at 10 and the master at 9:30 10 and it screams!!!! I cant imagine turning it up to where yours is. I only use the Mark V in a band situation and live on stage. Sounds like you have a setting wrong or a tube thats blown. Check the power tubes!

Agree. Mine is also as loud as I can tears the room appart!
Scary said:
The effects loop signal is hot with the level at noon. The problem is your tone suffers if you lower it too much. I try and use both the fx loop level and the input levels on the effects units to maximize the tone without overflow.

Does this mean that if I can turn the FX loop level all the way up, and still have it sound good (which I can), I should? Or is it preferable to leave it at 12:00? With my G Major, it sounds the same either way, just different volume.