Mark V Channel Mode External Switching

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2010
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Hello this is my first post. I recently read an interview with JP and he said that he has his 3 Mark V heads setup with external switching such that he can not only change between channels 1,2,3... but also between the modes on each channel (i.e. Mark 2C+, Mark iv, Extreem). He said he has 27 sounds available (3 headsX3 channelsX3modes on each channel) Does anyone know how to do this? Or do you think JP's heads have some custom wiring in order to accomplish this?


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Shaner30 said:
do you think JP's heads have some custom wiring in order to accomplish this?
he must... or maybe he can't switch them on each individual amp, but instead, each one has a different voice setting and he has to switch to the specific amp to get the one he wants
I wonder if he has each head setup with different modes per channel. So, head 1 would be set for Clean, Edge, and IIC+. Head 2 would be set for Fat, Crunch, and Mark IV, and head 3 would be set for Tweed, Mark I, and Extreme. This is the only way I can think of that he could switch between channels AND modes.
Here is a link to the interview. He specifically says 27 sounds available and that he can switch between channels AND modes...

IC: Is the Lone Star still a part of it?

JP: No, it’s three Mark Vs, and I can utilize all three channels of each head, and all of the different modes of each channel. So there’s 27 different options or something stupid like that. We’re gonna take pictures of that, and we’ll put that all up on the Net. That head made it onto ‘The Count Of Tuscany.’ We were mixing the record, and there was a solo I hadn’t done – the solo after the last vocal, and that’s Mark V. Some of the more Alex Lifeson kind of parts with chorusing on them – that’s also the Mark V.
MusicManJP6 said:
I wonder if he has each head setup with different modes per channel. So, head 1 would be set for Clean, Edge, and IIC+. Head 2 would be set for Fat, Crunch, and Mark IV, and head 3 would be set for Tweed, Mark I, and Extreme. This is the only way I can think of that he could switch between channels AND modes.

This is what I was under the impression was happening.

I dont think he has magical mode switching, but I have been wrong before... once.
Shaner30 said:
Here is a link to the interview. He specifically says 27 sounds available and that he can switch between channels AND modes...

IC: Is the Lone Star still a part of it?

JP: No, it’s three Mark Vs, and I can utilize all three channels of each head, and all of the different modes of each channel. So there’s 27 different options or something stupid like that. We’re gonna take pictures of that, and we’ll put that all up on the Net. That head made it onto ‘The Count Of Tuscany.’ We were mixing the record, and there was a solo I hadn’t done – the solo after the last vocal, and that’s Mark V. Some of the more Alex Lifeson kind of parts with chorusing on them – that’s also the Mark V.

Yeah, he is not saying that he does it on the fly. He is saying that with 3 heads, he can get all sorts of different combinations of "modes".
****. That's true I guess he never specified he can change the modes externally...I just made that assumption. It would be pretty sweet if you could though. Guess I just need to buy a few more Mark Vs
One head = 9 modes possible = 3 at a time
Three head = 9 modes possible = 9 at a time

If you could switch between modes somehow on the fly you would get 27 possibilities but 18 of those would be rubish since you all know you would have to reEQ and fine tune everything. I don't think JP would go for this...
LPJunky said:
One head = 9 modes possible = 3 at a time
Three head = 9 modes possible = 9 at a time

If you could switch between modes somehow on the fly you would get 27 possibilities but 18 of those would be rubish since you all know you would have to reEQ and fine tune everything. I don't think JP would go for this...

Good call!

He does (or can anyway) use all the modes with his 3 heads.
Hendog said:
LPJunky said:
One head = 9 modes possible = 3 at a time
Three head = 9 modes possible = 9 at a time

If you could switch between modes somehow on the fly you would get 27 possibilities but 18 of those would be rubish since you all know you would have to reEQ and fine tune everything. I don't think JP would go for this...

Good call!

He does (or can anyway) use all the modes with his 3 heads.

True. Interesting. Now I'm wondering what he's got going on...
Hey MusicManJP6

I would love to know the answer to that too. Without any Midi control I don't see how its possible unless he has a custom mod. I have a GCX that I use to switch channels, Loop, EQ, and Solo. That is all there is as far as I know. I have read the manual a dozen times and never seen anything in there that suggests what you are hinting at is possible. I hope it is and I just missed it. Wouldn't be the first time...

How do you like your JP6. I have a BFR JP6 that is a sweet guitar. It isn't as nice to play as my PRS, but it has way more sounds. I am just much more used to the PRS tho - maybe in a couple of years the JP6 will be my favorite. Who knows. My 335 is my favorite right now...

LPJunky said:
One head = 9 modes possible = 3 at a time
Three head = 9 modes possible = 9 at a time

If you could switch between modes somehow on the fly you would get 27 possibilities but 18 of those would be rubish since you all know you would have to reEQ and fine tune everything. I don't think JP would go for this...

Nine modes, three power settings=27. Think of JP's rig as three preamps and three power amps and it's easy to see how this is feasible.
3 heads = 9 modes... the missing part is which heads are on.. in which mode...

head one in clean with 2 in fat
maybe 1 and 2 in c+/IV

3 heads * 9 modes = 27 different combos (or somethign like that)
dmcguitar said:
3 heads = 9 modes...
3 heads * 9 modes = 27 different combos (or somethign like that)
SteveO said:
Nine modes, three power settings=27. Think of JP's rig as three preamps and three power amps and it's easy to see how this is feasible.
yep, and here's the modes... (ya ya I had photoshop open and I was bored ;) )
Ya the three amp with all modes in use seems to be the logical explaination. Plus, Mesa told someone here that if they were to do a mod that would allow for switching between modes it would void the warrantee. I also heard that Mesa has a strict policy on not customizing the functionality of their amps, not even for artists. What you get in the store is what they get too.
theroan said:
Ya the three amp with all modes in use seems to be the logical explaination. Plus, Mesa told someone here that if they were to do a mod that would allow for switching between modes it would void the warrantee. I also heard that Mesa has a strict policy on not customizing the functionality of their amps, not even for artists. What you get in the store is what they get too.

Correct ! Plus, if you read the interview which was the trigger for the discussion, you can read that John says his heads are stock.