Mark V b ???

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2009
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I know we have talked about it before, but with all of the problems popping up on the Mark V, I might wait for the Mark V b.

When, historically, do the first revision of the Marks happen?
You keep waiting....and I'll continue to enjoy my Mark V combo and head.
I purposely waited a year to see if any updates would pop up . I even asked a couple friends who work at Mesa about it and was I told there were no updates on the books
You share my same thoughts. Wait for the bugs to get worked out, although the roadking is on seven years of "upgrades", thus my hesitation to pic up the head or cab version of the Mark V. I have two locations within a few hours of here I can try one out. I was going yesterday but read the forums, even saw two for sale already in the classified.
I am not buying a new "used" one to save $90 bucks.
One store has the head the other the combo. I am just not sure I want to jump on it, just to see a new version in six months. EX:Try to unload your two month old rect, now that the "new improved version" is out.
My roadking works just fine, I had sent it to Mesa and had a complete checkup and some available transistor upgrades done. They are good folks and treated me well and the price was better than most amp "experts" around here.
We shall see.
Those of you who have them, I will wait while you enjoy, and while some wait to get theirs back from the shop as
I see was posted. I hope these do go well anyhow. Not bashing mesa, they are complex. Yet why rush to put out an item
just to release another verion after another.
I am not saying there are a ton of problems but I just saw a new post asking whats wrong with the amp.
Read the forums, I do not think players with problem amps are trying to make it ugly, I think this information is of
importance when you are going to shell out 2k.
Why wait bro??? Just pick up version A now, and let 'er rip. When version B comes up on the horizon, just sell the A, if you absolutely have to have version B.

I just couldn't imagine waiting indefinitely for version B, which in all likely hood is probably a few years down the road (just my guess). I haven't had any issues at all with my MkV head, but I know others on here have. I couldn't be more happier with my tone right now.

I also have the MkIV rev. A head, which I leave at the rehearsal studio.
no problems here, other than addiction to its versatility, which leads to a lot of tweaking!
Hendog said:
I know we have talked about it before, but with all of the problems popping up on the Mark V, I might wait for the Mark V b.

When, historically, do the first revision of the Marks happen?

Remember, pretty much everyone who ever had a problem with the Mark V came here to tell their story. There really isn't a better place to talk about boogies. Considering how many they have sold so far, I don't think that an unreasonable amount have had problems. Especially when you consider many people here have had tubes go which happens with any amp no matter how well it's made.

I'd bet we wont see a revision for at least a few years, but if they do, I personally hope they make an ext. switching jack for the FX Loop. That was a huge mistake IMO, although there are ways to get around it.
I have read a few posts that describe problems eventually diagnosed as related to loose components. That is often a result of acrobatic shipping. Of course there are some craftsmanship issues but not design flaws. It seems the MKV units are in demand too. In Atlanta, with many large music stores, you can't find a MKV very often. Just because one is for sale used does not mean it is a bad amp. People have lost jobs and need cash, they get stolen and sold on ebay, etc. Just because there is a used 2010 Ferrari for sale, that does not mean they are bad cars.
Hendog said:
Oh yeah, that's why I dont post here.

Wasn't trying to get you upset Hendog, just trying to ease your mind on potential problems so you will get out there and buy one! Any amp can have an issue at any time, just grab the Mark V and tear it up dude, you will be thanking yourself! Peace!
Hendog said:
Oh yeah, that's why I dont post here.

You asked the same exact thing on the EB boards and half of the guys there told you to go with the V since you said it was your "ideal amp" anyway. Don't worry about it having issues. If it does have issues, thats what you have the 5 year warranty for. If you want one, get it. If you don't want one, don't get it. I wouldn't go worrying about potential issues it could have, especially since that can happen with any amp.
Really, by that logic you would never have any gear! What happens in two years even if they do come out with a Mark Vb? are you gonna wait for the Mark Vc? just in case they make another improvement. Remember change isn't always good. Sometimes trying to make improvements ends up doing something to the tone... and there will always be people who don't like the change. Then what you get 20 years down the road, is people looking for the original version of the Mark V. This amp rocks. PERIOD. A lot of issues that people have come on here to complain about are from guys who have never owned a Mark series amp. I was one of them, although I didn't come on here and complain about the tone. I just stole other peoples settings, tweaked to my taste and then walked through the gates of heaven. I play in two different bands and all of my bandmates in both bands are looking over at me with that smile of "holy crap that sounds awesome". Of course that will fade as they get used to being in the presence of great tone but for now it feels great!
I just can't say enough good things about this amp... I have never been this happy with a purchase. Here is the list of what I would want changed if they could do it.

1) Make the cable from the amp to the footswtich a standard 7pin midi connection so that I can order up a new pedal snake that will work with this amp. Or, if not that, then at least just rewire it so that the mute is on the centre pin instead of the effects loop. I can live without the mute on the footswitch.

That's it!!! That being said I can't imagine taking the hit for a new version over the amp that I own now just for that... I'll just have to maybe try to convince Jody at Stage Magic to make me a special pedal snake if I get the connectors from Mesa...

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