What Speakers Sound Good With Mark V 90-Watt Head?

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Apr 4, 2014
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New Franklin, OH
Hello all, wanting to know what speakers sound good or match well with the Boogie Mark V 90-Watt Head for great cleans, edge of breakup, classic rock, hard rock & metal tones?
I'm currently using a celestion creamback 75W and passive attenuation. I like it , but I'm not playing loud, maybe 70dB. (Vacuum cleaner volume)
Any speaker you like probably works for one of those types of music, at least. The Mark V has a very versatile tonal range and thus might work well with...pick a speaker.

I like Greenbacks, I like Creambacks, I like EVM-12Ls. I like V30s. I like T75s. They all work for one thing or another. And many more, too, depending on your tastes.

Asking "what speaker goes with which amp" is a lot like asking what wine goes with this entree. It's personal taste. You'll have to discover for yourself what you like.
It's personal taste. You'll have to discover for yourself what you like.
Yea... no doubt.

However IMHO this is especially true with the V:90. It seems this amp is extremely responsive to changes with speakers, cabs, tubes, pickups and overall signal path settings. Choice of speakers, I feel have the most tonal impact on any amp. FWIW my other Mesas (IIC+, Stiletto, LSS, Badlander) tend to retain their inherent voicings say with a speaker change but the V:90 can take you in a different direction, which can be good or bad :eek:

great cleans, edge of breakup, classic rock, hard rock & metal tones?
To get all that there certainly will be a compromise at some point. The V:90 is extremely versatile but it's a "great jack of many trades and a master of a few" For example Edge mode can get a real nice Brit/Marshall like tone. But it can't match the Stiletto. With the cleans, the V:90 is stellar but the LSS is more lush with upper end sparkle.

With that said... I've found that a v30/EVM 12L pairing floats my V:90 boat. If I've got to take a 1x12 then the EVM 12L Thiele (more classic Mark tone) or a Widebody with G12-65 (more Brit Celest tones) works well. There's alot of great threads here that outline suggestions to try and discover :)
I've used V30's, the MC-90 Black Shadow, a G12K-100, and Jensen Tornado Stealth 80 with mine. If I just had a 1x12, I'd have the MC-90 in it. But I have two 2x12's and either run in stereo or put them both on the Mk V. One has two V30's, the other has a MC-90 and Jensen Tornado Stealth 80. I don't like how the V30's sound on their own, but they compliment the MC90 well in recordings, providing that mid-forward sound to help cut thru a mix. The G12K-100 is quite scooped and also mixes well with a V30, but I found the high end to be too much in the screechy range. Sold it and put the Tornado in its place. It's not my favorite speaker, but is working in the mix. If I hadn't recently made IRs of my speakers and started recording thru reactive load boxes, I'd have gotten a second MC-90 to go with the two V30's. But since I have IRs, I can make a two-MC-90 & two-V30 rig in the DAW.
Hello all, wanting to know what speakers sound good or match well with the Boogie Mark V 90-Watt Head for great cleans, edge of breakup, classic rock, hard rock & metal tones?

I’ve had best results with Mesa 4x12 traditional and original V30 speakers.. but that’d be just my acquired taste.

The cab has big part how the speakers work. I tried to like smaller cabs with same and different speakers but just couldn’t get the tone and feel out of those (1x12
Closed, open, stiletto, 2x12 recto and compact..) 🤣

Soo.. try everything you can have your hands on and decide. The learning process is also part of the game

Sorry. No concrete suggestions..
Man I want a 4x12... bad. Just gotta figure out a place to fit it in, there's no room. :ROFLMAO:

As an total ass I am I sold my Stiletto 4x12 couple of years ago for the usual reasons.. after trying combos and aforementioned cabs (Thiele also) to get that tone I finally landed on a deal on Mk V 90 and traditional 4x12.. problem solved 🤣

Emptied one wardrobe from usual clutter and added some metal shelves for the head and whatnot, so my gear is out of sight yet pretty easy to fire up..
Emptied one wardrobe from usual clutter and added some metal shelves for the head and whatnot, so my gear is out of sight yet pretty easy to fire up..
hmmm my mental gears are rotating :LOL: powered by GAS. This is not a good thing typically cause it leads to an acquisition. Sigh I will try to abstain, please folks do not add any fuel to the fire, it is a weak moment. :ROFLMAO:
I run my Mark V thorough two Marshall 1960 cabs...yes with g12t-75...LOVE IT!!!! (my Mark IVB has BLack Shadow....frankly the differences are great but can be compensated for with an eq....so in practical terms..THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE>>>a speaker is a speaker they all output sound). If you put stock in speaker magic get the one you think sounds the best...there are ALL sorts of videos on Youtube comparing the eq curves(sound, response) of them. The really particular guys mix them and then eq them all the same anyways...???? (like I said..THEY ALL WORK>>>I would NEVER pick an amp for the speakers outside of are they at least sufficient to put out the sound of the amp and not screw the tone too badly)
I've gotten the best sound out of my Mark V 90 with a 4x12 Recto Standard OS cab with the stock V30s. Next best were the Eminence Legend EM12s, I really enjoyed those. The worse sounding (to me) was the EVM12L. For some reason I can never get those to sound good in any of my cabs, except my Fuchs Blackjack 21 MKII combo. That speaker is beautiful with a Dumble ODS clone.

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