Mark V and the RJM Mini Amp Gizmo

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Supreeth said:
Is anyone else using a MIDI switcher to change channels on the Mark V? If so I'd love to hear your experiences.

I've been using an old Rocktron Patchmate that I just finished re-building... it can switch up to 9 things at once and has a built in hush circuit, which I've got patched in to the Mark V's FX loop. I've got an equally old Midimate on the floor.

I had an RJM RG16 in the past, and it was a top notch piece of gear as well... only got rid of it b/c it's more switching / loops than I need these days.

I've been looking for a smaller Midi board and the Master Mind from RJM looks cool, but I also spotted the new Liquid Foot Jr that looks a little stronger and with more functionality. There are some youtube clips of those foot controllers and they look interesting.
Mark Fore! We meet in the forum... (funny that the meeting in person came first).

I actually just decided to sell my Rocktron All Access Limited. I may just end up with a liquid as well. Did you get any kind of indication what the wait would be like?

Oh, and I'd love to see some pics of your rigs. (Even if they're past rigs).
Metal190... is that you??? Let's talk about your All Access. I emailed the pre-paid form to the liquid-foot guy and I have not heard back from him. I have to wait to hear back on how to pay the guy... let's discuss your footswitch. I have plenty of rig pics here. I think you can locate them through the search under my posts... Or you can just cruise by and we can jam. I think your rig(s) are more impressive than mine. You basically have what I have except for that "extra" one you mentioned that I don't have.
Yeah, I started looking around in the forums and it looks like Liquid man might be incredibly backed up on orders, which is a shame. I was starting to lean that way, although I don't know if I want to wait a few months. Mario with Axess is on vacation till 8/31/09 - I may end up with a CAE by default. We'll see. But yeah - what do you want to know about the All Access? If I didn't have such a crazy vision of my expanding rig, it would probably be the perfect foot controller.
I used my GCX Audio switcher over the weekend with my Mark V and it worked great for switching channels, lead boost, etc.. I do not see an option to turn the FX loop and or the Reverb on and off with the external switching jacks though. Are these jacks not available on the Mark V or are they located in a different spot? I could not find them.
jdurso said:
JohnDNJ said:
Tell Ron about that light being on all the's probably because you don't have the exact cable for it yet.

Ron and RJM are one of..if not THE best customer service oriented company's in the business. If you need any
sort of switching system or amp\effects controller, mixer can not go wrong with his stuff. A total
class act in every sense of the word.


I orginally recieved my RG-16 with a few weird clitches that happened every so often. i emailed Ron and he sent me a new one out ASAP along with a link to a shipping bar code so i could ship him back the faulty one. No questions asked.... made sure i didnt have to pay a dime for the return cost and made sure in the end i was happier than happy. Truly a class act with a great set of products.

Indeed! Ron offered to replace my Mini Amp Gizmo if the issue was intermittent. Since then however I've been very busy at work and a few other family things and am catching up on the music once again! I'll be hooking up the RJM again this evening. Will post an update here after that!
WillPlayForFood said:
Congrats on your success Supreeth!!

I spent some time this Saturday with the Mark V and my midi foot controller. I had been using a Rockman Midi Octopus with my Mark IV for years and never had any problems. So, I tried it on the Mark V, and viola, midi switching is here :mrgreen:

I am using the Axe FX for effects and with the 4 cable method I get the similar response as Supreeth gets from his GT10. I get effects in front of the preamp and after. Pretty sweet set-up. I will try it out a rehearsal on Monday evening. I'll get back after I put it through some real world, band experience.

If I ever need another midi switching device I am sure to go with RJM products, I have heard so many great things!!!


Thanks man. It is indeed really sweet to be able to MIDI switch the Mark V's channels using the RJM or other products. I briefly played with the idea of getting the Axe-FX but I couldn't justify putting down $2k on it for the moment. How did the set up sound at rehearsal?

LPJunky said:
If turns out OK it would be a steal compare to the groove tube SE. Let us know the outcome.


I downloaded the IR's from (for the Mesa 4x12 Ghandi model), and used Perfect Space within SONAR to load the impulses. It sounded pretty OK and definitely did not blow me off my feet. I went out and bought an Audix I-5 to pair with my e609 sliver, and the recordings became much more clearer! I was however unimpressed with the fact that there was a lot of fizz in the recordings but that was due to me having a 2x12 recto cab with new v30 speakers. I went ahead and traded my 2x12 recto horizontal for an older 2x12 vertical recto with broken in v30s that forum member toneaddictjon had and now I'm pretty pleased with my tone :) I would have liked to break in the speakers myself but I don't see myself gigging till the end of the year at the very least to properly break them in!

Bottomline is, I don't think there's a substitute for a good mic in front of the cab. With the Mark V you can record at bedroom volumes and still sound great on your recordings. If necessary all you need to do is to clone the track you recorded to fill in any void that might have been caused by the volume being low!!

porchmonkey401k said:
How would you use the RJM Mini Amp Gizmo to connect to the amp control on the boss gt-8 with the mark v?

Controlling the amp using the GTs amp-control and the RJM are two different things altogether.

The RJM and GT-8 talk using MIDI. Depending on what MIDI PC message the GT sends to the RJM, the RJM will change the state of the amp. The Mark V custom cable allows you to control all the footswitchable parameters of the Mark V.

The amp control in the GT-8 is designed primarily to switch a 2 channel amp and would plug into a switching jack at the back of the amp.

I received my amp gizmo and Mark V cable... now I'm just waiting for the Liquid Foot Jr. to arrive and I will be a-dialin' fool for a weekend.

The Liquid Foot guy was a little backed up and it took him a few days to get back to me, but when he did, the footswitch was ready for delivery. Can't wait!
Mark Fore said:
I received my amp gizmo and Mark V cable... now I'm just waiting for the Liquid Foot Jr. to arrive and I will be a-dialin' fool for a weekend.

The Liquid Foot guy was a little backed up and it took him a few days to get back to me, but when he did, the footswitch was ready for delivery. Can't wait!

That's awesome. Glad to hear you have your RJM! Have fun over the weekend. Are you going to be using it with the G-System?

Supreeth said:
porchmonkey401k said:
How would you use the RJM Mini Amp Gizmo to connect to the amp control on the boss gt-8 with the mark v?

Controlling the amp using the GTs amp-control and the RJM are two different things altogether.

The RJM and GT-8 talk using MIDI. Depending on what MIDI PC message the GT sends to the RJM, the RJM will change the state of the amp. The Mark V custom cable allows you to control all the footswitchable parameters of the Mark V.

The amp control in the GT-8 is designed primarily to switch a 2 channel amp and would plug into a switching jack at the back of the amp.


so how would i go about setting up the RJM and the GT-8? Im assuming i need to use the four cable method
Supreeth said:
Mark Fore said:
I received my amp gizmo and Mark V cable... now I'm just waiting for the Liquid Foot Jr. to arrive and I will be a-dialin' fool for a weekend.

The Liquid Foot guy was a little backed up and it took him a few days to get back to me, but when he did, the footswitch was ready for delivery. Can't wait!

That's awesome. Glad to hear you have your RJM! Have fun over the weekend. Are you going to be using it with the G-System?


I'm using it with a G-Force. I got rid of my G-System a while back. Wasn't worth the trouble.

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