Mark Series advice requested.

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Jun 11, 2009
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Hi -

Lurked on and off for the last several years. I've owned a few Mesa products (Dual Rectifier, V-Twin) in the past and currently have a 50/50. Got a case of AAS for a Mark series at the moment.

I mostly play a 50's style Strat (Rarely play humbucker guitars) - looking for a amp that is kind of a swiss army knife, maybe go stereo. Thinking about a Mark IV, but wondering if a Mark III might fill the bill. Looking to mainly do 3 things with the amp - Fender clean, a JTM45ish clean and a distorted Marshall and flip between the 3 with a footswitch. I realize that a Boogie might be sort of a compromise amp, but looking for something that sounds close, but not exactly dead on. Maybe there's an alternative Mesa product I should look at.

Not looking to do metal - I'm getting to be an old guy. LOL Just something that covers Country to Classic Rock. I'll be doing the usual effects in the loop (may be a fuzz before the amp) or utilizing the 50/50 for Wet/Dry/Wet.

I'm leaning towards a combo, but a head has its appeal - especially if they work well with THD cabs which I already have 2 of.

Also heard about the ability to do 6V6 in a Mark IV, which would be an added advantage.

Anyone got any advice/input on the direction I should go - Thanks.
I was thinking of maybe a Mark 2B. I think your biggest problem though will be finding something to cover 2 cleans though. Unless if you want the JTM clean to be a little overdriven.
Hmm - Yea. A little overdriven would be OK on the JTM clean.

My mindset is I'm wanting kind of similar to a Eric Johnson setup that fits into a small package. Fender clean, Dirty clean and Marshall Distortion.

I've got an Axe-FX that will do it, but learning to deal with MIDI is not my top priority right now. I'd really like to do my main sound on the amp and relegate the Axe-FX for effects.
Just get a Mark V; you'd get all that plus an AC30 and a MkIIC+. Call now and get a Lonestar included for the same price!
I think a Mark III could fit you very well. All three of those sounds are easily attainable. Do you have access to try one? They're plentiful on eBay these days, and usually don't go for very much.
lreese said:
Thinking about a Mark IV, but wondering if a Mark III might fill the bill. Looking to mainly do 3 things with the amp - Fender clean, a JTM45ish clean and a distorted Marshall and flip between the 3 with a footswitch. I realize that a Boogie might be sort of a compromise amp, but looking for something that sounds close, but not exactly dead on. Maybe there's an alternative Mesa product I should look at.

The part I have highlighted narrows it down to the Mark IV and Mark V IMO as far as Mark Series.

I have never played with EL34's in my Mark IV, So maybe it resembles a Marshall tone better with those playing in Class A, but for as much as I love the Mark IV, nothing about it reminds me of Marshall. And as much better as the Mark V is suppose to be, it will definately still sound like a Mark series which again IMO probably won't sound close to the Marshall.

Maybe with some EL34's it will, I don't know though.

As far as cleans, not familiar enough with the fender cleans to judge. Mark IV has nice cleans, but the reverb is lacking. Mark V cleans I have heard sound amazing.

I actually think for what he is after, RoadKing2/Roadster might fit the bill better, though both IMO would be overkill.

Road King 2 and Roadster clean channels are amazing.

Road King channel 2 in brit mode with progressive linkage set to the EL34's definately resembe the Marshall tone.

I think Channels 3 and 4 might go unused though.

Channel 2 would do both your JTM clean and distorted Marshall.
my experience with my Mark IIIs says that you probably will need a pedal to achieve what you want, without sacrificing clean. the "old" mesa suggested settings for "pushed Marshall" roars ... but i don't think it can be cleaned up at that volume.

if you don't mind 2.5 out of 3 ... of your desired sounds IMO, then Mark III simulclass - purple or green (getting a little picky here) with all 6L6 can do most of it. a really good V1 & V2 tube might make it the rest of the way, I just can't afford tubes that expensive. I get real close with couple of OLD RCA blackplates ... i can;t describe how good my purple stripe sounds in "class A" mode. I am actually considering selling my LoneStar which I consider a "swiss army knife" of Mesas ...

look for some clips ... I wouldn't suggest "getting one to try it after buying it" - if you have that much money around just get a Mark V.
Something says IIB to me as well - one of the main complaints about the dual-volume/one-master arrangement of the Mark II and I is that to get loads of drive on the lead channel you compromise the cleans. Well, if you're looking for vintage-y clean tones (i.e. slightly filthy ones) then that works really well. In actual fact I use the Mark II a lot more than my Mark IV right now. It's got so much more nice vintage elements and has a real personality to the sound that I find really appealing. +1 for IIB.