Mark IV: What's In Your FX Loop?

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Here's a pic of the SKB PS-45 board that I used with my DC-3


All of the OD and boost stuff went through the front end, and all of the modulation and delay stuff was sent to the DC-3 loop via the SKB's patchbay.

With the Mark IV I'm down to a pedaltrain 2 with:

Budda Wah -> Flatline Compressor (I built) -> GGG Standard OD -> MI Audio Blues Boy Pro -> OLC English Channel (I built) -> OLC Professor Tweed -> Fulltone DejaVibe -> Retrosonic Phaser -> DOD 440 Envelope (I built) -> MKIV

Here's a pic, but I've made a few changes since it was taken.


I'm very happy with the sound of the Mark IV, on it's own. I boost my signal with a Flatline compressor that I built, and it runs all of the time, after the Budda Wah.
CE-20>EH Holy Grail Reverb>DD-20>ISP Decimator in the fX loop. I tend to never use my pedals at times and just plug straight in to my Mark IV.
davec69 said:
Mark IV: What's In Your FX Loop?
Nothing, I prefer instead to use the slave out to drive my efx which then feed a Boogie 50/50 poweramp in a W/D/W setup.
stevehollx said:
I have a G-Major. If I were to do it again, I'd get one of those Rocktron units (I forget if it is the Intelliflex or the Repliflex). Not crazy about the chorus on the seems to clip the high end. And the build quality of the knobs, I'm sure you've heard about.

My bandmates' Lexicon MPX1 has a KILLER chorus/phaser/flanger, but it's interface either just plain sucks or has a really steep learning curve.

Even if you get the G-Major, the G-minor isn't what yo want to control it with, since it changes the effect instantaneously. Pick up a cheap ART MIDI footcontroller if you want to save cash. $40 for 5 bank selects andn two arrows.
The Replifex is no longer made but you can find them on ebay, the updated version is the Xpression both these units have preset spillover. However if you after a killer chorus the Intellifex might be a better unit (as far as Rocktron gear)the intellifex can be a little bitchy to program the chorus can be up to 8 voices and you have to program each one a little time consuming, but awesome sounding! The intellifex does not have preset spillover.
The relifex and Xpression have the modes (reverb, phase,flanger and so on) the intellfex on the outher hand you basically have reverb and the chorus it does not have a say (Flanger mode) you can create a flange using a few voices of the chorus and the same for phase shifting.
I also use to own a MPX-1 although it sounded amazing I got it when it first came out and when you switched presets the direct signal would be heard but any affect signal would just drop and it was for maybe a half a second but very noticeable (one preset to the next)they did come out with a upgrade chip and it was better but not good enough so I dumped it but maybe there have been upgrades since then. And I stuck with the same block configuration as lexicon recommended.
But I found the MPX-1 easy to program and get a satisfying sound quickly compared to the Rocktron stuff. There again they are all easy once you get use to them.
The mix section on the MPX-1 was allot more comprehensive than the Rocktron gear
I have a Mark IV (A) Model which was before the upgraded loop / slave features. Has anyone found an efficient way to run a stereo processor with this amp, or does everyone just run mono?

I see that a couple people are running the W-D-W setup via the slave, but the idea of lugging 3 cabs around is not appealing either.

I'm using the combo and 1x12 extension cab.

How about left/mono channel of the rack effect, in the MKIV loop, and the right/stereo channel of the rack effect into a mono rack amp which drives the extension cabinet? Any suggestions for a single channel amp to drive the extension cab?

Does anyone know if Boogie does a model B loop/slave mod to the model A?
I actually use a $15 dano FAB chorus in my loop. Sometimes I use a an old Ibanez delay but it kinda degrades the tone. The buffer in it sucks.

I made the plunge today, and picked up a TC Electronics G-System. I'm planning on moving everything to a rack except the floorboard. Hopefully, this will put an end my fx loop effects search.
Ok i was thinking about using the loop all the time and running a dd20 up with 2 tone jam moded boss 7 band eq's one for rhythm and one for solo for the 3 channels and a true bypass foot switch to switch between them or bypass and use only the DD20.. So what i need is clean boost in front of the amp besides the "bad monkey" that is too noisy. any suggestion for that? Tim pedal or Sendrive?
Intellifex, nicest most beautiful piss in your pants chorus made. I use some of the reverbs, flanging and pitch shifting for some exotic tones also.