Mark IV vs. Stiletto ACE

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Active member
May 5, 2006
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Hi all.

I've got a Mark IV 1x12 combo that Mesa built for me back in '93.

Awesome amp, but I've never really been totally happy with it. Seems like there's too many knobs, and the thing seems pretty touchy... I always thought it sounded "sterile".

I guess I kinda got used to just dialing up a nice crunchy tone with my old Marshalls without having to put a lot of effort into it, I dunno.

At any rate, I've been messing with this thing for 13 years, and just last week re-tubed it with Winged C's, but I'm STILL searching...

Which leads me to wonder if perhaps the new Stiletto ACE 2x12 combo might be more to my liking. I play Strats and Les Pauls, and am looking for a smoky, smoldering lead tone that's not too crisp, kind of heavy on the bass, and not "ratty". I jam in small bars and don't have the need to fill a stadium with sound.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

The Ace looks intriguing to me too.

I haven't played either of the two combos you're comparing, but given the choice I would prefer the sound of a 212 over a 112 if all other things were equal.
In theory, the Stilleto Ace would be much better for you. I've owned/played a lot of Mesas, and the closed back design alone of the Ace makes me go hmmm.... I like it.
Don't get me wrong, I would loooooooooooooove to have a Dual Recto with a 4x12. That's a killer sound right there, but I'm not in a regularly gigging band, and it would be just TOO MUCH for sitting around the house.
The ACE is a great amp! I got to play it at my local store last week and loved it! The cleans were great, expecially with the Piezo equipped RG I played through it.

The overdrive, though not really my taste (I play a dual recto), was very nice, especially for leads!

It's definitely worth a look.
Well... I ordered a Weber speaker for the Mk IV, and went to GC looking for a Stiletto ACE.


I scored a deal on a Dual Recto at GC, and am currently on my way to being half deaf.

Good man! I was about to say, if you love the recto tone, just get the recto. Buy an attenuator, and be happy!
Pinetree said:
Well... I ordered a Weber speaker for the Mk IV, and went to GC looking for a Stiletto ACE.


I scored a deal on a Dual Recto at GC, and am currently on my way to being half deaf.


Hooray! You will be happier with the real DR. I've got a Triaxis, and just learned it will not do the Recto thing. I'm looking into a Bottle Rocket to see if that helps. If not, it's back to the DR.