mark IV solo video

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Well-known member
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
JMC Academy, Sydney
here is a solo from one of my songs
its my jp6 through a mark IV
please check it out and tell me what you think
To me your tone was pretty good! but seemed to lack a cabinet sound, what are you using for speakers? And what type of microphone you using? BTW this is just knit-picking on my part. (Just like to hear it breath a little more)
Love your playing!!!! Really tasty stuff with technique to back it up
to be completely honest, i really dont like the tone of that solo
its ok but not what i was after

i actually recorded that solo in a studio
my mark IV was running through a marshall 1960A 4x12

mic wise
i had an sm57, MD421, EV RE-20 all on the cab
and two AKG C414,s a few feet back as a stereo MS pair

i ended up only using the 57 and the 421
checked them for phase

just couldnt get rid of that fizzy sort of sound
in that video i am miming to that recording, its overdubbed on the top
the mark IV is just on in the background to look good
the guitar isnt even plugged in, and the amp is on standby :)
I’m surprised you where using a 4x12 cabinet because it’s really lacking cabinet sound, I did pick up on the fizz and forgot to put it down. Plus I’m always a little apprehensive about coming off like an *** so sometimes will watch what I write and kinda go with one criticism at a time. What I did like about the tone was the balance with the mids pushing forward a bit. As far as the fizz what channel are you using? And how do you have the gains set? Doesn’t sound like your using that much gain to push it over the cliff to generate the fizz. What tubes are you using also?
deskman said:
in that video i am miming to that recording, its overdubbed on the top
the mark IV is just on in the background to look good
the guitar isnt even plugged in, and the amp is on standby :)
did not pick up on that but long as that is you playing (who cares) again love the playing!!
definitely try one out
better yet buy one!

was using lead channel
stock tubes

your right, i didnt have heaps of gain
i think this is what happened
my amp is a combo
that setting sounded fantastic through the combo
maybe not so much through a separate cab

when i recorded it
i had the amp in the control room with me
and a lead running out to the live room
i used a guitar lead
i think this was my mistake
it was a decent distance too
thats the only thing i can think of
or failing that, the cabinet was just no good

when i get the chance, im going to go back to that same studio
but this time, mic up the combo
i love the sound of it anyway
ive tried it through a mesa 4x12 and still prefferred the combo tone
Elpelotero said:
very tasteful soloing. Every time I hear a JP EBMM, it sounds great. I should try one out some day.

Me too I tried my friends a few months ago and i was really impressed with pretty much everything about the guitar!
Maybe the reason you dig the combo tone so much more is the fact that the combo has C90's?

From my knowledge, C90's are a bit smoother than both the V30 and the 75 watt Celestion speakers in the typical Marshall 1980a cabinets.
that could be true
never really thought of that

i always found the combo to have a more sort of tighter boxier sound
even though its 1/2 open on the back, and the cabinet is fully closed
Although the general rule of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" applies, you may want to try getting an empty cabinet (search for a brand called Lopo) and then load it up with C90's if you really want a bigger version of your combo.

Orrr, you could stick with Mesa and get a three-quarter back cab, which sounds like it would be a big version of your combo.

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