Mark IV Presence Pushed or Pulled Question

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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2006
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In the manual it says it is better to have your Lead Presence pulled when jammin with a group of people. I would like to know why it is better and if it is really necessary. What are the pros and cons of having my presence pushed when playing at high volumes with a band etc?
I'm not positive on this, but it feels to me when you pull the presence it acts as a mid scoop as well as a high end boost. This is just how it sounds to me and I could be completely off, but I'm not a fan of the presence being pulled on it.
I am not sure why the manual says this or what is happening when the lead presence is pulled but I agree with ToneAddictJon. When I pull this knob and listen I end up pushing it right back in.
Yeah I thought it acted like a small boost aswell but making the guitar stand out in the mix a little more I guess but I never really tried. To me it also sounds like the gain just changes into a more saturated, trebley tone which can be good or bad depending on your settings. I was just wondering because I found a great tone that sounds better pushed but I don't want anything bad to happen while jammin (whatever that is) to my sound...Anyone else have something to add?
I did a jam session last Sat. with two other guitarists. I used the prescence pushed in on both R2 and Lead and cut through very well with the rest of the band. The Prescence pulled out sounds too mid scooped to my ears....
Always pulled for me, in RHY2 and LEAD mode, i find the sound more smooth this way.
When pushed, the sound become more harsh and rigid, which i don't like at all, plus when pushed, the volume gets higher.
Pulled for me too, especially in band situations. Antoine says it perfectly, it makes the amp sit perfectly in the mix without any harshness. Just lovely smooth sounds!
I use pushed with Triode/Class A and pulled with Pentode/Simul. Each time the knob is set to around 3.
i use my presence pulled and cranked 9-10. its almost necessary for playing metal, gives a nice attack and much more clarity imo. presence pushed and anything below 6 is way to flubby and not my style.
Hmm mixed opinions. So basically it's personal preference between a slight mid scooped sound (pulled) for smooth/metal stuff and a heavier, louder, sometimes flubbish sound (pushed) that still cuts through the mix well.

I keep my presence on 3 when pulled and 5 when pushed only because my guitar is really bright and I don't need the extra attack and aggressive sound.
yea the guitar and pickups probably make the most difference when it comes to where the presence is set. also speaker configurations/cabs/etc.
Definately. I just don't understand why the manual would say that pulled presence is better when jammin with a group of people when it really is just a mid scoop that lowers the bass frequencies. We all know that mids are important to cut through the mix and let the guitars be heard. Perhaps it is because the Mark IV already has so much mids.
Although I flip flop allot, for the most part I am a push person. I find in a band situation I still keep them pushed unless there is another guitar player. If both of us are playing closed back cabinets most of the time I end up pulling and gives both of us better separation.
I tend to keep mine pulled. Sounds smoother this way to me too. Pulled on 2, but about the mid scoop thing, I tend to keep my 750 about halfway between the middle and bottom lines, and the 6600 around the same, maybe a tad higher.

This combats the scooped nature and the increased high end. I could probably just push it and drop the 750 and raise the 6600 :lol:
Antoine said:
Always pulled for me, in RHY2 and LEAD mode, i find the sound more smooth this way.
When pushed, the sound become more harsh and rigid, which i don't like at all, plus when pushed, the volume gets higher.

I agree. I always have mine pulled as it produces a much smoother distortion. When the presence is pushed in I find it extremely grating to the ears and I always end up pulling it again. The Mark IV is a very focused animal with alot of presence as it is, but when the presence is pulled it gives the sound a much more spacious, "chewier" sound, and it seems to balance out the presence of the amp. Pushing in the presence knob is overkill for me, so I constantly find myself pulling it and setting it to '0'. The manual also suggests this setting for a Mark IIC+ sound interestingly enough, and I can understand why.
holdsworth said:
Antoine said:
Always pulled for me, in RHY2 and LEAD mode, i find the sound more smooth this way.
When pushed, the sound become more harsh and rigid, which i don't like at all, plus when pushed, the volume gets higher.

I agree. I always have mine pulled as it produces a much smoother distortion. When the presence is pushed in I find it extremely grating to the ears and I always end up pulling it again. The Mark IV is a very focused animal with alot of presence as it is, but when the presence is pulled it gives the sound a much more spacious, "chewier" sound, and it seems to balance out the presence of the amp. Pushing in the presence knob is overkill for me, so I constantly find myself pulling it and setting it to '0'. The manual also suggests this setting for a Mark IIC+ sound interestingly enough, and I can understand why.

I definitely think it's chewier. I think pushed is somewhat more "modern" sounding too.
All this Mark IV talk is killing me :cry:

If everything has gone well, mine should have left the factory a day or two ago....I'm within a week :D