Mark IV - Medium head - How does it fit?

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Well-known member
Jan 4, 2006
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Ontario, Canada
Hi there,

I might buy a Mark IV medium head. At some point I will want to put it in a combo. Does the medium head fit in any combo box and if so, which is it? The wide one? Do they have different combo shells for small, medium and long Mk IV heads?

Thank you,
there are only medium and short chassis Mark IV's

Medium chassis:

Medium Head
Widebody combo

Short Chassis:

Short Head
Compact combo

So your Mark IV wil fit in the Widebody combo.
Thanks for the info. I often see the MK IV refered to as the "short head", "medium head" and "long head". I guess the long and medium are the same.
IIRC there used to be long heads that were longer than todays mediums, but they stopped making them.