Mark IV Incoming!!!

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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2008
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Coastal Maine
Since the day I sold my MKIV shorthead months ago I have been waiting to get another. I even bought a brand new MKV. It just wasn't the same. No amp I have ever owned put a smile on my face like the lead channel of my IV did.
So I finally found the one for me. It is coming to ME from CA so it will be a little while still.

Here's a teaser

Congrats. That one is super clean. I'm on my 3rd Mark IV. This one makes me happy. I have an Axe Ultra for recording and when I get in that "stereo fx out the ***" mood but I play Mark IV almost every day. I've tried 2 different Mark V's and while I really like Channel 2 on the V, I live on the Lead channel and I prefer the IV to the V in that regard. Plus, I really dig R2 on the IV now. I ususally run it with the Gain on 8-10 and it sounds like a great biting medium gain tone. They rock for sure. Here's mine...


My recto cab has C90s in it rather than V30s. The amp sounds so great at low volume. I run a TC Nova System in the loop with an Amp Gizmo and get my channel/EQ and Loop switching done that way.


Congrats! That's a very clean widebody combo.


I apologize in advance for the hijack, but can you give you opinions on the different expression pedals you have?
I'm needing to add another. I love my EV VP-Jr, but am also looking at the Boss's.

Congrats from a fellow widebody MKIV owner.

You are right that there is nothing like the MKIV. I first heard one when they came out 20 years ago. I was running a studio preamp in a rack so I was good to go but I never forgot how good they sounded. 5 years ago i decided to ditch my rack and strip down to a combo. I was looking at used DC5's or F50's because I didn't have a lot of cash when a smokin deal cam along on a widebody MKIV. I jumped on it and have been a happy man ever since.

Mongo1 said:
..but can you give you opinions on the different expression pedals you have?
I'm needing to add another. I love my EV VP-Jr, but am also looking at the Boss's.

Well, as you can see, I've got an EB and 2 of the Boss FV500s. Right now I'm using one with the TC Nova System and the other two with my Axe.

I can't think of a single bad thing to say about either. The EB pedals are legendary and feel great. I'd have to give that one the nod in terms of feel. But the Boss pedals feel 95% as good and are built so well. They have the ability to control the feel of the pedal with a knob on the bottom of the pedal. Plus it has a dedicated expression pedal jack as well as in and outs. I got the 2 Boss pedals because there's a seller on that gets one in stock every couple of weeks and they sell them for $60 new. I can't understand why or how as the pedals usually sell for $90 or more. Anyway, I tried one and dug it so I got a second.

I think if I needed an expression pedal today, I'd get a Boss. If I needed a volume pedal, I'd get the EB. But they're both great at either function. You can't go wrong.
The mark IV is a strange beast.

After twenty years of flipping gear, mostly amps I finally got my self a mk4 last summer. This thing has rendered me gassless amps and effects vise. Every time I play this thing it puts a smile on my face and hours go by with out me noticing. I've tried the mk5 and as brilliant as it is it seems to lack that mk4 magic or mojo if you will. I have a mk4 short combo with the EVL speaker and the only thing that I feel I could add to better my setup is a c-90 loaded thiele.
It was just my luck. After receiving my Mark-IV Rev A head, it seems like only a couple of months went by before rumors of the Mark-V started leaking out.

I first played a Mark-V a couple of weeks ago, and to be honest I much prefer my old Mark-IV. When playing the V it just felt like MESA was trying to cram too much into one amp. None of the channels sounded as organic as my old amp. I'm still glad I went with the IV.
I have owned two V's already, the head and the combo. They are GREAT amps! But just not for me. Not at the current pricetag anyway. The Geq on the IV is far superior to the V. I don't know why but the eq on the V does not have as much effect as on the IV. That is a huge factor for me but ultimately it is the lead channel. The other channels on the V are much better sounding but the lead channel on the IV OWNS EVERYTHING, and that is where I spend 98% of my time.
halfnote said:
The other channels on the V are much better sounding...

Well they're different but I wouldn't say better. I'd be happy with the clean on either amp. But channel 2 on the V is clearly higher gain. I'd probably prefer that one given the choice but the R2 on the IV is excellent too. I'd probably play more leads on it than the Channel 2 on the V. Whereas the channel 2 on the V is a "better" chording sound IMO.
Great thread as I sit here a a little after 7 in the morning drinking coffe and jamming on my Mark IV before I head out to work.

I have had the serious Mark V jones on and off for a little while, but I would have to sell my IV to fund it. Simply put though, I found that I can not coax the same lead tone out of the V that flows effortlessly out of the IV.

I do prefer channels 1 and 2 on the V, but to be honesty, a good reverb pedal on Channel 1 on the IV will get you some killer cleans IMO.

R2 is the odd channel for me. Some days I swear I have it figured out, others I'm ready to get it modded to tame the bass.

Either say, considering I like most of you live on the lead channel, I haven't found a V that has made me want to part with the IV. And +1 on the EQ not being the same.

And lastly, my Mark IV b shorthead fits perfectly on my Recto 1x12. Can't screw with that
I really like channel 2 on the V and of course the clean channel is great on the V as well but I don't think the V clean "kills" the IV clean. I always thought the IV had great cleans. But I do GAS for the V from time to time. I almost traded my Axe Ultra for one but backed out at the last minute.
Well here's an interesting twist. While I was waiting for my MKIV combo to arrive the person I sold my original IV to offered to trade it back to me for my Stiletto. So now I have my baby back. The combo is already sold and #3001 is sitting atop it's rightfull throne again.


What do you think of that Electradyne compared to the IV and V? How long have you had it? Will it stand the test of time?

that's great that you were able to get it back.
I love my IVa :D such a great amp
chipaudette said:

What do you think of that Electradyne compared to the IV and V? How long have you had it? Will it stand the test of time?


The ED is a very different beast then the Mark IV.

Mark series amps have an overdrive that is recognizably mark series. Just like Rectos have a distortion that is recognizably Recto.

With the ElectraDyne. think JCM800 with more gain and recto low end. I say JCM 800 because that is the "style" of overdrive it has, but it is still different. And while I say it has the recto low end, if you want that Recto nastiness you would probably need a pedal for that. It won't do the recto growl on it's own. But never the less even with all that low end it is VERY tight. Not quite mark IV tight but oh so close. The Mark IV is also has a more compressed tone then the ED. I don't say compressed in a bad way, just different.

Between the Mark IV and the ED I can't say I like one more then the other. But in all honesty, I actually play the ED a little more then I do the Mark IV. For the style of music I play I gravitate a little more to the ED.

But trust me. Neither amp is collecting dust. I jam on my Mark IV almost every day.

As far as compared to the Mark V, it is kind of funny because at my Guitar Center I had the oportunity to A/B an ED combo sitting right next to a Mark V combo. Versatility, no contest the Mark V kills it (as does the Mark IV). Tone wise though the mark V sounded thin next to the ED. The Mark V EQ doesn't seem to have as much of an impact on the tone the way the Mark IV EQ does.

As far as will it stand the test of time. If your asking do I think it will become the classic that the mark series and recto series amps have, I would say no. But not because of the tone. It kills!

First off typically (yes there are definitely exceptions), your classic amps have at least somewhat cool sounding names
Dual rectifier
Mark (anything)
Mesa would have had to work really hard to come up with a name lamer then the Electra Dyne.

Secondly, in this day and age, single channel amps are very rare. And while the ED is not a single channel amp in the same way the JCM 800 was (you actually have 3 modes on the ED where the JCM 800 2203 and 2204 was one channel period) you still have the shared controls. This will undoubtedly turn a lot of people away.

Lastly it was released the same time as the Mark V. Nothing else Mesa was ever going to release the same time as the Mark V had a shot in hell at getting out of the Mark V's shadow unless it had the word Rectifier in it's title. Even then maybe not.

But for me, I love it. Put it to you this way. I gave up a Road King combo and 200$ to get the it and still say I got the better end of that deal.
Man, great reply about the Electra Dyne. Thanks so much. Your last comment...about the Road a very strong statement in the Electra Dyne's favor. Wow.

Thanks for taking the time. I appreciate it.

I love my Mark IV. Mine is a Rev A and I am looking for a Rev B wide body to run dual heads.

I have shortened up my gig rig for easier portability. I still have my BadCat 4x12 but I am really loving this 2x12


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