Mark IV Head vs Lonestar Classic Head

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Well-known member
Jul 21, 2009
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I've got a lonestar classic head that I love. I've been eyeing up a Mark IV for a while now. I mainly play light overdrive, Kings of Leon, SRV kind of tones. I used to play a ton of metal and miss it since getting the lonestar. In my band I never play metal so I figured I'd get something suited towards the music we play. It would be sweet to have a 3rd really high gain channel and I know the Mark IV kills it in that respect. I really like having a nice clean channel though. Anyone know how Ch.1 and Ch.2 of the Mark IV stack up to the lonestar's 1st and 2nd channels? I would be buying the Mark IV online and won't have an opportunity to play it first. The only video I've seen of good clean/medium breakup is this one:

they are different amps for sure..but rhythm 1 on the IV is described in the manual as fenderesque...cable of those chimey cleans with that kinda pop..warm darker tones are available as well, which is how i kinda run it...rhythm 2 can go from great cleans, to broken up cleans, crunch channel or a second lead channel for solos...both channels very versatile but especially the 2nd one..3rd speaks for itself.
I think you will be well covered in the clean department. The Mark IV has a very versitile clean channel. The Mark IV's R2 and Lead channel can deliver nearly any Rock to Metal tone.

The area where these two diverge is the lead and bluesy tones. The Lonestar is lower gain with a smoother and warmer lead tone, less fiz and not so mid-centric. Much more geared to Blues and Country than the Mark.

If you haven't played a Mark before, you might want to hang on to your Lonestar and A/B them before your decide. Marks are very different animals than a Lonestar. If you get one from ebay you can always put it back out there if you aren't happy.

You might want to check out he Electrodyne too. I haven't had a chance to try one yet, but I understand they do a good job of covering the middle ground between the Mark and Lonestar.
Yeah, the Mark IV sounds like it has a great clean channel. I'm sure it's very different than the Lonestar, but if I could get the clean/od tones I'm going for out of the Mark IV AND have a killer distortion channel on top of that, then I might just go for the Mark IV. If the amp goes for the right price maybe I'll just pick it up and A/B the two like you said. Sell it if I don't like it for some reason. Or who knows, maybe I'll just have two amps! haha (not that I can afford it) Thanks for the input.

zwish said:
Yeah, the Mark IV sounds like it has a great clean channel. I'm sure it's very different than the Lonestar, but if I could get the clean/od tones I'm going for out of the Mark IV AND have a killer distortion channel on top of that, then I might just go for the Mark IV. If the amp goes for the right price maybe I'll just pick it up and A/B the two like you said. Sell it if I don't like it for some reason. Or who knows, maybe I'll just have two amps! haha (not that I can afford it) Thanks for the input.


I'm right there with you on the Lonestar vs. Mark IV thing. I've been itching to pickup an LS or a Maverick (I really want a Mav short head). I love the way they sound. I just have a tough time justifying two expensive amps. I can't part with my Mark IV. I sold my Mark IV a few years ago and I was unhappy with every other amp I tried. I finally just bought another one.
I completely agree with fronzil.

Before I got my mk4 I read tons of posts on how the clean and crunch channels were useless. I thought it's ok since I was mainly after the lead sound. Now I know what a bunch of horseshit these posts were, I love all three equally and in my opinion the mk4 is probably the best bang for the buck so to speak. Shimmering cleans on ch 1, slight blues breakup to massive marshally crunch and even a very nice tame lead sound on ch2. Well we all know the infamous ch 3. I rarely go to the music shops anymore after getting my mk4 and they miss me :lol: I used to spend hours there, discussing amps and trying out various equipment. I have no need for that now, I'm at peace with the universe thanks to the MK4.
Geiri said:
Before I got my mk4 I read tons of posts on how the clean and crunch channels were useless.

That's kind of the state that I'm in at the moment. It's tricky with the whole youtube demo thing because 99% of the videos are metal. I love metal as much as the next guy, hell, my favorite band is a french metal band (Gojira), I just don't play that stuff with my band. We have a bunch of originals but cover everything from Norah Jones/Radiohead/Joe Pass/Zeppelin/John Mayer/Alice in Chains, you get the idea. I love my lonestar but I would be thrilled if I liked all the channels on the Mark IV enough to sell the lonestar and have only one head. I may be pretty spoiled by the lonestar cleans though haha.
If cleans are more important to you I'd keep the Lonestar honestly.

Or you could get a Mark V :D Then you'd have lonestar cleans, mark third channel, altogether improved second channel.

I like the IV clean, but it's not as pretty as the V or the LSC to my ears.

The second channel on the IV has sounded different on different IVs I've played.
zwish said:
Geiri said:
Before I got my mk4 I read tons of posts on how the clean and crunch channels were useless.

That's kind of the state that I'm in at the moment. It's tricky with the whole youtube demo thing because 99% of the videos are metal. I love metal as much as the next guy, hell, my favorite band is a french metal band (Gojira), I just don't play that stuff with my band. We have a bunch of originals but cover everything from Norah Jones/Radiohead/Joe Pass/Zeppelin/John Mayer/Alice in Chains, you get the idea. I love my lonestar but I would be thrilled if I liked all the channels on the Mark IV enough to sell the lonestar and have only one head. I may be pretty spoiled by the lonestar cleans though haha.

dude if you're looking to play stuff like chains, zeppelin, radiohead, gojira...get the IV. now...based on those bands, im assuming your tastes are in that general range...and in my opinion, that would make the IV a great choice for you.

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