Mark IV Extra jack?

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Oct 2, 2008
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Hi - I have a Mark IV A, 1991, and I've been having problems with it. In the course of changing tubes around I noticed a 1/4" phone jack just under the loop select switch, on the underside of the chassis. I cannot find this jack on any manuals or schematics I have been able to find. Anyone know what it is for? Is it supposed to be there? I am wondering if it could have been added when I had some repair work done several years ago - for whatever reason I either never noticed it or forgot about it.

Actually I am going to ask a question about the problems I am having too, in a separate post.

I read your other post and I would say you should just take it to tech. While he's looking into your other issue ask him about the jack...
Thanks Kiff. I think my best bet is to call the tech tomorrow. Just was hoping someone might have had the same issue and fixed it [not wishing repair costs on anyone, hehe]

So I guess that means the jack is definitely not stock, right?
Hmm. I just looked closer at the has two wires, brown and red, and they terminate on the circuit board in the corner, marked "BN" and "RD". So maybe it is stock. Weird - I have no idea what this jack is for
i know what it is!

It's your eq remote for a simlu satilite. it will turn your s s 's eq on and off in time with your mk 4's.
That jack is on all the Mark IVa's. It allows you to toggle the graphic EQ's on both the Mark IV and a Boogie Satelite amp at the same time in a stereo setup.
thanks guys! That does make sense, and removes one more variable from my troubleshooting.

Kinda explains why I couldn't find it in the manual...the manual with the pictures is for the B, which has a different loop/satellite sections. My manual is the typewritten one

Really appreciate the quick replies to my question

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