Mark IV A vs. Mark IV B

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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2007
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Title pretty much says it all... I am particularly wondering about the differences tone wise, if there is any?
Devon8822 said:
Title pretty much says it all... I am particularly wondering about the differences tone wise, if there is any?

from what I read the only difference is that the B's lead is a little more darker and that the r2 channel has more gain. Those are the only differences in the tone wise
I recall some ppl saying that the reverb is a little sweeter on the A's...
I've owned both and currently have the B version. I personally don't see a big difference but I'm sure if you set them up side by side you would probably find you had to set the amps up differently to get the same sound.
This has been covered several times on here but.... i've owned both and can't say there is a difference between the two that I could hear. I actually had the opportunity to hear one and then IMMEDIATELY swap the head out for the other and could hear no difference still...
I had several Bs and one A. Did an A/B test between both with the last 2 i had. Tonewise, the B is darker and a little "thicker" sounding. The A is a little more raw sounding and open. Channel 2 has more gain on the B version while the A version had a rounder clean and a better sounding reverb (i swapped the tubes in both amps to test this, however, it coulda been the particular amps).

The differences are small like everyone says so if you never played both versions, you wouldn't even notice. I kept the A because i had Bs for so long that the change was definately cool. Sold it recently after getting my roadster, however, if i was to buy a mark again, i would get the B because i like heavier tones.

No matter which one you get, make sure you get an oversized cab to go with it!
I've never ever noticed the difference - next to each other, the differences are like that between, say, two Strats of the same year - they're going to sound ever so slightly different because they're two different pieces of wood, but as far as big, noticeable differences? I have to say, I've never heard any.

Any tonal differences could be eliminated through EQ anyway. They're both fantastic amps.

The only difference I have heard was in a pre-prod prototype IV-A I played once, but that's to be expected.
As said I agree the tonal differences are subtle yet still noticable. I prefer the A mainly for one big reason: V3 and V4 are not shared for lead and reverb as on the B and so I can use what ever tube I want for my personal preferences on the lead channel without affecting the reverb. I can also do the same for the reverb using a good bright vintage 12AT7 that would sound fizzy on the lead channel. I've also never had any use for the satellite send and stereo loop hardware on the B whereas the A allows me to set up two seperate loops. I'm a long time MkIII player and the A maintains a little more of that character which I'm so used to. That said I've got nothing against the B and wouldn't mind if I had a couple sitting around the house. The greatest most versatile amps ever built. My .02 cents anyway.
Restless Rocks said:
As said I agree the tonal differences are subtle yet still noticable. I prefer the A mainly for one big reason: V3 and V4 are not shared for lead and reverb as on the B and so I can use what ever tube I want for my personal preferences on the lead channel without affecting the reverb. I can also do the same for the reverb using a good bright vintage 12AT7 that would sound fizzy on the lead channel. I've also never had any use for the satellite send and stereo loop hardware on the B whereas the A allows me to set up two seperate loops. I'm a long time MkIII player and the A maintains a little more of that character which I'm so used to. That said I've got nothing against the B and wouldn't mind if I had a couple sitting around the house. The greatest most versatile amps ever built. My .02 cents anyway.

The part about V3 and V4 sharing the lead and reverb- is that the whole reason why my reverb distorts my lead channel so badly on my MKIVb?
I have a '93 Mark IVa Short Head with EVM12L Thiele and a 2007 Mark IVb Short Combo also with EVM12L. They are so similar that I would defy anyone to tell the difference in a blind test.
i've owned at least 6 mark IV's. mostly b's, but at least 2 a's, including the one i have now.
i can tell you, that i'm a firm believer that they are two very different amps.
especially the one i have now.
i don't know if its because its a first year, and the serial number is very low (1108), but the difference is night and day between that, and my newer 2006 mark IV that i ended up selling because i like the old one better.
maybe there are more than just 3 versions of the mark IV out there (a, b, and b w/o hard wird power cable). my IVa is far darker on the lead channel than any other mark IV i've ever had. its not a matter of tubes either. i took every tube i had in my B and put them in my A before i sold it. its a more open and raw amp, as many have said, but i find it to be more c+ like than even a mark III on the lead channel. its got that ballsy thick low end c+'s have without the over brightness III's tend to have.
also when you footswitch between channels, they sort of fade into each other, instead of in instant switching like on later mark IV's.

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