Mark III stripe variation questions

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Sep 5, 2006
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Hello all, n00b on these forums.

Been looking into a Mesa Mark III since one popped up used in a local store near my house. Always liked the Mark IV's, but I prefer simpler amps generally, and the Mark III seemed a perfect compromise between # of knobs and versatility for me. I'm in the process of building a 1969 Marshall Plexi replica, and really want to take my time with it... so I need an amp to gig/jam with in the meantime (and keep as something different to my Marshall clone).

I've done the research and know the basic differences between the 5 variations of Mark III models. I'm just curious as to exactly how different they are audibly. I got to play a black dot version at my store, and really liked the clean tone with a fender strat, and also the lead tone cranked was very nice: different than what I'm used to, but very nice still. I was wondering a few things:

First, how much different are the various models really?

Second, I really liked the clean tone of the Mark III that I played, but also would like one of the models voiced towards the IIC+ lead sound. I know the red stripe has the IIC+ lead channel voicing, but the blue stripe has the lead voicing and the power stage tweaked towards the IIC+ tone. Unfortunately, I've read the blue stripe has less clean headroom on the clean channel than other models. I've read that the green stripe has a very clean R1 and simulclass options, but that the lead was "tweaked further". Is the green stripe another tweak TOWARDS the IIC+ tone, or AWAY FROM the IIC+? If it is towards, than a green stripe is probably what I'm looking for, assuming there are very noticable differences between models of this amp.

Thanks for any help you all could give me.
I don't take credit for this info, I found it on a website and saved it to my computer.

In order, the stripes were:

None or Black Stripe
Purple Stripe
Red Stripe
Blue Stripe
Green Stripe

As with all things MESA, what these various stages represent are a matter of opinion with respect of the sound character. Don't let anyone pass on a bunch of bullshit about one being better than the other. They represent snapshots in time of the development of an amplifier line. If the amplifier gets you the tone you want, the jiffy marker is nothing more than a mark of its vintage. Much anxiety is generated in the Mark III group by this extensive evolution, much because of misinformation about what these stripes represent.

#1 - No mark or a little dot. Only a few hundred then some balck marks or "+"'s .

- Lean and powerful amp with more output power than a IIC+

#2 - Purple: reshaping of R2

- R2 was shaped to be more "rounded" and less gain, with improved level

#3 - Red: R2 is like current Mark III

- R2 further developed and very hot. Lead mode is also tweaked to close in on the IIC+ sound

#4 - Blue: Reshaping of R1

- More aggressive preamp gain - reshaping of R1, Power section made akin to IIC+

#5 - Green/Simul-Class: Final R1 and Lead Channel reshaping

- Cleaner R1, Lead channel reshaping, and unlike other Simul amps, these Mark III's were wired in Pentode - NOT triode in the Class A sockets for more power. Power section is same as Blue otherwise.

So there you have it, the story of the dot series. More legend than reality, they are all great amps, just find the one that is right for you. I hope that you find this helpful.

That is what I did read. My question is whether or not there is a BIG difference between the models or a hardly noticeable one. I guess I'll need some people to chime in with personal experience.

Also, the big ? here is what the "Lead channel reshaping" on the green stripe model entails: towards the IIC+ like on the changes made for the red and blue stripes, or away from the IIC+. The Simulclass option isn't a must-have for me, but good cleans / smooth buttery leads is.
Which of the stripes do you guys prefer? Mine is a green so the EL34s are not wired triode, I'm thinking of modding it to the earlier stripe triode version.
Boogiebabies said:
The Green stripe seems to be the most like the C+. It's smooth and powerful and has a big natural bottom end without a shrill top end.
I dont necessarily believe that all green stripes were wired in pentode.
I could swear mine is wired in triode. It also has the MK IV 562004 OT as the stock OT, not the 562003 from older MK III's and was an exact copy of the SC 152019B from the C+.

In retrospect, the MK III is like Mesa's SLO 100. It used almost entirely metal film resistors. It is probably the Mesa with the tightest tolerances we will ever see. You will need a good ear to discern the tonal variations of the stripes. IMO, I just found older MK III's to be on the bright and harsh side.

Thank you! That's exactly what I was looking to hear, and also confirms my impressions of the one I tried (one of the first black stripe or dots). I thought the gain was a little too harsh on the bright side for me and I couldnt really dial it out.

So I guess a green stripe is the way to go, and I'll think about modding it further to IIC+ specs once I finish my plexi clone. Thanks for the help!
Boogiebabies said:
The Green stripe seems to be the most like the C+. It's smooth and powerful and has a big natural bottom end without a shrill top end.
I dont necessarily believe that all green stripes were wired in pentode.
I could swear mine is wired in triode. It also has the MK IV 562004 OT as the stock OT, not the 562003 from older MK III's and was an exact copy of the SC 152019B from the C+.

In retrospect, the MK III is like Mesa's SLO 100. It used almost entirely metal film resistors. It is probably the Mesa with the tightest tolerances we will ever see. You will need a good ear to discern the tonal variations of the stripes. IMO, I just found older MK III's to be on the bright and harsh side.
Of what I heard, it the blue stripe that seems to be most like the IIC+ maybe I am wrong...
Boogiebabies said:
Uhh, the list below my posts is not a wish list. I am looking at them all as I type. :D

I found the blue and red stripe to be harsh as well.
I have A/B them all against the IIC+'s I have and I also have a forum members IIC+ that I am cleaning up a working on a modification.
Even with old Mesa Chinese tubes the green stripe IMO is the smoothest.
It can also be a beast depending on how you dial it in.
My current rig is a 1992 DR spilt out with a TC SCF then out in stereo to the MK III. It's brutal, yet has a sweet girth.
:oops: boogiebabies you are the man, really.
Boogiebabies said:
I also have a forum members IIC+ that I am cleaning up a working on a modification.

Can you tell me what this forum is?
Thanks and regards