Mark III schematic Q re R2 switching

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Nov 28, 2011
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The Mk iii schematic on the web is not so legible and I'd rather not sign up for the free/pay file downloader in the Mk iii schematic thread, so...

Coming off of V1B, I think it's a .047uF and 100K to ground, 3.3M and 20pF in parallel with each other in series with the signal, and 390K and 47pF to ground. The relay coil switches another 3.3M and 150pF which parallel the other 3.3M. Is that all correct? The other part of the relay coil switches the 390K/47pF in and out of the circuit, and when it's out, switches on an LED, correct?
This depends entirely on which stripe mkIII you have. The published schematic is the original nostripe/blackdot design. The circuit board was changed in the purple stripe and each stripe after has it's own particular R2 version.
The values on my blue stripe schematic are different.

Also, I need to open my chassis up and confirm because my schematic is George's simulclass/GEQ schem, and mine is a 60/non-EQ. I can channel clone my clean to R2 and my R2 to lead with maxed Volume 1.
What are the parts values on the more gain-y versions of the R2 channel?

I don't actually have a Mark III, I'm sticking an R1-R2 or a Fender-Marshall switch in the clean channel of my DC-5. One pole of the switch will add an R/C in parallel with the 3.3M/small cap, and I'm debating what to do with the other pole of the switch. Also considering parts values for paralleling the 3.3M for more signal into the third gain stage. I figured the Mark III was a good place to start looking for that stuff, since it's a cousin of the DC's.

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